View Full Version : Fritz 3 Photos

03-26-2007, 07:19 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/bedbeg.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/nightwatch.jpg Fritz downstairs last night begging to go to bed.He would look at Mom first,then me,looks like he is half asleep in the picture,maybe it was the camera flash.Fritz upstairs just before i went to bed,on the front window ledge.Around 10:30-11 ,he came in to me, and curled up tight and stayed there until 5:30 or so and went to Mom.Had toast from Mom and me,had some cereal,went outside and now in the window.Kind of dull and gray here,supposed to go up in the low 60-s with showers and thunderstorms.By next Sunday it will be 39 and and a low of 32.Hope our day will be made brighter that dad could be coming back here today,it will be much more convenient for everyone.

03-26-2007, 07:49 AM
Good morning, Fritz! I see you have a new yellow bandanna, must be the Spring look. You are so good to make snuggle time for everyone who is home.

Oh Barry, I just took time to catch up on all the news about your Dad. What a difficult time for all of you! I do think you should take Fritz in to visit. Just put a collar and lead on him, and walk in like you belong there. Twice when my Dad was in hospital, I took Sparkle in to visit. I let her walk in the room and get used to the smells, then I picked her up and held her, then I settled her on the bed next to him. Two different hospital stays. It really perks everyone up! And they obviously miss each other so much. Please consider it.

critter crazy
03-26-2007, 07:55 AM
Fritz! You are so adorable!! :D

Daisy and Delilah
03-26-2007, 08:51 AM
We know you're tired of being on vacation Fritzie!! As Papa's caretaker, you want your job back soon. You are just so adorable, we know Papa would love to see you visit him. You're as cute as a button buddy!! :)

Hopefully, progress can be made today, Barry, as the weekend is over. Can't wait for a great news update. I'm pulling for you guys to see something better for all of you real soon! :)

03-26-2007, 08:54 AM
;) Adorable Fritz.. I see that cutie pose for the camera.. Hope you got a treat..

03-26-2007, 12:29 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/scaredguy.jpg Fritz sitting in the middle of the hallway upstairs.We were having Thundershowers roll through,he doesn't like the noise,doesn't know where to go wanders around with his tail down and he huffs and puffs,doesn't know what to do.He is up in the kitchen corner right behind where dad would sit at the table.there might be more coming through,he will probably be uneasy again.I guess he didn't want to go out,he has gone to the bathroom twice in the house today,once upstairs where he peed and did the other outside the downstairs bathroom.Mom and Marlene have gone over,Mom will most likely wil let me know whether dad comes here to our hospital.Let you know when I know something. :cool:

Daisy and Delilah
03-26-2007, 01:08 PM
I wish I could send Delilah up to keep you company Fritz. She's scared of storms too. You two could entertain each other and forget about those bad old noises. Take it easy cutie. Will wait for an update, Barry. Take care. :)

03-26-2007, 01:22 PM
Poor Fritz!
Buddy knows all too well how it is to be afraid of thunder!

Hugs to you!
Hope to hear good news about Papa!

03-26-2007, 06:02 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/napsydog.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/searchy.jpg Fritz napping on the bed, and with the Monkey Squeaky in his mouth,looking for a place to hide it.Was whining while it was in his mouth.Dad is still in Oshawa.Our family Doctor will try And get a bed here and until then,he stays where he is.The two days I was there this weekend,he never talked,didn't today.He tried getting out of bed on Mom while Marlene made some phone calls,mom managed with a little difficulty.Wants to go home,can't until we can get a bed here and some help for Mom and I.

03-26-2007, 06:19 PM
Barry, I hope your Dad comes home soon.

I bet Fritz misses him terribly.

Daisy and Delilah
03-26-2007, 08:48 PM
I feel everybody's frustration there, Barry. I so hope you all get some good news soon. You've all been through so much so fast. That picture of Fritz with the stuffie is adorable!! What a cute little fella :D

03-26-2007, 10:42 PM
Love the one of him sitting up. How cute!

03-27-2007, 03:16 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/snuzybye.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/airnap.jpg Fritz curled up in the chair this morning and airing himself out later.the notice for dad is on a website:www.northcuttelliott.com and click obituary notices.There should be a picture of him next to the notice.I thank everybody for all the messages on the thread,very much appreciated.A friend of ours is here talking with mom,dad and i cut her grass every year,I will do hers and 2 or 3 more.fritz went and grabbbed her shoe and under the table with he went.i will be a busy day tomorrow,i'll try and get on.i will continue to take pictures of fritz and us.i know how all of you here love his pictures with everyone here.thanks again for the messages.

finn's mom
03-27-2007, 03:23 PM
Thank you, Barry, for the new photos of Fritz. He looks very handsome in yellow. :)

03-27-2007, 03:24 PM
Oh Barry I am so sorry for your loss. Your Dad really had a lot of love and care from you, your mom, family, and of course, FRITZ! My prayers are with all of you.

Fritz, how many shoes can you steal fella? hehe.

Daisy and Delilah
03-27-2007, 03:32 PM
Thanks for checking in, Barry. I know how hard it is for you to find the time and courage. I love seeing the pictures of Fritz and look forward to them every day. Kisses to that little fella from me please.

03-27-2007, 08:09 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/hidemonkey.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/puffing.jpg Fritz in the recliner trying to hide the monkey and on the bed ,puffing after going all over upstairs trying to hide it.the recliner,wheelchair and othe things will have to go back,no use for them now.We just had some old friends here,one of whom that will say a few things at the service.

03-27-2007, 08:43 PM
I cried when I read the notice...it mentions Fritz. My heat goes out to you & your family. And to little Fritz too.

03-27-2007, 09:04 PM
Barry I have been thinking of you today and hoping that you and your mom are doing alright. The mention of Fritz in the obituary notice was so sweet. Fritz will definitely miss his buddy and so will all of us here at PT. (((hugs)))

03-27-2007, 09:18 PM
I cried when I read the notice...it mentions Fritz. My heat goes out to you & your family. And to little Fritz too.

Me too. That was so sweet. Although the picture didn't show up for me, I saw many pictures of him with his buddy Fritz.
I am sorry for your loss. Your family, including Fritz, will be in my thoughts.

Daisy and Delilah
03-27-2007, 09:23 PM
What a wonderful tribute to your Dad, Barry. I love the mention of Fritz also. I don't think I knew that your Dad was retired from GM-sorry if you told me and I may have forgotten. I know so many people in Michigan that are retired from GM, AC Delco, Delphi, etc.

