View Full Version : **Royal at the beach : 26 pics**

03-28-2007, 02:17 PM
the weather was gorgeous on monday (and again today! woohoo!) though still freaking cold (50- Im ready for spring alright!! lol) so I took Royal to my new favorite park, Carkeek, out in Ballard. its huge and gorgeous, has several open grassy fields, a large picnic area with fire pit things, 6 or 7 miles of trails, gorgeous views, tons of trees, and... a beach! techniqually dogs arent allowed on Seattle beaches but.. we all break the law. haha Besides Id rather have a well socialized dog and risk getting a ticket! unfortunately by the time we got to Carkeek the clouds were coming in but it was still nice and dry! Ill try to limit the pics to my faves but with such an adorable subject its hard!! ;-)


one of my faves. so regal

hes finally started digging recently- yay! ^__^

close up- dirty nose from digging!

on his way to being a very dirty puppy.....

good little model

LOTS of good smells!

more digging!



**more coming**

03-28-2007, 02:18 PM

woooeh! I dont want to stand still and look at the camera!!

water can be fun too!


little wet leggies

mountains, waves, birds and beach. oh and of course clouds. lol

love the texture of the sand

hes good at tangling himself up..

dirty puppy butt!


**one more post**

03-28-2007, 02:19 PM



handsome man!

hes always been a brave jumper from day 1. hes the first puppy Id met who was never afraid of stairs. unfortunately he landed on his back! but couldve cared less.. lol

and yet more digging!

the end- thanks for looking!

03-28-2007, 02:36 PM
He's so darn cute and has such nice markings around his eyes. You also take really good pictures they are so clear. That leash look new in the first few pictures and at the end it look like a old brown leather leash:p Silly puppy. He's already gotten so big.

critter crazy
03-28-2007, 02:38 PM
Awwww.....Great pics!! Roayal is just so adorable!!

03-28-2007, 03:13 PM
What a cutie! He's growing up so fast!

03-28-2007, 03:20 PM
Isn't WA weather wonderful! I am so happy we can finally have the dogs play outside!

Royal is so hansome! I love his eyes and markings too! Thanks for Sharing!

03-28-2007, 04:44 PM
Wow, what a stunning boy! I adore his markings, plus, he looks like such a sweetheart^^.
And I can completely see why it was so hard to pick your favorites out of these pictures... I certainly wasn't able to! They're all fantastic.

03-28-2007, 06:31 PM
awee He is so cute!! and look how dirty that little poochie got :p. Gunna need a bath lol. Looks like he loves to digg eh? I think you'll have alot of wholes in your backyard with this one ;). Sibes can be so bad with their digging... little brats. I love his markings, so unique.

03-28-2007, 07:10 PM
Eeee! Royal, Royal, Royal! You make my heart go pitter patter! :D

03-28-2007, 07:23 PM
who else in the world would YAY at a dog starting to dig ? only a doglover LOL

what a cutie!!! he turned out very light colored, good luck with the mud!! ;) heīs sucha lovely boy canīt wait to see more !!

Toby's my baby
03-28-2007, 08:40 PM
Aww, great pictures! Royal is so handsome, I love looking at your photos of him over and over again. I hope we get to see more soon!

03-28-2007, 08:42 PM
What a lovely boy he is. Who had more fun at the beach you or Royal? ;)

03-28-2007, 10:45 PM
Great pictures! What camera are you using again?

Royal has such neat markings.

03-28-2007, 10:52 PM
Nice pictures! He is a very cute boy, and growing so fast! :)

03-29-2007, 11:26 PM
These are great! Royal is SO handsome!! I laughed when you said you were happy he is digging now. ;) Of course you have your own place so it doesn't matter...I don't, and my parents hate Keva digging up the yard (Nebo doesn't dig) so that's a husky trait I wish she didn't have lol. Is that a gentle leader easy walk harness? I have those for Nebo and Keva, they work great. I love the scenery, looks like Royal loved it too! The 3rd to last one is my favorite, I love the innocent puppy look.

03-31-2007, 10:20 AM
thanks all!

Kay- its a Nikon D100, I love it

Amy- haha I know, it is nice having my own place. Brock is a huge digger, and Ive had a number of boarding dogs that like to dig too, so there are holes all over the yard. lol Its nice though, I have 2 seperately fenced yards, the back is "the dog yard." They ruined the only plant back there, the walk way is always covered in dirt from them running & digging, the grass is dying, etc. lol Ill have to keep my new plants in the front yard! And yes its an easy walk harness. They are awesome!

03-31-2007, 11:25 AM
Royal is such a unique and photogenic little guy. Wow. Of course you seem to have a wonderful eye for photography too :). I just love seeing him, I love his little mask and beautiful eyes. I'm enjoying watching this little boy grow!