View Full Version : Please Pray For Micheal at the Found Cat Hotel GREAT UPDATE!!

03-29-2007, 05:00 PM
As somehow he has contracted a Virus in the Hepes Family.
He has Viralys and Antirobe Aquadrops from the Vets as he had a infected tooth.
The only trouble is that he is angry at me, at least temporarily and I cannot give him his medications.
The Vet told me that as the Other Cats are vacianted theres not much chance of infection, but I have to catch my Orange Friend to give him his medications.
Please pray that Micheal calms down.
I dont want him to die.

03-29-2007, 05:33 PM
Consider many prayers being prayed for sweet Michael. He's such a nice Orangie and important kitty at the Found Cat Hotel.

Hi Michael,
I'm sorry to know that a tooth is giving you ouchies. That must really feel nasty! Please fellow kitty, let your Dad give you your medicine. I understand that you don't like it but you know your Dad would never do something that might hurt you. Let Dad make you feel better so you can come to the big kitty beach party at Long Beach Island this summer. We need you there!

Your friend,

Killearn Kitties
03-29-2007, 05:37 PM
Michael. Listen to me, I am talking to you. I want you to take your medicine like a good boy. Daddy is worried about you and wants you to get better. Open wide, Michael!

Scooter's Mom
03-29-2007, 06:01 PM
Hi Michael, it's your buddy out here in the desert of Arizona, Charlie. I've been pretty mad at mom because she and dad chase me around the house twice a day and then squirt this nasty tasting stuff they say is good for me into my mouth. They say it's going to make me feel better so I have to believe them. I started out with sores at the back of my mouth, and with crystals and bacteria in my urine. They say this gross stuff (they even said they made it taste like chicken, but it don't taste like no chicken I've ever had!) is gonna make those go away. Let your dad give your medicine to you. I've learned that it makes THEM feel better. And in the end, makes US feel better too.

Adios mi amigo,

PS: that's all the Spanish Charlie knows, so hopefully nobody replies with any :)

03-29-2007, 06:01 PM
Its more than a tootache.
He has a URI in the Herpes Family and the Viralys is to help control his sneezing and mucus from getting too bad.
Im not very good at explaining these things.
Has anyone else had experience with this.
A desperate Cat Dad needs advice.
Thank You.

03-29-2007, 06:28 PM
Dearest M.: Cassie wants you to be healthy and strong for the summer beach party! And I do too, because you are precious! Please let your Dad give you the Viralys to help your upper respiratory infection. Thoughts, prayers, crossed paws.

03-29-2007, 06:54 PM
Prayers and candles lit for Michael and you Gary!

Lilly the Grey says that you must allow yur Dad to help you, since she so enjoyed your treats that John Hancock brought her, and she wants you to be able to eat them with no pain also! (she says when she had a URI it was awful! and after biting a few times figured out that she felt better after her Mom and Dad made her take those pills!)

03-29-2007, 07:06 PM
I will be praying for Micheal.

03-29-2007, 07:38 PM
Michael, as a member of the ORANGEMEN(who are know for their fiesty behaviour), please clam down and let your Dad help you to get better, It is no fun to be sick, however, in order to get well, you must take those meds!!! I am hoping that Ralph Syracuse will be at your Dad's side to assist him! Many prayers for Michael and for Gary, too!!!

03-29-2007, 07:40 PM
I will be praying for Michael as well. (((HUGS)))

03-29-2007, 08:35 PM
I think you should put him in the bathroom until he's finished with his meds.
Don't feel bad when he cries to come out or bangs on the door.He needs to stay in there so you can get his medicine in him.
I am praying for your dear Michael.Poor little guy.

03-29-2007, 08:38 PM
big prayers for the very unhappy kitty. gary i don't have any advice, but i think the idea of trapping him in the smallest room you can until he's finished with his meds is a good one.

Laura's Babies
03-29-2007, 09:45 PM
Prayers for him and his Dad. Can you sneak it in a treat or his food or is he to smart to fall for that?

03-29-2007, 09:52 PM
OH Gary, I sure hope Michael chills out for you. It is hard because he does not realize it is for his own good. Good luck, he will be in our thoughts and prayers.

critter crazy
03-29-2007, 09:59 PM
Mocha had the Feline herpes and bad URI when I rescued her, she was Given an Antibiotic shot and was on ammoxicillan 3x a day as well as Lyine tablets, and I also used Eye drops which seemed to help very well.