Fritz looks especially spiffy in his pictures. He wanted to look his best for all the company you are receiving. Please let me know if I can help you-the offer always stands. I will be thinking of all of you while you're at the services. Bless you all.

03-28-2007, 07:18 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/doggynap.jpg Fritz napping this morniing on the couch.I was going through pictures on Monday before Dad passed and i found the last one i took of him and dad.i showed Mom and said ther is someone missing from this and I lost it again,have done a few times today and will later today and tomorrow.fritz started to sleep with me and he then went with mom.He had his toast and went to mom right now.After i lost it a few minutes ago,fritz go up on my lap in the recliner and stayed for a few minutes.Mom told me to strrong for my sistyer,she also said it is good to get it all out and said dad wouldn't want you feeling uptight.here is the picture i referhttp://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/zonkerboy.jpg red to,taken on March 14,2 days before dad went to the hospital.

Daisy and Delilah
03-28-2007, 07:37 AM
Awwwww.....I'm crying again Barry. What a wonderful way to honor your Dad by posting the last picture you took of him. Those pictures will provide such comfort now and later. I barely have one or two pictures of my Dad and it has always bothered me that we didn't take more. At least we would have something solid to remember him with. You know what I mean.

There will be a grieving process that will come from losing your Dad, Barry. Crying is a part of it and a good way to release some of those feelings. I'm glad you're getting some of that crying out when you need to. When the time comes, you will be a great support for your sister and the rest of the family. You'll all remain in my thoughts and prayers. I will wish for all the strength and courage you all need to do what has to be done. It's never easy and I feel for all of you. Godspeed, my friend. Kisses to the little man from me too. Please hug your Mom and sister for me.

Pawsitive Thinking
03-28-2007, 07:50 AM
Hey Barry - we are glad to hear from you.

The obituary for your Dad was lovely - the part about being missed by his pal Fritz moved me to tears. You are all still in my thoughts and prayers. I have sent a small donation to the ALS Society to say thank you for posting all those lovely photos

Ginger's Mom
03-28-2007, 09:02 AM
How sweet to have that last picture of Fritz and Dad. You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

03-28-2007, 01:03 PM
Barry, the last picture of your dad and Fritz made me cry. What a sweet, special picture. Your family is still in my thoughts and prayers. (((Hugs)))
Please give sweet Fritz a hug from me, would you?

03-29-2007, 07:27 AM
After i lost it a few minutes ago,fritz go up on my lap in the recliner and stayed for a few minutes.

Oh Frtiz bless your little heart! Barry, Fritz is truly a special little companion. He knows you are hurting and will be there to help you through it. I hope each day will be a little bit easier for you, your mom and Marlene. More (((hugs)))

03-29-2007, 07:48 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/sunnapsy.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/napsyfella.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/poochnap.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/fritzypal.jpg fritz sunning in the livingroom,fritz snoozing on the bed, with Mom this morning on the couch and fritz with his Monkey on ther couch.It was a long and tiring day yesterday.A lot of family and friends came out both in the afternoon and evening to pay their respects,even some people we had cut lawns for.Dad looked good in his Gray suit and I lost it when when I sawe him and there were pictures all around the room,one from my 46th birthday with Fritz in my lap and dad there,Marlene with Taffy and Dad with Fritz,Dad with fritz while dad was reading a paper and the one where dad had put the neck collar on him and he seen smiling at fritz.2 pictures,one from when dad and mom were married and from their 5oth Anniversay, a picture of all of us at dad's 8oth birthday last may and a collage of pictures that Shannon had done for the 50th Anniversary with a few new one,on eof Fritz that was taken at the groomers before christmas right next to one of me and Ruffles,of dad and his brother Elwood at his 75th at my sisters and one with Marlene and Larry.Also a picture we had blown up of dad 3 years ago on his tractor after doing leaves at a house.We had lovely flowers,roses and others i can't remember,people made donations to ALS(Lou Gehrig's),our church and the Canadian National institue for the Blind,one of Mom 's friends has a husband that is nearly blind.I lost it when i saw all the pictures of fritz and , and the 8oth birthday,every one of them in fact.Mom did a pretty good job of holding up,she let it out a bit not like me,she tends to hold it in.Marlene is like me,she let it all out.Jason and shannon were there both times then Jason's wife Barb and Shannon's husband Brian came in the evening.Good to see that Brian talked to Marlene,disappointed that Larry would not go near them,he stayed his distance except in the receiving line,nver said nothing to them .My cousin Sharon and her Husband Norm St.Onge came all the way from Windsor ,Ontario,5 hours away,they stayed overnight at a hotel.After the first visitation we went to supper with some of Larry's relatives to a Greek restaurant.After last night,we went to my sister's along with Sharon and Norm and Larry's brother Frank to the house for Sandwiches.Fritz's Aunties are coming after moving to their new apartment yesterday and my Aunt Maxcine and Dad's brother Elwood and my one cousin Dennis who is driving them down.Mom never told dad that my other cousin Terry had been home to visit and was taking some course in Toronto,he works for FedEx in British Columbia and he drove by on the 401 highway not that far from here and never came near.At least 2 are coming,others have some flimsy excuse.it is goin to be a another tough day,funeral at 11,then here is a luncheon at our church a short walk away.i hope i can get through this, i have been very emotional the last 3 days,not easy losing him and i an sure to do it today and for awhile.It was dad's wish to be cremated,We still have to pick out a plot for him ,next week i think.If i am up to it,I will be back today to tgell you what happened today.

Pawsitive Thinking
03-29-2007, 08:07 AM
Will be thinking of you today Barry. You will get through it because you have to but you don't have to put on a brave front for anyone.

When my Dad died I found the grieving process didn't really kick in until after his funeral - up to then we were all occupied with making the arrangements.

There is no time limit on grief - I still cry for my Dad now, two years later. The time will come when your happy memories will replace the sorrow you feel but only when your heart has had time to heal. In the meantime remember you are surrounded by people who care very much for you and your family. Fritz will be a great comfort to you as Tobey was to me.

Take care


Daisy and Delilah
03-29-2007, 08:09 AM
Thanks for letting us know how the day went yesterday, Barry. I am so deeply saddened by this, as you know. I feel your pain. Being such a close family makes it all so much harder. Your Dad was a big part of all of your lives. You will miss him terribly and I'm afraid it will be for a very long time. It's so hard to lose someone you love so much.

It sounds like the family went all out to display pictures of him. What a wonderful way to memorialize him. It makes it even more special to think of all the pictures you took of him and Fritz for all of us to see. There is nothing wrong with displaying emotion. Barry. I'm glad you can release some of your feelings this way. As I said, it helps the grieving process that we all must go through. Take care my friend and keep posting pictures of Fritz for us. He is a special little boy and probably confused right now. I think he probably isn't exactly sure what's going on around him. We know for sure that everybody misses Papa. He was a wonderful man with a wonderful family. :)

My regards to you and your family, Barry. May you all find some peace and comfort in the days to come.

