View Full Version : Can Buddy be Racist & Sexist???? UPDATE #16

03-28-2007, 06:02 PM
I'm not sure if Buddy can be both at the same time, but it sure seems like it!!

I took them both for a walk, & a black lady came up over the hill & Buddy started barking at her... I assumed she just startled him.

After our hour long walk (OMG so slow, poor boy cannot walk fast with his bad back legs) I stuffed both dogs into the back seat of my car :eek:

I took them to the McDonalds drive through. I paid & I swore Buddy was grawling at the lady at the window... I told him to be nice & went to the 2ed window... Once again he started grawling, then barked a couple times... The girls all loved the dogs, but they were all black females & he really didn't seem to like them at all.

On our walk we ment lots of black males & he could careless about them, & didn't care about indian women either... Just the black females.

Is this possible that he doesn't like black females?? I know some dogs disslike anyone of a darker skin, or just male, or just female... but not just black women :confused: :confused:

I'm really hoping this was just a timming issue & not a race/sex issue...

It is kind of interesting though.

critter crazy
03-28-2007, 06:23 PM
My very first Rotti, had a huge dislike of strange White Men! didnt care about anyone else, but White men!

03-28-2007, 06:35 PM
Hmm my cousin has a friend that works at the Houston Zoo and when I went she was showing me the monkeys, and one of them absolutely HATES men with red hair and beards. Anything else was fine, but not red hair and beards. So some animals are just like that. We also have a dog at the HS that isn't too fond of any man around her.

03-28-2007, 07:01 PM
My very first Rotti, had a huge dislike of strange White Men! didnt care about anyone else, but White men!

ok, so it is very possible for him to disslike black women. Hes deffently the first dog that doesn't like women that I know of.. usually its men, because well, men are men lol

critter crazy
03-28-2007, 07:24 PM
ok, so it is very possible for him to disslike black women. Hes deffently the first dog that doesn't like women that I know of.. usually its men, because well, men are men lol
definitely possible, he could have had a bad experiance with a black woman at some point, and now when he sees one, it upsets him.

That was the reason our rotti, didnt like white men, she had been abused by a man, before we got her.

03-28-2007, 07:27 PM
who is Buddy? :confused: and NO, I don't think dogs can be "racist" or "sexist".. ;) they just may not like a person and remember they cannot see color and they just might not like that person or the dog is just being protective of you. :)

03-28-2007, 07:32 PM
See here (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=124631) for who Buddy is.

And my guess, as with the others, is that because he's a rescue, he has probably had bad experiences in his past with a black woman. That doesn't mean he cannot be trained out of this fear, but it will take some time.

And I have never known a dog to be afraid of men just because they are men. Every one I have known that has been afraid of men is because they had a bad experience with a man in the past.

03-28-2007, 07:37 PM
oh sorry, he is a beautiful dog! :) well he could have had a bad expierience with a black woman. who knows? I wish they could take sometimes to let us know what's going on.

03-28-2007, 08:03 PM
Maybe he have an bad exspearce with a black woman and just dont like them cause my dog Max dose that to very tall people :confused:

03-28-2007, 08:55 PM
My husband's former bulldog went to work with him every day. For a while, he worked with a man from Nigeria, who would tease the dog all the time. My husband swears that from then on, Roxy did not like black men.

I don't think you can really call it "racist" ... dogs just associate certain characteristics with people who look or sound similar. I had a lizard who hated people who were wearing hats. My dog Pepper LOVES older women, but HATES children. Lucky loves and wants to go with anyone in a truck. I happen to know she used to belong to an over-the-road truck driver and went with him on his routes. If I didn't know that, though, I might think she just especially loved men, or people wearing baseball caps, etc.

03-28-2007, 10:28 PM
My dog Kelly (she died a couple of years ago) hated people who spoke a different language.
My sister and brother in law took her for a walk and met this English tourist who really liked dogs and wanted to take pictures of her but she absolutely refused to come near him and just lurked in big circles around them, growling like crazy.

Same thing with a German tourist who accidentally bumped into our car and came to apologise. Lol, no damage was done and everyone was fine with it.. except the dog who acted like she wanted to kill him, so we were the ones who really had to make apologies.


03-28-2007, 10:45 PM
who is Buddy? :confused: and NO, I don't think dogs can be "racist" or "sexist".. ;) they just may not like a person and remember they cannot see color and they just might not like that person or the dog is just being protective of you. :)

Dogs can see color....not exactly as we do, and they don't differentiate between red/green, but they do see color.