The Eye drops were Similasan Brand Pink Eye Relief, Homeopathic. Found at your local drug store. I just held Mocha by the nape of her neck, and gave her 2-3 drops per eye, a couple times a day.

Lysine tablets, found at any drug store, crushed up in soft food.
here is a pic of Mocha before

And after.

Good luck gary, prayers for michael!

03-29-2007, 10:17 PM
Poor Michael! How did he get the virus?? Is it something that was maybe latent in his body and has just now come out?? I know the herpes virus can be like that in humans (it stays in the blood and nervous system) and causes cold sores, shingles, and of course herpes and chicken pox. I get cold sores, and I also take L-Lysine when I feel that I am getting one... the tingle on the lip is a give away on that. Do you need some lysine?? I can send you a bottle of that, and some other good stuff for Michael. I have some things that I picked up for Alex to help him get better, get more energy, but he never made it to that point. It's all yours if you would like it!

03-29-2007, 10:37 PM
Poor Michael! How did he get the virus?? Is it something that was maybe latent in his body and has just now come out?? I know the herpes virus can be like that in humans (it stays in the blood and nervous system) and causes cold sores, shingles, and of course herpes and chicken pox. I get cold sores, and I also take L-Lysine when I feel that I am getting one... the tingle on the lip is a give away on that. Do you need some lysine?? I can send you a bottle of that, and some other good stuff for Michael. I have some things that I picked up for Alex to help him get better, get more energy, but he never made it to that point. It's all yours if you would like it!

Sounds like Michael is getting his Viralys, which is Lysine.

Now, the Antirobe drops are quite bitter (I've tasted it) and I always ask for the capsules instead.

Gary, when you have an uncooperative patient, as I have. You have to sit down and say to yourself: Our brains are bigger than yours.

Use deception. Trick him into a confined space, then let him simmer down.

Try to wrap him in a towel and straddle him, to pill him.

My MOST difficult patient is my own Bella. She turns into a giraffe as soon as something starts to happen.

Snowy likes to run away, he's fast, but he's not bright. So, he's easily tricked.

Good luck with Micheal, we'll be singing for you!

03-29-2007, 10:56 PM
Good vibes and thoughts for Michael! :( Please, cooperate Michael, we all want you to feel better! :(

03-30-2007, 12:48 AM
Gary, I'm sorry to hear about Michael.:( I hope that he'll get better soon and start being more cooperative for you. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

03-30-2007, 05:39 AM
Awww Michael, that's a real bummer that you have a nasty virus. I'm hoping it'll get better soon, and please be good for your purrent as he only means to bring you happiness and a speedy recovery.
My thoughts are with you and Michael, Gary.

03-30-2007, 07:24 AM
Puddy was on Viralys after her surgery but for the life of me I can't remember why. I do remember, though, that she hated it. But then, she hates everything. :p Calicos and orangies are tough cookies so I had to be stern w/her to get her meds into her. And if that meant isolating her, that's what I did. You may have to enclose Michael in a separate room until he becomes more cooperative. I wish I could be more helpful.

03-30-2007, 07:55 AM
Poor Micheal.I will keep him in my prayers.Pumpkin sends get well meows to a fellow Orangie.

03-30-2007, 07:58 AM
Gary, can you get those medications in a pill or capsule formulation? It might be easier to give it in a pill pocket (i.e. disguised as a kitty treat).

03-30-2007, 08:51 AM
Best wishes to Michael for getting well soon. It is heartbreaking and so frustrating when they fight being medicated and we're only trying to help them because we love them so.

Best way I've found is a small room with a bench at waist height. For me this is the laundry and I sit Cleo on a towel on the washing machine. She now knows "something happens" when I pick her up and take her there and it's like a routine she understands and complies with. I have to say that now she is older she is less feisty than she used to be and this doesn't work for everyone, therefore. It's worse for cats when it's an occasional short-lived thing rather than a daily ritual they've got used to.

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-30-2007, 08:58 AM
Prayers on the way for MIcheal ... hope he is feeling better real soon!!

03-30-2007, 09:25 AM
Oh Gary! Poor Michael! Oh No!

Any time I have the option of pill or liquid, I take pill form. Liquid goes all over the cat's fur, all over me, the table, or counter, the floor. Doubt is ANY gets in the CAT! :eek:

I liked the thought of keepin ghim confined in a small room for a few days for easier catching.

