View Full Version : Irish Setters

03-28-2007, 08:26 AM
Hi, I am a new member..I've posted once already about Irish Setters, but I'm really bothered. I'm a foster mom for an irish rescue and I got a call to foster my second one last night...I had to refuse. He growls at strangers...I'm so sad that the breed is so different now. The last foster I had, had to be sent back to the rescue because he bit my mom for no apparent reason, while she was just standing still. The ones we've always had and I'm accustomed to are so sweet. They wouldn't even know what they're teeth are for. What happened to the breed? Is it owners? I'm so sad. :confused:

03-28-2007, 06:48 PM
I'm sure the dog growls because of something it has gone through in its past. Dogs aren't aggressive just because; something has to happen to make them that way. It's not the dog's fault. I'm sorry you had to refuse to foster him :(

03-29-2007, 07:53 AM
Yeah, I know...it's unfortunate...but also such a liability. Especially when you're renting. I was awake for 2 hours that night, laying in bed thinking about it...I just wish people knew how to socialize their dogs properly from the start. Thanks for your reply.

03-29-2007, 02:08 PM
No problem :) Don't feel bad; you'd foster him if you could, It's not your fault ;)

03-29-2007, 02:20 PM
i aree wit genny, its not ur fault and I think it was very nice of u and ur mom to foster the irishsetter. :)

03-31-2007, 07:17 PM
Thanks, all! The first dog I fostered did finally find a home. He;ll be going on Monday! Yay, Bart! I cried the day he went back..my husband and I had a soft spot for him.

04-07-2007, 02:45 AM
Don't be discouraged. The Irish Setter is still a wonderful, gentle breed. The dog that bit must have had an unfortunate history. I am assuming this was a serious bite and not playful. The growling one my have been protecting you. Once he became acquainted with the stranger, did he continue to growl? I have an Irish Setter, English Setter (rescued) and a crossbreed English Setter?Spaniel?Pointer? which I found near a dumpster in the village. He has a terrible fear of being abandoned and won't join the others for runs in the mountain. Had to carry him back to the car. He is very appreciate of everything I do for him. I just have to house train him and stop him from playful nibbles. I'm sure he will be great as he and the other two get along fine as long as he doesn't nibble them too much.