View Full Version : Leap Of Faith

07-05-2002, 08:46 AM
Hi everybody!

Well, it's obvious that I am unable to find a job in Michigan while I'm in Connecticut so...I am packing up and moving to Michigan the first weekend after Labor Day.

I call it my "Leap of Faith" because I'm putting my faith in my Higher Power that everything will work out and I will find a job. I've always been a survivor. I can always get a job at a temp agency as a legal assistant or secretary until I find something more permanent.

For the first time in so long I'm actually very excited about what lies ahead for me. And, I can't WAIT to give my notice to the newspaper. I've been there 4 years and have already been passed over for a promotion so it's time to move on. I've been singing the song from The Jeffersons (Movin on Up) :D :D

Now I have one question. I have never moved so far with so many cats (6). Anyone have any suggestions? I'll be driving my car while someone drives the moving truck. I do have Bach's Rescue Remedy just in case.

Dixieland Dancer
07-05-2002, 09:06 AM
Perhaps a small wire dog cage to fit them all in would help. Then they could see around but not roam in the car. Congratulations on taking this huge "Leap of Faith"! :D

07-05-2002, 09:09 AM
I was going to suggest a crate also. Congrats on your decision...you're a brave one!! Good luck and we'll be thinking about you. Where are you going in Michigan??

07-05-2002, 02:38 PM
Good luck!!

A crate filled with familiar blankies, etc. sounds like a good idea!!

Hope all goes well!

07-05-2002, 03:48 PM
Thanks for your suggestions and well wishes.

Mugsy, I'll be in the Detroit/Ecorse area. Are you in Michigan?

I do have enough carriers and I even thought of doubling up 2 cats to a carrier but they're not that big. At least in a dog crate I can fit a small litter box for the ride. I've got a little while to think about it.

07-05-2002, 04:01 PM
How exciting! Sounds like a big adventure is in store for everyone. If you got a crate, you could set it up in the place you are now, to let the cats get accustomed to it ...

So, why Michigan? (Just curious)

07-05-2002, 04:50 PM

Well, I have "relatives" (former sister-in-law, her husband, my nephew and his wife, and a friend and her two boys) that live in Michigan. I'm closer to them than my own family (I don't have much real family left). The last time I was out there on vacation in May, I was very depressed about leaving and cried on the plane all the way home. I guess it has to do with the bond and closeness that they all have.

The family that I have left which consists of my brother (who I haven't spoken to since my Dad passed away 5 years ago), my elderly aunt and 3 cousins and of course, my 26 year old daughter, is NOT close. I don't hear from any of them except for my daughter, Amy.

My job is going nowhere. I was passed over for a promotion so I think it's time to move on. I have lived in Connecticut my entire life and have had alot of bad memories here. I want a fresh start somewhere else.

So that's basically why. It's a huge decision but not one that I made on impulse. When I tell people what my plans are, the first words out of their mouths are "What about Amy??" I'm feeling little guilty about that. But all my life I've concentrated on taking care of other people (and animals). I think now it's time to think about what I want and go for the brass ring.

I will definitely keep coming here because I love the site so much and there are so many great, supportive people.

07-05-2002, 05:00 PM
I want to say that I am very proud of you!! To take such a big step takes a lot of courage and faith...you my dear, have both. Awesome! I know you will be just fine and happy too!!

Here is my 23 year old wisdom on people saying "What about Amy?" Tell them she is 26 and needs to start her own life, just like you are doing...very good!! You aren't deserting her. You'll grow into stronger people and will be so much better in the long run. How was that? :D (hee hee)

My husband and I are doing the same thing when our lease is up next April. We are packing up and beginning OUR life up in Northern California. I cannot wait....what an exciting endeavor!! :)

Good luck!! I like the dog crate idea!! Are you planning on sedating them? Does that work well? We are thinking about doing that for our move, as its a 6 hour drive.

07-05-2002, 06:02 PM
Noah's Mommy,

Congratulations to you and your hubby for taking such a big step as well. And thank you for the compliment. Northern California is also a big step. But when I think of that place, I picture oceans and sandy beaches.

I've already called several temporary agencies and they said the minute I get into town to call them for an appointment.

I like your 23 year old wisdom. And that's exactly what I've been telling everyone. I know I'll be fine. I guess it's just the anticipation of what's to come. And having to tell my daughter what my plans are. I think that's what I'm dreading most of all. I love my kid so much, but she needs to start having a social life of her own with friends her own age.

I wish you and hubby much luck and happiness in California, although your move isn't for a while yet. I'll be posting here from Michigan as well so I can fill you in on how the move went.

Now all I need to do is socialize these feral kitties (2 are definitely mellowing out alot, purring and sleeping in my lap. The third one is stubborn (:rolleyes: he was named Deke after my father, it MUST be an omen). If I don't find homes for all of them, I'll just pack them up and take them with me. :p

07-05-2002, 07:54 PM

I think what you're doing is great. If your daughter is 26 she will be fine. She has the option of coming to Michigan too if she wants to.

No, I'm sorry I don't live in Michigan, but I do live in Fort Wayne, IN which is about 3 hours from Detroit. When you move you'll have to bop down to IN and visit. It's a little difficult for us to travel with 15 dogs! lol

Good luck and if you need anything please let us know.

07-05-2002, 08:00 PM

Thanks for the offer. I will e-mail you once I get into Michigan. It can't be that far of a drive. I'd love to meet you and your babies.

07-06-2002, 12:50 AM
Good luck with your move Donna. It sounds like you're doing the right thing. I'm sure you'll be much happier in Michigan and I hope your cats will too. :D I think that the crate idea sounds good. I'm glad that you'll still be a member of Pet Talk. Have a safe trip and good luck. ;)

07-06-2002, 09:44 AM
You are so brave for just packing up and movine like that! I am not sure I could do it. Hope all goes well with the trip. I don't know where Ecorsein relation to Detroit , but we are about an hour south of Detriot, straight down I-75...and coincedentally, my name is Amy, and I am 26 :)

07-06-2002, 02:51 PM
Cool Donna...I look forward to it. There are a bunch of us Pet Talkers that are either in Michigan or near Michigan so you will have lots of company. In fact, I think Leslie lives in Auburn Hills which is a burb of Detroit.

07-06-2002, 08:20 PM

Best of Luck on your new adventure. I hope all goes well
for You and the kitties.:) Sounds like you've really thought
things out & it's time for a change in your life. Good Luck to
you in making all the arrangements. Liz & Buddy.

07-06-2002, 08:41 PM
Isn't this exciting for you? What a leap of faith, truly!! But I am proud of you. My one move wasn't so far, but just as dramatic, and I had to contend with some grief. But we did it, and it has been almost 7 years now, and I know that it was the best possible thing I could have done. Best of luck to you, Donna. :)

07-06-2002, 08:46 PM
Thanks for all your encouragement guys!

Amy, that would be great if we could all meet up! I'm looking forward to a change.

So far, 3 companies are interested in hiring me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I called the temp agencies as well to let them know when I'd be in town. I faxed them my resume and they said the minute I get there call and appointments would be set up. I must be doing something right.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you can find comfort here. That's what friends are for!

I've already got the mover coming to pack our truck. Things are really moving fast for me. :p