Vita is taking pills right now. She has to eat something or it will make her throw up. So at feeding time, I make sure she has plenty. I get her after 4 or 5 bites. Pop the pill in the mouth, clamp the muzzle closed, rub the throat to encourage a swallow, and set her back in front of her dish. She howls at me for tricking her, and then goes back to eating. :rolleyes: Done this for 5 days now, 5 more to go!

Ihope htese things give you som eideas Gary. They are tough to medicate!

03-30-2007, 09:49 AM
Theres Great NEWS about Micheal.
Hes calmed down and I ahve been ableto give him his Meds very easily now.
I think that the Angels led By Ralph Syracuse , Spunky, Y.Lee and The Tubbies , Peanut and Spreckles were able to convince Micheal that he wouldnt fee lbetter until he got his medicines.
Thank You So Much and God Bless You For Your Prayers.

03-30-2007, 10:11 AM
Our Dearest M.: I'm glad to hear that you're letting your Dad give you the Viralys and the clindamycin drops. I know it is nasty (I'm a nurse) but, please, please let your Dad continue to give your medications to you. Cassie and I want you to be a healthy and strong senior Found Kitty! Love, purrs and head bops... elyse and Cassie Cat. =^..^=

Cinder & Smoke
03-30-2007, 11:20 AM
Hi God ~
Boots, da Kat, here onna line ...

Callin bout dat Kanadian Kitty - Michael - dat is givin Daddy Gary a hard tyme wiffa meds!

Really 'preciate Your Help wiffa diagnosis, God ... but we need sum Help wiff pushin
da Meds downa hatch. Da KatKid is bein a bit of a *snot* takin da meds!

Kan You send Michael a lil *note* tellin him to Straighten UP, Fly Rite, an TAKE da Meds?

Tell him I sed there's not point in "resisting" - I found out the Dad is bigger & stronger
than I am ... I might be *quicker* ... but he always manages to "catch" me!
I've had every kinda stuff Doc has in his cupboard ... eye drops, eye ointment, pillz,
liquids, shotz ... you name it, I've tried it! Found iffin you just *take it* ...
you usually get a TREET after the meds (as long as you din't draw any http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif blood on Dad!)

Try to make Micheal See da Light!

/s/ Boots, da Purrayer Kat

03-30-2007, 12:48 PM
Knew you could so it Michael!!! YEA!!! continue being a good fellow!!!

Laura's Babies
03-30-2007, 01:15 PM
Kitties are so smart... He found out it caused him to have no hooman contact if he ran from Dad and even having a pill shoved down you required hooman contact.. Smart kitty!

03-30-2007, 07:00 PM
SOOOOOO glad to hear he is taking it peacefully now!

Prayers that beloved Michael will get better very soon.

Poppy, Sydney, Peony, Elmer, Priscilla, and Pat

03-31-2007, 12:31 AM
Gary, I'm so glad to hear that things are going better. Get well soon Micheal.:)

04-02-2007, 01:06 PM
Catmandu, how is Micheal today? Is he still willing to let you give him his meds? Is he better? *HUG* Micheal!

04-02-2007, 02:22 PM
I pet Micheal and take him three times a day to give him his medications.
If he ran I could not catch him, but he never runs or hides and takes his medicine like a trooper.
He is not sniffling as much and when the weather warms up, he will be fine.

04-02-2007, 02:44 PM
That's wonderful that Micheal is feeling better. :)

04-02-2007, 07:11 PM
It's good to hear Michael is doing better. :)

04-02-2007, 10:23 PM
Our Dearest M.: Mom looked at her calendar and figured out this is your 5th day of medication so we hope you don't have too many more days to go. We hope it is working, it sounds like it is. And we are glad you are sniffling less. Mom gets the Leaky Eye Syndrome when she thinks about how much your Pawpa cares about you and the Found Kitty Family. (Then she hugs me.) Glad you are doing better today. Love, Purrs and Head Bops, elyse and Cassie. p.s., Mom cleaned out some boxes in the closet over the weekend and found a cat ball I love, but I thought was gone! I am so happy that she found it so I can play with it again.

04-03-2007, 02:47 PM
Great work, Gary and Michael!

Pat and cats

04-03-2007, 03:21 PM
;) Now Micheal you take your meds for daddy Gary & you will be well in no time.. Great to hear your feeling better..

04-04-2007, 08:24 PM
I'll be sending prayers for Micheal. I hope he gets well and takes his medicine so he can get better ASAP!
Poor guy. All the best to both of you.