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View Full Version : Mama cat nursing baby skunks!

03-27-2007, 07:17 AM
The little stinkers. :p

critter crazy
03-27-2007, 07:18 AM
Awww....How cute is that!!:eek:

03-27-2007, 10:20 AM
How adorable is that!!!!

03-27-2007, 12:26 PM
;) Oh WoW how so cute.. Bless that wittle moma's heart.. Guess she dont know the diff until they spray.. :)

03-27-2007, 12:33 PM
Oh yeah! She'll figure out it real quick then!

03-27-2007, 05:21 PM
Actually I dont think Skunks spray until they become adults.
And even then its only if they are physically threatened.
And I dont think they would ever spray thier surrogate Momma.
And I think she knows the difference, she just knows that they are babies and need milk.

03-27-2007, 06:07 PM
I'm always amazed at how animals will accept and care for babies of other species so willingly. These pictures are so beautiful! Mommycat seems to be okay with her new family and obviously cares about them. We humans need to take a lesson from our animal companions about acceptance and getting along with each other. Can you imagine a world like that?

03-27-2007, 06:22 PM
Yes, Gary, you're right. Years ago when my son was small, we went to the Cleveland Zoo and attended a lecture. One of the points raised was that skunks only spray when they feel threatened and even then they'll stomp their feet up and down very fast before they spray to give a warning. This is why we see so many skunks smashed on the road because they stomp their feet up and down at oncoming cars!

03-27-2007, 08:11 PM
How cute is that!

03-27-2007, 08:16 PM
Yes, Gary, you're right. Years ago when my son was small, we went to the Cleveland Zoo and attended a lecture. One of the points raised was that skunks only spray when they feel threatened and even then they'll stomp their feet up and down very fast before they spray to give a warning. This is why we see so many skunks smashed on the road because they stomp their feet up and down at oncoming cars!

Get outta here! I didn't know that!! You think that maybe they would have passed that information down the line somehow by this point though! "By the way, Uncle Charlie is gone. That big loud thing didn't seem to see him stomping and ran right over him." They need to start doing some prevention work with the little ones!