03-28-2007, 11:17 PM
Mz Logan was raised from birth by a black couple and although she does have some idiosycracies with certain things, happily, so far, likes everyone she meets.

John wasn't aware of her original name, so the other day, called her "Rocky" and she dropped her rawhide, ears went down, tail went between her legs. I tried it a few times and she gets very upset. She must remember something unkind but doesn't relate it to human shades. Hmmm. That works out geat since we live in a very diversified area.

Oddly, I raised Cody from 5 weeks and he hated the color red, or what he conceived as red. He tore his red plaid bed (the only time), grabbed my red sweater, ripped a red jacket. Only time he destroyed anything.

03-28-2007, 11:26 PM
Dogs can see color....not exactly as we do, and they don't differentiate between red/green, but they do see color.Ya, I think they see in negative or something I herd so they can very well be racist cause they can see the difference. Even if they couldnt see in some colour it a darker skin person would still appear a different shade.

03-28-2007, 11:39 PM
who is Buddy? :confused: and NO, I don't think dogs can be "racist" or "sexist".. ;) they just may not like a person and remember they cannot see color and they just might not like that person or the dog is just being protective of you. :)

They can without a doubt see colours, differentiation of shades may be an issue....................

03-29-2007, 08:31 AM
When I was stuffing both massive beasts into my car Buddy started grawling (he cannot sit in a car 90% of the time, so he was laying on the seat with his head down grawling)...

I looked over & there was 2 men (they just happened to be black men). They wanted to see the dogs as they were both HUGE & they had never seen a dog like Buddy before & wanted to know what on earth he was. I told them & they had never heard of him. I said its not a popular breed here in canada or the usa yet. I'm not sure if they are even seen as a pure breed here either, but they are in other countries.

He asked if it was part of the pitty family & I said no & he said good as people around here only have mean ones... I said the breed is from the mastiff family (thats all I know of the breed, & I hope I was right)... He said Buddy is a lovely dog, but too big for him lol He asked if I was a breeder or something because he would love to get a healthy Bull Terrier. I told him I only rescue dogs from the shelter, & they are usually sick for life (I pitty them the most as too many people turn them down because of a few extra vet visits a year & daily meds (its not a hard thing)... He thought it was wonderful & asked what was wrong with them. I told him & he said they are both very lucky dogs to have such loving owners.

All a while Buddy is grawling :rolleyes: He asked if Buddy was mean or something. I said we just got him yesterday & hes very attached to us & doesn't seem to like people coming too close to me who are talking!!

I think its people coming near me who talk to me.. he only barked at the lady on the hill & stopped when I asked him to.. he ignored me for the ladies at McDonalds & at the men I was talking to(only the one was talking, the other was kinda scared hehe).

I picked up Andrew with the 2 dogs last night. Buddy was fine. He tried to eat my face & neck when Andrew got into the car as he was too excited to see Andrew lol

When we got home, I had buddy as I know Andrew could never control him or even try to. We ran into the other man (the quiet one). & he wanted to ask a few questions & look at Buddy even more. The whole time Buddy was grawling at him.. then Buddy started barking, then it turned into a PISSED OFF bark & that jump forward bark, back up, jump forward bark, back up snarl grawl, bark bark bark bark, jump bark... We all just looked at Buddy & I asked him to stop. He wouldn;t stop, BUT he didn't try to over power me at all. His choaker was never tight, until I pulled him right to him hip to get him to stop. The guy said I don't think he likes me :( I said he usually a very friendly dog, but hes not sure of strangers coming near me.

I then left & thought to myself. He was at the shop & he LOVED everyone who was there, all the strangers he was fine with, he played with them, wanted loving...

But hes a totally different dog with me. Do you think its because I'm a small female? Chad is a large male (6' tall) & our friend is taller then me & larger. I'm the smallest & weakest in the house, maybe he sences that & thinks he needs to protect me?

I'm just totally baffled :confused: :confused: :confused:

03-29-2007, 08:40 AM
I'm so stupid!!

I swear the light bulb in my head is broken at times :rolleyes:

I have Anxiety & I fear pretty much all strangers. I bet hes picking up on that!!

When I was talking to the last guy (the quiet one)... My anxiety went up when he took a step forward & thats when Buddy started to super angry at him.

I know Mastiffs are very good protectors for their family members & are super smart!