03-29-2007, 02:46 PM
It sounds like you had a lot of pictures of your Dad displayed. It must have been sweet, yet emotional to see. I know it's going to be tough in the days, weeks and months to come. I'm glad you have your Mom & Fritz to help you through it. And of course, your friends at PT. It's good to let it all out. You loved your Dad a whole bunch. There's nothing wrong with crying. Your Dad lived a very long life and you now have a ton of memories to keep in your heart forever. Take care the next few days. Be there for your Mom. I think your Dad is looking down on you proudly, knowing he left her in your good hands. Take care of her. She's lucky to have you.

03-29-2007, 07:51 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/lookyme.jpg Fritz in the front window today,looking a up at me while getting himself all heated up.I was a very lovely service,met more of mom and dad's 3 three he knew from General Motors,one is a member of our Provincial government and a good friend of dad's.My Uncle(Dad's brother) Elwood come with my Aunt Maxcine who was in a Wheelchair.she is too heavy to walk right,had polio as a child and her toes are wired together.Also coming with them was my Cousin Larry and wife Marilyn and another cousin Dennis.their other brother Terry is out in B.C.Fritz's Aunties were there,I got into the crying when i saw Aunty Bev,Irene doesn't look good, she has a Yellowish color to her which may mean the cancer may have gone to the liver.We are invited to go to their new place and bring fritz.Also have been invite to dinner at some point at Jasons's and Shannon.,the same with Marlene.My Aunt(Mom's sister) has said if i ever need help with something to call and my Uncle Everett will help.A friend dad had known for almost 60 years said a few words about dad,how they first met, how hard he worked there a at the farm he worked at,at General Motors and the grass cutting,about meeting mom, and how you would have to wake up pretty early to put something funny on him.The Reverend sad a few things,celebrating dad's life and that he is now up in heaven,said some prayers, a quote from Victor Hugo and we also sang two hymns Amazing Grace which I knew and How Great Thou Art,which i tried,just went along with everyone else.Mom held my hand through part of the service,i did cry a few more times.After the service ,we went ot the church for lunch ,very good.Larry and Marlene wanted to stay at our place, another of our friends and brought Lasagna,other people have done the same over the last 2 or 3 days .Larry went back to the house and got Taffy and they did have a play.tomorrow,we go to the cemetary to pick a plot where we will bury dad's ashes,that will be next week sometime.Got a very lovely box for it and a brass plaque on it.Relaxing now,watching the Maple Leafs play Atlanta,fritz is under the little couch napping.The last time we all went out together to shop,we got this computer and i am very thankful for dad i for having this computer to show these pictures and write about fritz and the family .you all here are very wonderful people,glad to know you all.

03-29-2007, 08:26 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/fritzydad.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/collage.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/fritzydad2.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/dadnme.jpg Marlene put this picture of fritz wearing the neck collar and dad smiling in the background in a frame,same thing she did to fritzydad2 and dadnme.this is the collage that Shannon had done for mom and dad 's50th,her mother (my sister) added a few different ones.Fritz with dad,dad reading the paper and a picture of Dad,me and fritz taken on my 46th birthday,little did i know it would be the last birthday he will see of mine eror anyone else'sMom cried a litle during the service,so ddi marlern,mom does a little better job of holding her emotions in check than Marlene and me.

Daisy and Delilah
03-29-2007, 10:14 PM
I'm glad the service went well, Barry. I have thought about all of you for days but especially more today. With a family like yours, I can imagine the large amount of people that will pay their respects to all of you. Today, and in the days to come.

I too, am very thankful that you have a computer and you are able to come here and share your life with us. It's a pleasure to know you too, Barry. I think we all have felt as if we knew your Dad in some way. Thanks to you for posting the pictures of him and his good buddy, Fritz. I love the pictures that you've posted today. Thanks for sharing this with all of us.

Take care Barry. Kisses to Fritz from me.

Much love to you and the family from Terry, Daisy and Delilah

Pawsitive Thinking
03-30-2007, 05:02 AM
I am so touched that you feel able to share such a time in your life with us all. As D&D said we all feel like we knew your Dad through your posts and we will miss him too.

I bet Dad is at the RB now, meeting lots of new friends and telling them all about his wonderful family

03-30-2007, 05:44 AM
The last time we all went out together to shop,we got this computer and i am very thankful for dad i for having this computer to show these pictures and write about fritz and the family .you all here are very wonderful people,glad to know you all.

Barry you are special to us too and we are honored to be able to share in your family's life. I was hoping we would see some pictures of your mom and dad in happier times so thank you for these. Isn't that wonderful about the computer. I know that your dad realized how much you have enjoyed it.

03-30-2007, 07:21 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/cozybug.jpg Fritz cozy in the covers of the bed.He slept at Mom's feet all night,even kissed mom,hope that is a change for the good.he had his cereal and toast this morning,a little bit of Banana Muffin from Mom.We are going to the Cemetary to pick out a plot and the internment will be sometime next week.Woke up at 2:30,tried sleeping,then at 5:00,i decided to get up.Been having trouble sleeping lately ,been taking Advil,slept fine Wednsday,Tuesday didn't all that well and last night.Maybe start doing the spring cleanup on the weekend,see what the weather brings.

03-30-2007, 07:47 AM
It sounds like your Dad was a very popular man and was loved by many family & friends. The funeral service sounded beautiful.

I love the picture Marlene framed. How sweet. It brought tears to my eyes. And those old black & white photos are amazing.

Thanks for sharing them!

Daisy and Delilah
03-30-2007, 08:33 AM
Things are still unsettling there now Barry. I hope you're able to get some sleep soon when all of the activity simmers down. I'm glad to see Fritz is doing as well as can be expected. He seems to be getting a few naps in. Still thinking of all of you every day. Take care and keep taking those great pictures. Kisses to Fritzie :)

03-30-2007, 11:41 AM
The service sounds like it was beautiful! Your story about the computer brought tears to my eyes. We are honored that you shared so much of your dad with us. I also felt like I knew him. Thank you so much for all the pictures you posted, they are beautiful.

