View Full Version : Stealing

03-28-2007, 01:17 PM
AWWWW... I hate this.

My boss.... she's such a nice person... n ever hurt anyone.

She owns this very new very small business. And I know stealing is just something that happens to every business but we can't help but feel personally insulted when it happens here.

People have stolen jewellry that we have worked hard to put together :(

The most recent was just yesterday evening. I put out some new silver just before I left.... I came in today and it's gone.... we checked the receipts and it was not purchased :( Someone took 6 pieces of silver. Now normally with all our silver this would not be noticeable unfortunately... but this time it was very noticeable as these were fairly large pieces and there were only 6 of them.

I feel bad for my boss. I know it is something that is going to happen every now and then but it's so ... insulting, both to us as a store and to our customers as they will have to suffer the higher prices that theft results in. Especially since these large pieces are over $5.00 a piece. GRRRR Theives.

03-28-2007, 01:19 PM
What kind of security system or inventory control system does she have? Sadly, the theft at the jewelry store I once worked at was done by other employees - and I inadvertantly helped "rat them out" with an innocent comment one day.

03-28-2007, 01:29 PM
What kind of security system or inventory control system does she have? Sadly, the theft at the jewelry store I once worked at was done by other employees - and I inadvertantly helped "rat them out" with an innocent comment one day.

Well there are only two employees here and we are DEAR DEAR friends with the owners. So I am sure it is not employee theft... especially since the other employee is on vacation. Plus... some of the jewellry stolen was hers and mine.

Unfortunately.... she doesn't have much of a security system if any at all... she is very... naive :( a WONDERFUL lady but MUCH MUCH too trusting of everyone.

03-28-2007, 01:59 PM
Hmm, time to suggest an inexpensive video surveillance? Is there a computer at the store?

03-28-2007, 02:05 PM
:( I'm sorry to hear that things went missing from the store you work at -- i agree with Karen, it may be time to look into a low cost surveillance system. If you're interested, I can help you find an inexpensive solution that would fit the needs of the store (I work in a Security company) - drop me a message if you want some information :)

03-28-2007, 02:26 PM
Yes there is a computer at the store.... I am on it lol

we do have cameras actually..... BUT she hasn't gotten a tv to do recordings from them... and to be honest... I am not sure she has actually had them correctly set up yet. I think she is getting overwhelmed since her business partner works a full time day job so basically she is the only one running the store right now.... things get overlooked and I can only remind her of things so much :(

But I could be wrong... they may be hooked up... I just know we don't have a place to record them yet.