View Full Version : Getting a little out of hand!!

critter crazy
03-30-2007, 04:16 PM
Rocky and Duke are just driving me insane!! They dont play with eachother any more, they just ...ummmm....do the deed to each other!! :o all day long, everyday!!! I am getting seriously grossed out!! It is mostly rocky, as he seems to be the best at it!:rolleyes: He always goes for dukes head, and duke just lets him, and bites at his..umm...thing!! I swear if I didnt know an better I would think they were "Confused". :p

I know it is primarily a Dominant issue, but my goodness, how ong is this gonna go on??? Try explaining this to a 7yr old on a daily basis!! Especially what the thing that comes out is!!:o :eek:

03-30-2007, 04:36 PM
ROFL....... sorry I just had to.......

I wish I had an easy answer to that, I bet itīs pretty much frustrating...... wouldnīt want to bein your position (or any of the pooches for that matter LOL)

03-30-2007, 06:59 PM
Are they both neutered? Since it's spring there may be a female dog in the neighborhood that's in heat and triggering their hormones. Another possibility is that one of them has a full anal gland. This will often confuse the issue too!

You might try seperating them for awhile. If they whine and and make a fuss while trying to get back together; you can be pretty doggoned sure it's either hormones or the anal gland. :eek:

If it's dominance, (which I doubt) they'll work it out before too long.

critter crazy
03-30-2007, 07:08 PM
Are they both neutered? Since it's spring there may be a female dog in the neighborhood that's in heat and triggering their hormones. Another possibility is that one of them has a full anal gland. This will often confuse the issue too!

You might try seperating them for awhile. If they whine and and make a fuss while trying to get back together; you can be pretty doggoned sure it's either hormones or the anal gland. :eek:

If it's dominance, (which I doubt) they'll work it out before too long.
They are both Neutered. They usually go out seperately, and when Rocky is out, Duke will whine. When duke is out, Rocky could care less. But Duke also has Seperation Anxiety, so not sure if that is why he whines. But Duke is also known as a pretty good Whiner, as It dosent take much to get him to Whine!:rolleyes:

There are no unfixed females around that I know of, but the neighbors just recently adopted a female dog, and she comes over all the time, and torments the dogs trough the fence, but she is fixed, or so the owners say.

03-30-2007, 07:57 PM
LOL..funniest thing I've read in a long while. Don't know the cause but I've seen two females do this. Tell the kids the dogs are trying to play leap frog but aren't very good at it. Wouldn't know how to explain "the thing" though lol.

critter crazy
03-30-2007, 08:27 PM
LOL..funniest thing I've read in a long while. Don't know the cause but I've seen two females do this. Tell the kids the dogs are trying to play leap frog but aren't very good at it. Wouldn't know how to explain "the thing" though lol.Yeah I know it is pretty funny!! But geesh! enough already!! A firend told me that she always told her kids that the "thing" was the dogs Lipstick, but I think that explanation would go bad very quickly!!:eek: :p

04-03-2007, 08:08 AM
Yeah, I don't think telling the kids that "that" is the dogs lipstick would make it any better in the long run! But they'll never want to wear make up! :o (if you have girls)

That would be like my nephew, the first time he pooped on the potty he turned and asked my sister "Who put the pinecone in the potty" So from then on thats what he says. "I have to make a pinecone"
Then this past weekend we were outside in the yard and my dad tried to get him to come out in the yard and pick up a bunch of pinecones up off the ground. He didn't want anything to do with grampa after that! !LOL!

critter crazy
04-03-2007, 08:12 AM
Yeah, I don't think telling the kids that "that" is the dogs lipstick would make it any better in the long run! But they'll never want to wear make up! :o (if you have girls)

That would be like my nephew, the first time he pooped on the potty he turned and asked my sister "Who put the pinecone in the potty" So from then on thats what he says. "I have to make a pinecone"
Then this past weekend we were outside in the yard and my dad tried to get him to come out in the yard and pick up a bunch of pinecones up off the ground. He didn't want anything to do with grampa after that! !LOL!OMG!!!! That has to be the funniest thing I have ever Heard!! ROFLMAO!!!:D :D

04-09-2007, 10:16 AM
Oh I know... I just taught . :)

critter crazy
04-09-2007, 10:31 AM
Oh I know... I just taught . :) What??:confused:

04-17-2007, 04:13 PM
i think she is saying she knows what ya mean but she taught the thing she taught! IDK lol

04-17-2007, 04:28 PM
why not just tell them the truth?

the pink thing is the doggy penis, he is trying to put it in the female dogs vagina so that they can make puppies.

they are going to find out eventually, then they will wonder why you lied and always question your credibility.

04-17-2007, 04:33 PM

04-17-2007, 05:08 PM
that was just a general observation, not really directed at anyone in particular, but i always wonder why parents go to great lengths to make up stories with difficult topics like this. (Shrugs)

critter crazy
04-17-2007, 05:47 PM
why not just tell them the truth?

the pink thing is the doggy penis, he is trying to put it in the female dogs vagina so that they can make puppies.

they are going to find out eventually, then they will wonder why you lied and always question your credibility.Kind of hard to tell the kids tht the dog is putting his penis in the other dogs vagina, when they are two male dogs! Besides I have already explained it to the kids. This has been going on for quite some time now. We were all just joking about it.

04-19-2007, 01:16 AM
ROFLMAO!! Thanks for entertaining me so early in the morning.

Pawsitive Thinking
04-19-2007, 10:04 AM
Bromide in their water???


04-20-2007, 03:23 PM
Put "elizibethan" collars on them and blow up a bunch of those long thin balloons and make them wear tu tu's around their waists. you could even hire one of those birthday clowns that twist the balloons in diff. shapes to make it interesting... HA :D