I hope your able to get some rest soon. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. (((Hugs)))

03-30-2007, 07:51 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/tractor.jpg A picture of dad taken in October of 2004 on his other pride and joy,his tractor after doing some leaf cleanup.the lady of the house took it.Marlene wrote a verse that is at the top of it .It reads:If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane,we would walk right up to heaven and bring you home.I thought it very touching.The internment is on Monday at 11:00 in the morning at Bowmanville Cemetary.It will be a short ceremony ,with Reverend Lafave there saying a few words.We had 50 donations, 25 to our church Trinity United ,20 to ALS, some to Lakeridge Health Bowmanville, 1 to the Cancer Society,one to the Toronto Humane Society and one to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind.I counted the guestbook,223 people paid their respects so it goes to show dad was popular around here.Starting a week from Monday,i am going to church with mom ,not this Sunday too soon,next Sunday is Easter.Dad liked going to hear Reverend Lafave,missed it when he couldn't go and mom always brought a paper from the service ,so dad could keep up on what was going on.fritz has settled down for the night under the litle couch.

Daisy and Delilah
03-30-2007, 09:40 PM
What a wonderful picture of your dad, Barry. There he is doing what he loved so much. It's so nice that you have so many memories throughout the house to remind you of him. He certainly was a popular man and it's easy to see why. You're all a great group of people.

That will be so nice that you can go to church with your Mom. She's going to need you to be there for her alot. Bless you all and please give that cute little man some more kisses from Florida :) I hope you get some sleep tonight, Barry.

03-31-2007, 08:38 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/saddog.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/wakingup.jpg Fritz in Mom's chair,probably thinking about dad and missing him and waking up this morning in mom's bed.He kept mom company again last night,been doing good in that department.He had his toast and cereal,is now in the window,looking out.I took an Advil,slept until around 7 this morning.I had a dream during the night and dad was in perfect health,could walk and talk like he used to,I am sure he is fine shape now, planting flowers and cutting grass and being with Ruffles,my Grandma (dad's mom) who I lost in March of 1985 and all the other relatives.Mom is going to go out to the grocery store to get tomatos,i get my haircut this afternon.She has been wanting to take the truck out,the truck hasn't been driven since dad and i last did snow on December 4.My sister is talking to mom now, my Aunt(my Uncle Elwood's ) wife Maxine phoned and she is sending a donation to our church.Shannon ,my niece phoned to check on us.

Daisy and Delilah
03-31-2007, 08:45 AM
Fritz is definitely missing his Papa like you all are, Barry. He's just the cutest little boy. I hope you all have a good day today and glad you got some sleep. I can imagine that your dream was true. Your Dad is at the bridge with Ruffles and everyone else, having fun and as healthy as can be. :)

03-31-2007, 11:38 AM
These are wonderful pictures you have shared Barry, they touch my heart deeply in a way that is hard to describe. I have been thinking of you and your family a lot, and keeping you all in my prayers. You, Fritz, your dad, and your family have all become a very special part of Pet Talk. When I think of Pet Talk, I can't imagine it without the pictures and stories of Fritz and family. Thank you so much for sharing about your dad. He has touched many more hearts than he could ever realize and a part of him lives on in all who knew him. I am sure he is smiling from above Barry. He is and always will be a very special man, and so are you!

03-31-2007, 07:10 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/waterdog.jpg Fritz in front of the fireplace waiting for water.he followed me out to the gate and waited,brought it back and he had it.He had a little snooze under the little couch,then wanted upstairs, he came out limping on hid back left paw.He probably lays on it the wrong way when he was under the couch.Mom went shopping with my sister this afternoon while I cleaned the flower bed behind the gazebo.Rain tomorrow and through the middle of the week,getting colder and then maybe a little snow by Friday,so I will wait til it gets warmer to get the rest done .Fritz just jumped out of the window and was at the back door wanting out, back leg looks fine now. :cool:

03-31-2007, 07:20 PM
awwwwwww he's so adorable!

Daisy and Delilah
03-31-2007, 10:17 PM
There's our photogenic boy!! It sounds like things are settling down a bit there, Barry. At least for the time being. I'm glad you all got some quiet time today.

Fritzie, be careful and don't get too frisky and hurt yourself. I'm glad you're not limping anymore. We sure don't want you to be on the PT injured list. Take it easy sweetheart :)

04-01-2007, 07:08 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/coverguy.jpg Fritz under the covers of Mom's bed this morning ,he slept with her,he was to sleep with me,had trouble jumping up,so he went to Mom and slept with her.His rear left leg seems to be fine now.He got lazy this morning,I had to feed him my toast after he been with mom, he had some with he, hot cross bun,.When he got up, he went to her and curled up tight to her.I am going with my sister to church.Mom is going to wait until Easter Sunday to go,finds it is too soon after the service and a day before the internment.I was going to wait until next week, but Marlene is going ,so I will go and keep her companyDad would want that .I am having a hard time again today.I wake up every morning now and dad is not here.The Internment is tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. and once that is over with , I hope things will start to settle down and I can enjoy myself.

04-01-2007, 07:17 AM
Awww Fritz, we are so sorry that you hurt your leg somehow but are very glad you aren't limping any more. Good boy for sleeping with Mom so much but maybe switch off and give Barry some cuddle time. :) He is lonely now too you know.

Barry I am glad you are going to church with your sister. I believe it will be a source of comfort to you. I'm glad your mom and sister got out together yesterday. Sometimes just getting away from the same four walls helps clear one's mind and allows us to be able to slowly return to normal functioning after such a loss.

We are all still thinking of you and hope you know that. I hope you don't get snow later this week. I wouldn't want any more now that spring is here and the flowers are starting to peek through the soil - our daffodils and hyacinths are up and so pretty. :) Do you have any flowers sprouting up there in Canada?

04-01-2007, 07:52 AM
frizt, there are many mornings i feel like extra bedtime would be best for me. barry, you and your mother are in my prayers.

