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03-27-2007, 09:40 AM
I have REALLY vivid dreams..... I always remember them. And they are always super strange lol.

I always tell my husband about these wierd dreams and he is amazed at how much detail is in my story about my dream. He never remembers his. I have ALWAYS remembered my dreams.

Like last night....

I was at a hockey game with a friend but it was at my old highschool and we left the game after a player was bloodied up on the ice (lovely I know) then I realized that I had left my dogs at her house so we went back to her place and I was trying to figure out how I was going to get home with the dogs and I felt really uncomfortable having the dogs at her house. Her b/f's sister came home and I was in the bathroom and was worried about the dogs jumping on her. Then Teddy came in the bathroom and peed on me and my blanket (no idea why there was a blanket in there but it is my Montreal Canadiens blanket that is on my couch) so I got changed and packed up my clothes and blanket... gathered up the dogs and left..... I ended up at this scary old lady's house and she kept trying to give me a pain pill..... I finally decided to take it but it was so huge I couldn't swallow it so when she wasn't looking I spit it out and then there was a train running through her house so I threw the pill under the tracks..... Then she got all wierd and Teddy was barking at her and I kept telling him to get her... to keep her away from me. She said she was gonna call the cops on my dog. And then we were friends and her and I and my husband were sitting around with the dogs and she kept calling them by the wrong name.... She kept calling them Benny and Jackie and she was out of dog treats and said she meant to get the dogs a present before they came over next.

Then my alarm went off and I woke up.

Now is this wierd that I remember this much detail of my VERY strange dreams lol

Anyone else remember their dreams all the time?

critter crazy
03-27-2007, 09:42 AM
Very vivid Memory you have there! I only remember some of my dreams, most I dont. The ones I do remember, are usually realy strange!:D

finn's mom
03-27-2007, 09:46 AM
I don't remember dreaming at night, usually. I know I do, because I talk in my sleep or cry or something and David tells me (or my ex husband would tell me when we were married...friends have always told me when they'd sleep over, etc). The only time I really remember dreams is if I wake up at, say five am, go to the restroom and let the dogs out for a potty break...then go back to sleep for an hour or so...that's when I have dreams that I remember.

For example, I had one about a week ago that was so vivid and disturbing, I had to call my niece to make sure she was ok. She's 24 years old, not a little girl, so she lives on her own and all that. The dream was about her being in a car fire and dying. But, after she died in the dream, David (my fiance) and I went to the car and there was my niece and her friend, before the accident, but like they were dead and knew about the fire. We were talking about the fire and she was berating herself for being so foolish, etc. It was all really odd, especially when she and David had known eachother before, which they've never met. In the dream, it was like they had been close friends (not dating, but close). It was really strange!

Dreams are weird! :D

03-27-2007, 09:47 AM
Very vivid Memory you have there! I only remember some of my dreams, most I dont. The ones I do remember, are usually realy strange!:D

LOL I know. That's what my husband always says because my dream stories take ten minutes to tell because they are so vivid lol.... he never remembers his lol I must be strange.

03-27-2007, 09:58 AM
I don't always remember my dreams but when I do I find them well disturbing.. So I found this site and I'm always looking things up so I can understand them better. http://www.dreammoods.com/

One of my weirdest dreams was when I was sitting in my bedroom and I was bored. So I went in my closet turn on my (what I was thinking radio, but it was actually a tv) the tv/radio was on my wall. I was looking for a radio station and couldn't find it so I was watching this kind of Power Rangers show but they were looking for this mass cow murderer can kept running into all these umm dead cows. They were like ahhh who's doing this blah blah blah and well they walked into this HUGE room and on the ceiling was a painting of a cow. Then going down the wall of room was like the cow guts sorta painted down it. At the bottom of the wall there was a real life calf being born and right infront of the calf was a chick in one of the old fashion restraints where they were bent over and like had theirs hands/head in the holes so they couldn't move. She was being forced to give birth to this calf which was also connected to the painting. So yes it was after this dream I started looking up what they meant. It scared me!

