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View Full Version : Quiet Spot tag silencer--Free shipping

03-30-2007, 12:30 PM
Hey I just thought I'd let you guys know about this. I have used a quiet spot tag silencer on Nebo for years. Not really to silence the tags, but to stop the tags from staining his white fur. It also keeps the tags in good condition, they don't wear out nearly as fast. They stay on really well, can hold multiple tags, you leave them on 24/7, they can get wet, etc. and its fine. I can't find them at any local stores (except strut your mutt, but that event isnt until may and I wanted one for Keva now) so I've been looking around to order them online. Every online store I looked at the shipping was almost as much if not more than the item, though the price is about the same everywhere--$8.

I found this online auction at ebay, did the buy it now, and she let me buy 3 of them for just $8 each and free shipping. Plus some of the proceeds from every sale go to greyhound rescue. Here's a new listing just like the one I did a buy it now on, she said she'd try to keep one up all the time. http://cgi.ebay.com/Pink-Neoprene-Quiet-Spot-Pet-Tag-Silencer-Dog-FREE-SHIP_W0QQitemZ330104457815QQcategoryZ52356QQssPage NameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Or you can order them from her website https://www.shop.greyhoundgreetings.com/splashPage.hg but there is a shipping charge there (not sure how much). I have not received the tags yet, I just ordered yesterday and I have to wait until the echeck through paypal clears before she can ship, I'll bump this up when I get them.

03-30-2007, 12:37 PM
Her "buy it now" price is $8.25. Just curious - did she go up after talking with you, or were you just rounding this to the $8 in your post?

03-30-2007, 01:27 PM
It was $8.25 in the buy it now, but she gave it to me for $8 because I ordered 3, I'm sure it would still be $8.25 for 1.

03-30-2007, 08:47 PM
Cool, I've been wanting to get these because we go through tags a lot from them rubbing together. Although, I love the sound of their tags and I know if they're wandering around the house getting into trouble. :p

04-07-2007, 05:46 PM
Just bumping this up to let everyone know that I received the quiet spots, so it's legitimate. :)

04-09-2007, 11:06 AM
Thanks for the heads up! Kia and Chipper's tags have been getting a lot of wear and tear. I'll look into these. :)

04-09-2007, 03:20 PM
I ordered for Sugar yesterday. Should be arriving soon.

I couldn't figure out the links in the first post here. The link to the auction line is not the same person as the link to the "store." I went to the store of the person with the auction. Her "store" is 72 pages, mostly of dog stuff, and VERY bad for my wallet. :D