Daisy and Delilah
04-01-2007, 08:20 AM
I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble jumping, Fritzie. I hope you get all better soon. Kisses to you little guy :)

Barry, I agree with Pam. Going to church with your Mom will make you feel so much better. Not only are you helping her, you're giving yourself some time to get out of the house and interact with others in a very positive way. I just know you'll feel a sense of peace while you're there and after you get home. You're going through a very difficult period right now. With the internment tomorrow, things are still unsettled and uncertain to you. There is nothing easy about going through this process. I wish you all the best. You're such a good man. Helping your Mom through this is so honorable. I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

Please tell your Mom that I'm thinking of all of you and give her a hug for me today. :)

04-01-2007, 10:02 AM
That's such a sweet picture. :)

04-01-2007, 07:53 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/peekerguy.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/pantingboy.jpg Fritz peeking out from under the couch and panting under the coffee table after trying to hide his Monkey Squeaky.Had a good time at church start out the service by having shakes hands with people.When the Reverend Lafave first spoke,he mentioned dad and did it again later,i had a little cry after the first time.It was Palm Sunday and they had kids go through the church and give people at the end of ther rows Palm Leaves.Brought that home,Marlene bought a bunch of Daffodils and brought them here and put them in a Vase.Had a few prayers,sang hymns, got lost singing one and Marlene was on the wrong page for another.Reverend Lafave came down from where he speaks and sat down in front of some kids and told a story.We had two new people transfer to the church from out of town,he Baptized and confirmed a few people, one of them had the same name as a boy in the choir,said he try not to get the two confused.Then the plate was passed around to give offerings to the church.We then went and had hot cross buns,danishes and coffee.Before we went out,the Reverend came by and gave me a pat on the shoulder.A couple of people offered condolences,they had just found out,some said they were glad to see me out to church.Going with mom on Easter Sunday,probably Marlene too.We had a little over a 100 at the lunch after the service on Thursday.Larry came here and kept Mom company while Marlene and me were at church.Taffy is not limping as much,Fritz is a bit,he lays on the that paw.Tommorrow's the internment,going to be a rough day,I will get through it somehow.Dad's rermains are in a nice woden box,Marlene ended up getting a Gold cement vault where it wil go inside so the wooden box won't rot away.We also got a Bible in a nice wooden box from the Canadian Auto Workers.Here is hoping I get throught tomorrow okay.

04-01-2007, 07:59 PM
Oh Fritz, just look at you peeking out from under the couch. How cute!

It's nice that you went to church services with your Mom. I'm sure she appreciated it. Take care.

04-01-2007, 09:13 PM
Barry, Just sending big hugs your way, I know after the funeral and things calm down it can get pretty rough, reality sets in. Just try to remember the good times you had with your Dad, he sure always had a great smile.

Fritz looks as handsome as ever, glad he is a source of comfort for you and your Mom.

Daisy and Delilah
04-01-2007, 10:03 PM
Fritz is adorable as always.

Tomorrow will be very difficult for you, Barry. It seems like everything is coming to an end. It's a very strange feeling. Strange and incredibly sad. I will hope and pray that you, your Mom, Marlene, and the rest of the family get through it alright. It could possibly be the hardest day of all. I think you're doing a great job being strong and supporting the family. They will always be grateful for that.

Take care and PM me if you need to talk. Remember....there is nothing wrong with showing emotion. Everyone knows how important your Dad was to you. He was a wonderful man and he left behind, a wonderful son. Take care........


Pawsitive Thinking
04-02-2007, 04:46 AM
I'm not a religious person but still found an enormous amount of comfort sitting in a quiet church and lighting a candle for my Dad a week after he had died.

If I need to talk to him now I often sit in the garden at the crematorium where his ashes are scattered - its very peaceful there.

While you are being strong and supportive don't forget to take some time for you - losing a loved one is very hard to come to terms with and you can lean on us always

04-02-2007, 05:27 AM
Peek-a-boo Fritz! We see you! :D :D

Barry we will be thinking of you today.

04-02-2007, 07:02 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/fritzsleepy.jpg Fritz sleeping in Mom's bed.Fritz had a hard time sleeping last night,we had thunder and Lightning,he was uneasy, was huffing and puffing ,couldn't settle down.When it was over,he was with Mom curled up in bed.He has had his toast,is now in the window.He is still limping,he tucks his paw right under himself and his whole weight is on that left rear paw.Today is the day,weather is not great,overcast and rain,it is going to mucky.We were at the cemetary on Friday and the ground was soft and squishy and mucky,water laying.Afterwards,we are going to the Greek restaurant for lunch,the same one we did for supper on Wednesday.

Daisy and Delilah
04-02-2007, 08:41 AM
{{{{{BARRY, MOM, , FRITZ, and FAMILY}}}}} Big hugs to all of you Barry.

Fritz, I hope your paw gets better sweetheart. :)

04-02-2007, 06:23 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/fritzynap.jpg Fritz snoozing in the recliner this morning.The internment went pretty well.Mom cried a little more,i did too when i layed a flower on the little gold vault the ashes were in.The ashes are in a wooden box inside the gold cement vault.The Reverend Lafave said a few prayers,Mom repeated one word for word.He put down some flowers first then the family did.he came to all of us to comfort us,that was it.Mom ,myself ,Marlene,Larry,my Aunt (Mom's sister) and my Uncle Everett,Jason,Shannon and her husband Brian.Jason's wife Barb had a doctor's appointment and couldn't attend.After the service ,Larry,Marlene,Mom ,myself my Aunt and Uncle went to the Greek restaurant for supper, Jason,Brian,and Shannon had to get back to work.I had a Hamburger and Ceasar Salad.Fritz is fine,not limping,had some of my supper ,ham on a bun and some Blueberry pie Marlene left us.fritz had a play earlier with his Monkey and is tired out.Is laying on the coffee table now.Fritz lifts his head the odd time and looks toward the barroom,expecting to see someone.

Daisy and Delilah
04-02-2007, 08:32 PM
That's a great picture of Fritzie!! Kisses to you cutie! :)

I'm glad things went well with the service today. I hope all of you will find some peace soon.

04-03-2007, 06:56 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/cuddles.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/flippooch.jpg Fritz cuddling in with mom while she reads the paper this morning,Fritz later flipped over in the same chair by himself.Mom and Marlene were gone a little while today getting paperwork done regarding dad.tomorrow,it will be thank you cards.Got 12 cards today including 1 from Sandra(tatsxxx11) and 1 from Elizabethann,15 cards yesterday.Fritz just had the Vanilla part of Haagen Daz Ice Cream Bars.Fritz was restless last night,couldn't make up his mind where to sleep,first Mom,then me,got off my bed,then left almost immediately and finally ende up with mom again,pooped in the livingroom,that was possibly the reason he was restless,wanted out,didn't realize it.had toast this morning, had some peanut Butter and Jam sandwich for lunch,licked off my plate of Lasagna for supper,had a bit of a white bun ,had a bit of Raisin bun without the raisins,then had his own food,mom puts ketchup.had a cousin of mine stop her today,Neil Macklin.He had been to Marlene's,then here,couldn't stay had to to work in Toronto,he is a security guard,he is my Cousin Sharon's brother.Supposed to be thunder and lightning tonight,so Fritz might get restless.Currently is under the little couch.

Daisy and Delilah
04-04-2007, 08:15 AM
How are you this morning Fritz? Did you have those bad old storms again buddy? Maybe a trip to Florida is in order. No storms here and it looks like we are never going to get any rain.