03-27-2007, 10:11 AM
I've been documenting my dreams for years. I have a box with snipets of paper recording my dreams. To say they were weird is an understatement. My daughter tells me never to show my dream journal to anyone or they'll put me in the loony bin.

03-27-2007, 10:25 AM
Well I don't document mine but I know I used to have Three recurring dreams.... I had them from the time I was a child till I was in my late teens. But I haven't had any of these three dreams in years. But I do have very weird ones... and many of them throughout the night. BUT ....

LOL I sometimes get stuck in that place between awake and asleep... it hasn't happened for a long time but one time when I was like 8 I walked outside into a thunderstorm (which I am terrified of) and went over to where my mom HAD been sitting at the campfire and was talking to her and telling her to come inside (she wasnt actually there).... I actually REMEMBER doing all of this but I was definately NOT all there. MY mom heard me and came outside and said "Tanya what are you doing" as soon as she did that I snapped out of it and ran back inside lol.

Another time I woke up at 2 am and was CERTAIN I was REALLY late for work. I was rushing around the house freaking out and getting ready for work... my live in b/f at the time was just watching me and said "what the heck are you doing?" I FREAKED.... I said "what do you think I am doing.... OMG I am so late for work... I gotta hurry up and get there." He then said "Um Tanya... it's 2 am in the morning... you don't work for another 4 hours." (I remember doing all this as well lol) I then snapped out of it and went back to bed.

Another time I started an argument with him becuase I was SURE we had just been talking about something and when I "woke up" and continued the conversation he obviously had no idea what I was talking about.... I got really mad and said "What do you mean you don't know what I am talking about... don't you ever listen to me?" Then he kept saying that were weren't talking about anything and I snapped out of it.

Another time I woke up and SWORE there was a huge spider on the wall... I was FREAKING out yelling "EWWWW KILL IT KILL IT." The guy I was dating at the time was like "What? What are you talking about.... Kill what." I went on and on about this spider and I was getting mad because he couldn't see it. Eventually I snapped out of it and realized I had been imagining the whole thing.....

The wierd thing is... I was awake... sorta. I REMEMBER doing all of this and being stuck in that space between dream and reality but I was awake lol

I think I have wierd sleep issues lol

03-27-2007, 12:37 PM
I enjoy reading about other people's dreams...it's a fascinating subject. I usually remember my dreams right when I wake up- but unless I take time to think about them or tell someone about them I forget. My dreams are usually macabre- so I don't really like to dwell on them. I only remember a handful of really good dreams I've had in my life. Most of them are either nonsense or scary.

03-27-2007, 02:41 PM
I sometimes remember my dreams, but not too often. When I do remember my dreams they usually aren't too detailed or exciting, at least that I remember. Last night I had a dream that I was in my bird room. Not too exciting seeing as how I'm in my bird room several times a day.

I don't remember dreaming at night, usually. I know I do, because I talk in my sleep or cry or something and David tells me My husband talks in his sleep too. Last night in his sleep he said "and that's how you build a house". (We've been doing a lot of big projects around the house, but he's certainly never built a house before!)

My sister both talks and walks in her sleep. She told me recently that she went to bed and later woke up sitting on the couch in the living room with her dog in her lap, she had no idea how she got there. Her dog (a dachshund) sleeps with her and she would never jump off the bed. My sister, while sleeping, must have picked up her dog and went to the couch.

03-27-2007, 04:18 PM
I've been very stressed lately, and when I am stressed, I have weird dreams.

The other night I had a dream that we found a puppy (that looked like Natali's puppy Lola, same size and everything) who had a collar on with just a tag that had a phone number. We called the number and an older sounding lady answered. I told her that we had her puppy and she started screaming at me. She said she didn't want the puppy, she has 12 cats and doesn't want it. She said over and over "I have 12 cats, no puppy, I don't want it." I just couldn't understand why this lady wouldn't allow us to give her puppy back.... Then I woke up!