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03-30-2007, 05:26 PM
Well, just to let you all know, Jupiter is doing great and yes I will post pics when Jas gets home, he is a love bug and for some reason actually likes Goofball.

The foster macaws are great and the one ready to go had an interview today, I actually liked the couple that came out. She wasn't too sure about them yet, but I think she has been listening to my birds(all telling her that life here is grand if you just bite anyone else that tries to touch you Mom will keep you)

Io is at the vet and will be for a few more days he has a pretty bad infection and is on IVs. Antibiotics and charming the techs into volunteering to take him home at night :rolleyes:

The Lory (now named Shrek) is a Turd bird, he is wonderful and adorable and has now taught the kittens that turn about is fair play :eek: He goes down while on his playpen and bites their tails while they are napping ( I am sure it is retribution for them batting his cage when he is sleeping! and yes they are ALWAYS supervised )

My grandaughters surgery went well, and we are glad that she will lose only one eye. Her doc say that as she grows new glass (they are actually plastic now) can be fitted! She will have limited sight in the other, but she will survive this, and that is what is important.

My oldest daughter and her hubby and kids are here for a day or so, on their way to visit her inlaws in Chicago.

My roof still isn't fixed as they said it was and I no longer have a fan in the ceiling that works lol, but they will be out on Saturday to re repair the roof.

I have been able to make sorta friends with 4 of the 6 adorable furries that Penny has here with us, and that makes me hopeful, I really feel bad that still her guy (Angel) won't leave the bathroom, I feel like the worlds worst cat aunt right now.

The 2 cockatoos that were rescued did not make it their injuries were too severe and the secondary infections were too much on them.

Sequoia has lost 5 pounds and is doing really really good the thinner she gets! Rusty is still a dork, and wants to mother Jupiter, but he found out that cats have claws, he is not sure what to do about that..............

I think that is all, if I missed anything just ask!!!

03-30-2007, 08:19 PM
So glad to hear the family is doing well Kym!

Hugs :)

03-30-2007, 08:22 PM
thanks Syd, as it stands right now Domino will be staying with my sis, I just do not have the time, and I hate to admit it, wont have what she needs here. :(

Prairie Purrs
03-30-2007, 09:30 PM
I am awestruck by your ability to multitask! And you're quite an amazing cat aunt to have coaxed any of my felines out of hiding. I somehow ended up with a cluster of very shy cats.

03-31-2007, 06:51 AM
When I saw your post...I thought it might include something about your husband's son...weren't you in a dire custody issue last summer over it? I might have missed the update, so, sorry if I am asking that which has already been posted!! What ever happened to that situation?

03-31-2007, 07:49 AM
Good for Shrek, to provide you with some comic relief, he he!

Sorry to hear the cockatoos didn't make it. That must have been a sad
day(s) for you

Sequoia and Rusty - dogs? Cats? I'm not sure.

And I thought MY household was hectic. Good for you!