How is your Mom doing Barry? She looks pretty in the picture. I love her orange outfit. Take care all.

04-04-2007, 08:35 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/noserboy.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/bedspread.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/KQ.jpg I layed on the floor to get this one of Fritz last night,nose sticking out,this morning laying on my bedspread on the floor and Fritz's father Klio,King of Queen who turns 6 years old,so Happy Birthday to him.Fritz was restless again last night,maybe the rain,he pooped in the bathroom twice,might be that Mom keeps leaving to go out or he is missing Dad.Mom is doing fine, Marlene and her went out and got paperwork done regarding Dad.Today they are making out Thank you cards .Today is a rainy gray day,Fritz doesn't like the rain,hasn't gone out,doesn't like umbrellas or people wearing hats,he growls at them.Fritz goes to the groomer tomorrow to get spiffied up,will have fun playing with the cats.We have old camping friends coming to visit tomorrow.Auntie Irene has chemotherapy on April 12,next Thursday,might stop by her,Fritz would like it.

Daisy and Delilah
04-04-2007, 01:08 PM
Glad to hear your Mom is doing okay, Barry. I hope you're all doing as well as can be expected. Fritzie is looking especially cute today. Have fun at the groomers cutie!! Sorry you're so restless. Poor little guy is so excited about all the new things.

Happy Birthday Klio!! We can certainly see where Fritz gets his good looks. Such a handsome man you are!!

I hope Auntie Irene is feeling okay and it would be great if the Aunties get to stop and see their little buddy, Fritz!!

04-04-2007, 08:00 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/chowwait.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/chowtime.jpg Fritz waiting for mom to give him some Asparagus,Fritz cleaning out the bowl.Mom and i went out shopping,she first had to return something she bought,clothes and then went to Barb and Jason's to drop off Lauren's birthday present,forgot to do 2 weeks ago.Barb wasn't home,so dropped it off between the doors,went to Shannon's to drop off Samantha's she is 2 on April 23.Mom rang the bell,woke up Samantha.Shannon had two little boys there for daycare,Jordan 4 and Rueben ,6 , and one little Kiara 19 months was sleeping upstairs.Shannon has the basement set up for them to play differnt things to,Samantha,had a shopping cart and a cell phone,pretending to shop.Brandyn and the two ther boys were at the computer playing a game,Brandyn was hogging the computer.We are invited to their place for supper and cake on Samantha's birthday.Sometimes ,Shannon has 5 or 6 kids there at one time.Fritz is now snoozing under the little couch.

Daisy and Delilah
04-04-2007, 08:40 PM
Hi Fritzie!! Are you gobbling up your asparagus buddy? It sounds like you had a great day with your Mom, Barry. I'm glad you two are spending time together. I know it means so much to her. :)

04-05-2007, 07:15 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/fritzbed.jpg Fritz curled upin the living room this morning.This is where he ended up.He was retless last night,didn't know where to sleep, layed on my bedspread on the floor next to me,the mat near my bedroom door,don't know if he went to mom at all,he pooped in the bathroom again and he peed next to the chair where he slept.Maybe he is upset that Dad is not here anymore and this is way of showing his anger. We take him to the groomer in an hour,then we have friends coming to visit at 10:00.They had just come back from Hawaii and Marlene had left a message on their answering machine,they called when they got home.They were going to come when dad was still living,the man had a sore throat,so they thought best to stay away.Evergreen farm and Garden where dad got his tractor and had work done, didn't know what happened,though they did know he was giving up lawn cutting.We got a invitation in the mail yesterday for an open house they have every spring.Marlene phoned them,the receptionist there cried when Marlene gave her the news.We have gotten 69 cards from friends,so Mom and Marlene will be busy sometime soon putting out thank you cards.I an going with Mom on Sunday for Easter Service at theh church and we are going later in the day to Marlene and Larry's for Easter Dinner.Things look a little white here today,a dusting of snow in the flower beds and lawns,28 degees fahrenheit at 6:15 this morning.

04-05-2007, 07:58 AM
Oh Barry the picture of Fritz sticking his nose out from under your mom's leg made me laugh out loud! What a silly boy you are Fritzie! :D

It is quite a testament to how much your dad was loved and respected to hear that the receptionist at the garden center cried. It is not surprising to us, though, as we could tell he was a very special man. We are still thinking of you and your family and enjoy your updates and Fritz photos. :)

04-05-2007, 08:53 AM
Hey there Fritz! I see the yellow bandanna is back in place. You are such a handsome boy. A trip to the groomer, huh? Hardly seems necessary, you are precious just the way you are!

Barry, my best to you and your mom. Give Fritz a hug from me!

Daisy and Delilah
04-05-2007, 01:20 PM
Fritz, it sounds like something is really upsetting you. Maybe you're missing Papa and maybe the storms are upsetting you. I hope you're ok soon. I guess you're at the groomer now getting all spiffed up. Hope you're having lots of fun!!

Snow? WOW! Must be great to see a little snow, Barry. It's actually a little cooler here too. Your Dad was such a popular man and friend to all. The world has lost a wonderful guy. I know all of you are missing him terribly.

04-05-2007, 03:23 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/spiffyguy.jpg Fritz all spiffed up from his day at the groomers.Shook while going and was squirming and wagging his tail as we went in.Couldn't wait to get out of the cage when we came and got him.Not sure if he played with the cats,probably did.Mom's nerves got the better of her when i spilled some pop on the carpet while she was giving me a card to look at.She said something about drinking too much pop,should cut down,about spilling it.She apologized,I know she didn't mean it,it has been a tough week,Got to more bunches of flowers,one fron the garden center that dad got the tractor from and from a couple we did grass for.they are on a South American cruise,their daughter ordered the flowers and put their name on it.Fritz had a nap in the window,now outside cooling off,is back in now.Has a Yellow scarf on for easter,and his blue collar goes nicely with the scarf

Daisy and Delilah
04-05-2007, 03:27 PM
What a handsome guy who is back from the groomers!! You look great buddy! Did you have fun? We can see you're taking a rest now after a big day :)

04-05-2007, 06:09 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/fritzyrest.jpg Fritz having a cozy rest on the couch,showing off his Yellow Easter Scarf.Fritz has now taken his cozy nap under the little couch downstairs,been a tiring day for him,being groomed up for Easter.too tired to come out and have Ice Cream Bars.

