View Full Version : Fear of thunder?

03-26-2007, 05:58 PM
Anyone have ideas how to deal with a dog terrified of thunder?

I've had 3 dogs, this ws never an issue.

Tonight we had a mild thunder storm. Soon after the first clap of thunder, I realized Sugar was not in the room. Searched the house.

Twenty minutes later, and I really don't know how I found her, but I did. she had climbed up inside Dad's recliner, from the bottom at the back. She was panting and shaking and wouldn't come out herself. We had to slowly work her out.

I sat down with her on my lap. She continued the panting and shaking for the entire storm, and didn't calm down until at least half an hour after the last thunder.. I know, th last thunder WE heard; dogs have better hearing and she likely heard the storm for longer than we did.

I am not sure how to tackle such terror! Eventually, we will have a thunder storm while both Dad and I are out. Who knows WHERE we will find her.

And I also know that Fourth of July, Memorial Day weekend, last day of school, and all those other times fireworks go off we will need to keep tracked of her, keep her in the house.

If anyone has any thoughts, I'd appreciate hearing some ideas!

03-26-2007, 06:54 PM
The only thing I heard of was the sound desensitizing tapes you can get. You play it quiet at first and gradually make it louder so that the dog gets used to it.

Never tried it myself though but read about it a lot. Maybe look it up in google? Having Border Collies means I am familiar with things like this. They have a tendancy to be very sound sensitive. Hate fireworks and thunder etc...Some even freak out at lawnmowers and doors slamming. Mine attack lawnmowers, haha. :D ...or anything with a similar type engine like motorbikes and such....especially when the rider starts them up. They actually go for the area that contains the engine too. Our Mist used to grab the lawnmower at the edge and actually lift it off the grass. She was a pain when you were trying to mow the lawn.
They also hate pellet guns/air rifles and those devil banger things that kids buy.

Fear of sound often comes on with age with younger dogs often not being bothered but then suddenly developing a fear as they get a bit older.

03-26-2007, 08:23 PM
Interestingly, thunder and fireworks are actually the only 2 things you CANNOT desensitize a dog to. The reason being, with thunder- they can actually feel the electricity, and fireworks- they are too random.

Id just try your best to keep her calm and secure. Maybe put her in a quiet room, in her crate, covered, and turn on some classical music or tv. Maybe try giving her super special treats or a really good stuffed kong or bone to occupy her, however usually when dogs are in such an emotional state as that they wont eat. The other option is to ask your vet for some acepromazine to keep on hand to tranquilize her. They kick in quick and last all day.

03-26-2007, 08:28 PM
When it's windy, thundering, etc. the only thing I can do for Tango is to put her in her crate. She's much more relaxed in there for some reason. Nothing else that anyone has ever told me to try has ever worked, so the only advice I have would be to put Sugar in a place that she's most comfortable in and likes to be (be it a room, a crate, etc.).