View Full Version : Goonie family photo *9 pics*

03-29-2007, 11:31 PM
After trying for a few weeks now I was finally able to get a Goonie group shot that includes the biggest misfit (size wise I mean) of them all...I'm serious about the size, he's almost on par with Winter now and I figure that will only last for a few more days...sigh the little boy is growing up so fast.

Anyhoo on to the pics.

At first Kizmit was having problems finding a place to sit....as Beaker can tell you

the older boys were clearly not impressed, and decided to show him how it's done.

finally he got that if he just sat still all would be good in the world and mom could take the picture.

that is until Winter came to join the fun...by then all he wanted was to play with his plastic bottle, luckily Winter was smart enough to keep it close enough to her that he got in the frame.

more to come...

03-29-2007, 11:33 PM
after the semi succesful photo attempt the older goonies were all kind of tuckered out

after all...

trying to get a puppy to sit still

can be pretty exhausting...

even for mom...

03-29-2007, 11:50 PM
Goonies!! That 2nd to last pic of Beaker sleeping is absolutely adorable, he's the cutest little mini pharoah hound ever, hehe. I also love my boy Smudge, pretty girl Winter, and I'm still stealing Tama. :D Kizmit is getting so big, and so handsome! I'm stealing him too. :p

Hey Kizmit, just for future reference, dogs do *not* make good pillows, they tend to bite when you sit on them. ;)

03-30-2007, 12:14 AM
soooooo CUTE!:)

03-30-2007, 06:05 AM
Your Goonies are all adorable. Cute pics! :D

Daisy and Delilah
03-30-2007, 01:06 PM
What great pictures!! I'm laughing out loud at that first one :D Look at that toothy grin :D They are adorable. I love the way they're all posing. I'm hearing, "Okay, everybody just shut up and look straight at Mom so we can get this nonsense over with." I'm not sure which one is the program director but I think it might be Beaker doing the talking. ;)

Ginger's Mom
03-30-2007, 03:40 PM
Oops, Beaker does not look happy. :D Glad to see they all got settled into a shot. They look great. I really love the sleeping pictures...shhh, so cute.

03-30-2007, 06:26 PM
Lovely pictures, your crew is just way to cute!

03-31-2007, 10:11 AM
omg so cute!!! love the sleeping pics! and holy COW! he is huge!!! what a handsome, handsome boy though!

03-31-2007, 11:33 AM
LOL these are great! In that first one I can almost hear Beaker saying "Get your butt off me!" :D Kizmit is looking awesome. Great to see the Goonie gang again!

03-31-2007, 02:09 PM
LOL! Wonderful pics! so nice to see the goonies -- all at the same time sort of!