04-06-2007, 07:11 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/mover.jpg Fritz on the move after sleeping last night.He was better last night ,not as restless,slept part of the time in a livingroom chair,then went to bed with mom where he was when i got up at 6:30 this morning.last night,tried to get him to go out by giving him meat, he wanted the meat but growled at me when I tried to pick him up.Real cool here,23 degrees,there is a snowsquall warning in effect up here,might get a little white.Fritz has had his breakfast,been out ,had his drink of water,is now in the livingroom snoozing.Mom going to get her hairdone,that is all she is doing today, stores are closed.Everybody have a great Easter holiday from all of us here.i

Daisy and Delilah
04-06-2007, 12:02 PM
HAPPY EASTER TO ALL OF YOU TOO BARRY!!! Fritz looks great after his trip to the groomer. Kisses to you buddy!! :)

04-06-2007, 06:25 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/staryboy.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/begfella.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/napper.jpg Fritz staring at me while I take the picture,Fritz begging for Mom's Strawberry Tart,he licked out the foil wrapper,he got the Vanilla Filling from a Cream Puff,also licked off my plate of Lasagna after he ate his own food,mom puts Ketchup on for him to eat it.Snoozed after supper on my lap was on Mom's lap watching the news,now under the little couch.Mom went up to my sister's,Larry is doing some renovating .I stayed her to watch over Fritz.I was putting pictures back in the binder and any picture with dad in it made me sad and sometimes cry.

Daisy and Delilah
04-06-2007, 07:23 PM
What a life you have Fritz. You just live like king. Great pics of you. Your Mom's hair looks great, Barry. :)

04-07-2007, 07:29 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/cozydoggy.jpg Fritz all cozy in Mom's bed this morning.He went up shortly after Mom went up,then headed to the bedroom where he stayed all night.Fritz has toast from both of us,maybe tomorrow Bacon and eggs.Last I saw him,he was on the couch where dad would sit.Mom going grocery shopping soon before it gets too busy,stores were closed because of Good Friday.Frosty morning 20,with a little dusting of snow.

04-07-2007, 08:12 AM
Fritz is still just as cute as can be. I haven't been around much so I haven't seen him in awhile. He is adorable as always. I love the begging picture. He certainly has that pose down perfect!

04-07-2007, 08:13 AM
Fritz your begging pictures are just so cute!! What a polite little man you are just sitting there so handsomely waiting for a tasty morsel. Bella lays her head on my leg sometimes when I am eating. It is hard to resist doggy eyes and they know it. :p

It looks like Fritz and his mom have new hair-dos in time for Easter. Both look very pretty. Oops, I am sorry for calling you pretty, Fritz! :)

Daisy and Delilah
04-07-2007, 08:36 AM
You're as cozy as can be in that bed picture, Fritzie. You look cuter all the time buddy!! Have a good day everybody!! :)

04-07-2007, 06:28 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/flowerdog.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/sockyboy.jpg Fritz in the window between the flowers and under the dining room table hiding a clean sock of mine.A customer dad and I cut grass for come by to visit with us and said if we nedd anything call.They have Raspberries growing there and we are welcome to some when they are ripe.While here,Fritz grabbed his shoes and under the table he went.He was all excited to see him,tail just went.Had a great play with his Monkey,running around throwing it.Ate all his supper,so got a little bit of French Fries and bit of a Big Mac from us.Fritz had two naps on my lap today,probably from his play with his monkey and hiding the shoes.He is now on Mom's lap,had a little bit of a Ice Cream Bar from me.Going to Easter service tomorrow at church with Mom and Marlene.

Daisy and Delilah
04-07-2007, 07:18 PM
Fritz, you look so cute next to those flowers. What a great picture. Are you stealing the guests shoes again buddy? You're so tricky. It sounds like everybody had a good day. That's really nice to hear you're going to church with your Mom and Marlene tomorrow Barry :)

04-08-2007, 07:36 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/cozybaby.jpg Fritz curled up in the bed this morning.Stayed right next to Mom,kept her warm all night.had a little dusting of snow that i cleaned off this morning.We had bacon,eggs and toast this morning,he thought that was great.Going to church around 10 for Easter service and going later for Supper at Marlene and Larry's .Taffy's back legs are giving out, she was out running at Larry's brother-in-law's place and hurt herself,remember that happening with Ruffles which was more due to old age.Happy Easter everyone,you all have been so very kind with your comments of Dad and Fritz.

Daisy and Delilah
04-08-2007, 09:36 AM
Happy Easter to all of you too Barry. Fritz is looking very cozy in that bed this morning. I hope Taffy feels better. Sorry she got hurt. Have a wonderful day Barry, Fritz, and family. :)

04-08-2007, 08:34 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/drinkydog.jpg Fritz tonight wanting some water,Amazing Race is on the T.V.Mom and i went to my sister's for Easter dinner,Fritz stayed here,he just does too much running around and were not going to chase him around all the time.We left supper for him,didn't eat until we were home.We had Ham,Scalloped Potatoes,Brussel Sprouts,Turnip and Cabbage Salad.Dessert was Cherry Cheesecake.Taffy was limping a bit,kept wanting out for no reason,got some Ham for supper.Stood up with her paws on the counter licking a bowl of butter.Fritz got on Mom's lap after we were home,mom just wernt to bed,Fritz just went up a few minutes ago to keep her warm.Easter service was packed, we had Communion,we all had a piece of bread and a tiny glass of wine.

Daisy and Delilah
04-08-2007, 10:59 PM
Fritz is looking so cute waiting for water. Hi cutie!! It sounds like you all had a fabulous meal and a great day, Barry. I'm glad things are going well. :)

04-09-2007, 08:05 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/comfyboy.jpg Fritz snoozing on the bed this morning.When he went up last night,he went to the living room and curled up in the chair.Mom went and got him,he didn't make a sound and Mom took him to bed.Early this morning,he must have dreaming,heard little yips out of him,probably dreaming of dad.On Friday,I went with Mom,she needed needed to get Tomatoes and also to get some Yellow Pansies to put on dad's grave.We done that,Marlene had already been there and put flowers there from the service.Yellow was dad's favorite color,so will be sure and have Yellow flowers planted in the gardens.Mom had a slip of the tongue last week.I was sitting where dad sat on the couch and called me by Dad's first name,Cliff.She has been so used to seeing dad sitting there,so she said his name,nothing wrong with that,she had known dad since 1948.Mom and Marlene are going to get started on the Thank You cards,we got 76 cards from people.The church bulletin said there $715 donated in dad's memory plus another $100 from Marlene and Larry,so it will be $815.Mom is overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone who donated.She isn't sure wheather she will know how much was donated to ALS.

Daisy and Delilah
04-09-2007, 08:37 AM
There you are all cozied up again in that inviting bed, Fritzie. You look so cute getting your naps in.

