View Full Version : *See Cat Memorial*

04-02-2007, 09:48 AM
Mike took her from the clinic back to Dr. B. She is going to slowly wean Bailey off the valium since she hasn't had any seizures in the last 24 hrs. If she has seizures again, she feels that it's time to let Bailey go. Mike fell apart; showed up at my house early this morning. (I missed work yet again.) He said that he doesn't have the strength emotionally or physically to help Bailey to the RB. I was understanding yet stern w/him and said that he needs to stand up on his hind legs and be w/her when/if she crosses over. He insists he can't do it. I reminded him that he did it twice before w/his other 2 labs but he said that they were sudden and unexpected deaths and this has dragged on for 2 weeks. I told him that was his choice and he keeps insisting he can't do it. So I called Dr. B and said that if it should come to Bailey needing to be pts, that she is to call me and that I would be w/her. I'm sorry to rant like this but now I'm angry. I've been ill for nearly a week, I've missed 5 days of work because of this situation and now he can't do what needs to be done? Bailey is worth all the effort, to be sure, but he wasn't there for me when I went through all the scary times w/Puddy and I didn't expect him to be. I handled it. I can't stand the thought of Bailey being w/people she doesn't know when it's her time. :mad: :(

04-02-2007, 01:17 PM
Mary, you know this better than me. But lots of pet owners have had to go through long lingering illnesses with their pets, with PTS being the result.

Not everyone can be with their pets at the actual event. But at least he could take her in, even give her a sedative pill...if she even is conscious or aware at that point.

But this is ONLY if the seizures come back.

I just want to smack this guy right off his pity pot! I sound harsh, but he is suffering no more or worse than many many pet owners.

And he says he loves her? Maybe he should think about being with her then - and what it will do for her, not TO him.

vent over

04-03-2007, 11:33 AM
:( Well Mary I am sorry for you caught in the middle of this.. I have to say this = why in the Hell did this guy get another Lab after knowing he had laid to rest 2 others.. So now he doesnt want to be responsable of being with this baby at her time of need.. This is part of being a parent.. Let me guess this baby will be laid to rest & he will get over it && be right out there for another Lab.. Grrr.. Now for you Mary I have the upmost Respect for.. You are doing the emotional times with this baby.. Yes Please be with this wittle one in her time of need & help her cross over.. Keep up posted ok.. We will be there for you & this wittle baby .. Sorry you have had to miss so much work..

04-03-2007, 11:41 AM
Yes, today is probably the day for Bailey girl. I haven't heard from the vet yet, though. I've lost respect for Mike through this ordeal. He didn't like the way I talked to him but that's just too bad. It isn't about him. It's about Bailey. I will keep you posted.

04-03-2007, 02:18 PM
Mary, too bad if Michael is so thinned skinned that he does not realize that waht you said is right!!! But, please know that prayers are still coming for Bailey...(((((hugs)))) to you! Your heart is in the right place!!! Sandra

04-03-2007, 07:10 PM
She has been off the valium for a couple of days now, still on the antibiotic and phenolbarbitol. Today she stood up and ate out of the vet tech's hand, she got up and peed by herself, too. Dr. B feels encouraged and she said that she feels Mike should wait. She's hoping it's encephalitis and not a brain tumor and it appears that may be the case. Sigh. Poor li'l Bailey. She's been through so much. We here at PT have seen miracles occur every day, so let's keep up the prayers that Bailey comes through this. Mike wanted my help transporting her back and forth from the clinic to the vet's and back but I declined. I'm trying to catch up on my work but I won't let Bailey down. He has other people to help him so he can rely on them and let me do what I need to do as well.

Thanx for listening to my rants. This situation has really taken its toll but Bailey is the one who has put up w/the most, bless her.

04-03-2007, 07:13 PM
Wonderful, hopeful news!

Good for you for declining Mike's requests...if he has other friends, they would welcome a chance to help him out, I am sure.

PT Prayers for Bailey and for YOU Mary!

(PS any uppydates on the formerly terrified little kitty you have? I'll watch for an update in Cat General - when you get caught up on everything else!) :)

04-03-2007, 07:14 PM
I have to admit, whenI read your posts, I thought why isn't Bailey on phenobarb. I may have missed it, but it is good to read that Bailey is up, ate, and peed!!! Prayers still en route for Bailey....

04-03-2007, 07:15 PM
Um, formerly terrified little kitty? Are you sure you mean me?

04-03-2007, 07:20 PM
OOPS - Sorry....that was Jenn....silly me! :)

04-03-2007, 07:22 PM
:p Nope. 'Tweren't me. :p Now I don't feel so bad when I get people mixed up.

04-03-2007, 08:56 PM
Prayers and healing thoughts and wishes for dear Bailey from us.

Bless you, Mary, for all you have done for this sweet dog.

Hugs and cuddles for you both,
Pat, Peony, Poppy, Priscilla, Elmer, and Sydney

04-04-2007, 09:39 AM
Mike called me this morning. He apparently is transporting Bailey back and forth from his vet to the emergency clinic where the specialists are. This is her third day w/out seizures and she seems to be getting stronger. She's still pretty much out of it, though. But she's eating and her peeing is under control now; she goes on her own w/out accidents. The vet feels that she probably does, indeed, have encephalitis. It's nothing definite but it appears to be leaning in that direction. Let's hope so. (Jeez, can you imagine? I'm actually hoping that Bailey has a serious illness! But if it's a brain tumor, then we know what's next, which is why I'm hoping it's encephalitis.) When I hear more, I'll post. Thanx, friends, for all your prayers but keep 'em comin'.

04-04-2007, 09:51 AM
:( Oh my Encephalitis.. Thats serious.. What can they do for that?? Sounds good Bailey is getting stronger & eating & peeing.. Great that there has been no seizures for 3 days.. Hopfully the Vet can get this illness under Med controll.. Prayers & Huggss being sent.. Keep us posted..

04-04-2007, 09:56 AM
Since I'm getting the info second hand, I'm not clear on the details. But encephalitis is curable. She's on antibiotics, as I mentioned, and phenolbarbitol to keep the seizures under control. But it won't be an easy road for her back to health. But it's better than a brain tumor because she'd have to be PTS.

04-04-2007, 06:34 PM
I spoke to Mike briefly this morning and it's been 3 days now without seizures. Bailey gets up and walks around in her cage a little, eats, drinks water, etc. and no pee accidents. Then she goes back to sleep. The vets at the emergency clinic and his regular vet both feel encouraged and think that it's more than likely encephalitis and not a brain tumor. He may be able to bring her home in a day or two if she continues w/out seizures. But I feel that he should leave her there for a while if he can financially swing it because he's got to get back to work and he certainly can't leave her as soon as he gets her home. Thank you so much for your concern and powerful prayers. I'll continue to keep you posted.

04-04-2007, 06:51 PM
Finger still crossed...not QUITE as tightly...sounds good so far.

Dear little Bailey has been through the most of it!

More hugs and prayers!

Does Mike seem a tad more reasonable since Bailey started improving? I don't condone his behaviour, really - but stress this prolonged and awful can really bring out things in people.

The tough love from you was just what he needed, IMO.


04-04-2007, 06:56 PM
Well, I've known Mike long enough to know that if Bailey were to take a turn for the worse, God forbid, he'd go back to 'I just can't do it'. He's basically a good person at his core but his 'hide-my-head-in-the-sand' mentality doesn't do Bailey any good. When I stop being mad at him, I'll ask him if he still feels the same way. Bailey deserves better.