No doubt your Dad was a very popular man, Barry. I'm so glad the response has been so wonderful. I know it makes all of you feel good knowing what good your Dad did while he was here. He is missed by everyone. I also miss seeing pictures of his smiling face on the couch with Fritz. He was so photogenic and always looked so happy despite the pain he was having. I know him and Ruffles are having a lovely walk at the Rainbow Bridge right now. :)

04-09-2007, 09:24 AM
I love all the pictures! Fritz is such a cutie. I'm sure he's been a great comfort to you and your mom. Your dad was loved by a lot of people Barry.

04-09-2007, 03:59 PM
Having yellow flowers planted in your garden would be a wonderful way to remember you father this summer!

04-09-2007, 06:35 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/fliprest.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/lazyrest.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/food.jpg Fritz flipped over on my bed,being lazy and begging for supper.We had some of last night's leftovers of Ham,Scalloped Potatoes,Turnip,Cabbage Salad and Cherry Cheesecake.He cleaned off my plate of the first course,had the Cherries from the Cheesecake,cleaned off mom's plate also.Snoozed on my bed while Mom ansd Marlene were addressing thank you cards for the donations we got.After supper,got on my lap on the couch,my leg started hurting,then Fritz went to the window and then ended up on Mom's lap.He is now on Mom's lap downstairs looking for some chips.

04-10-2007, 07:44 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/curlyball.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/grinny.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/me.jpg Fritz curled up in a ball on the bed,on my lap this morning after breakfast,grin on his face.Picture of me wearing a shirt mom found last week that was to be a Christmas present and forgot about.Fritz goes up to bed a little after Mom does and sleeps with her,that seems to be the new routine he has established.Mom and Marlene were busy with addressing thank you cards for 75 people now they need stamps about $40.I wish ot would warm up it is 28 right now,it is still a little chilly to clean flower beds,maybe the end of the week ,supposed to be in the 50's but is cooling down at the start of next week 40 degrees.

Pawsitive Thinking
04-10-2007, 08:46 AM

Archie and Tobey want to say hi to you and send big wuffs to Fritz. I am sure my RB CallyPuss will have met your Dad by now and found herself a nice warm lap to sit in :D

04-10-2007, 09:23 AM
Ahh... what a cute grin you have on your face Fritz!

Daisy and Delilah
04-10-2007, 12:19 PM
Great pictures of you and Barry, Fritz!! Love that grin on your little face. How nice of your Mom to have found the shirt Barry. It looks really nice :)

04-10-2007, 03:45 PM
My Fritz, what a grin!

Barry, that is so funny your Mom found a Xmas present. I found a TON of unopened presents at my Mom's house one year. I can't remember if they were for her or from her. But I laughed & laughed. She forgot all about them!

04-10-2007, 03:50 PM
Your doggie is so adorable! :D

04-11-2007, 07:54 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/sleepy.jpg Fritz curled up in the bed with Mom at around 7:00 this morning.It looks a little dark,took this from the hallway,had to edit in order to see it better.He stays right up her all night,doesn't move.Fritz makes a great hot water bottle.He has had his breakfast with us,has been on both our laps ,has barked at kids waiting for the bus and a lady walking a Greyhound.It is going to be rather wet this afternoon into tomorrow,also windy,close to an inch of rain and the ground is already soaked,don't how much more rain the ground can take.

04-11-2007, 08:20 AM
aaaaaaawwww....Fritz, you sleep just like Fenway...right beside the Momma. You are such a good boy keeping her all warm & cozy. I just love you Fritz. xxoo

Daisy and Delilah
04-11-2007, 08:59 AM
You are such a good boy Fritz!! Taking care of everybody. I love that picture Barry. Stay dry you guys!! :)

finn's mom
04-11-2007, 09:11 AM
Fritz is so cute. I love seeing you once in awhile, too, Barry! Cool shirt!

04-11-2007, 08:03 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/cubbyhole.jpg Fritz in his cubbyhole under the couch.he just got out of there,thought i had a snack,just had Apple juice.He had lunch with me,cooked meat sandwich,stole coasters you put drinks on a couple of times, went under the table with them and i had to get some of the meat to get him out.he ate all his supper,so he got clean off our plates of Hamburger Pie which has cheese,he didn't get that,peas,hamburger,and potatoes.had the cherries from Cherry cheesecake.Fritz then had a couple of plays after supper with his Monkey with me.After this ,he has basically rested,only to go out and then have water when he come back in,3 times.Now in my chair next to me.My nephew Jason phoned checking on Mom and he mentioned that his neighbor has a Golden Retriever like his and it got into bad food,eyes look a funny color,could cost $5000 to find out what is wrong and fix it.they might have to put it down.The dog is 3 years old.A neighbor up the street had a Husky they walked twice a day,nothing for 3 weeks now,mom thinks something has happened..Another neighbor we know has a Bichon,,Mom will ask her when she sees her and find out what happened to the Husky.

Daisy and Delilah
04-11-2007, 09:32 PM
We can find you all over the place buddy!! You couldn't get cuter. I can see you now, grabbing those coasters. Your tricks never end do they?? Be a good boy! :)

04-12-2007, 07:59 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/tired.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/flippyear.jpg Fritz in bed with Mom this morning at 7:15 and in the chair resting,ear flipped up.just had to go outside,he is wet,it has been raining and windy here.He is now on my bed laying down.He has had toast and cereal,been out in the rain and is content for now,though he did bark at two kids waiting for the school bus at he corner.Mom is talking to Shannon right now,her brother Jason called last night and he let his boy Ryan talk to Mom.Theya re pretty good in checking in and seeing how Mom is doing,i wish they would do the same with their parents.

Daisy and Delilah
04-12-2007, 10:07 AM
Fritz is napping all over the place isn't he? You're such a cute cuddlebug Fritzie!! We love you little buddy! :)

Barry, that's just great that everyone is being diligent to check on your Mom. It shows how much everbody loves her.

04-12-2007, 05:59 PM
It's always such a Pleasure to see our "Little -Big Dog"~ Fritz!!! :cool:

It's great to know that "Mom" has loved ones who kindly respond as needed~ She's a shining example of what a FAMILY consists of , and they will learn from her strength!!!

Fritz, You're quite a Dog!!! ;) {{HUGS}}}

04-12-2007, 06:36 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/waittime.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/auntyI.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/treatbeg.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/auntybev.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/laprest.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/comfytime.jpg Fritz waiting for someone special to come,Fritz with paw up,wanting a Bacon treat from Aunty Irene,sitting up for more treats,Aunty Bev,Fritz was right with her,but moved before I took it,Fritz on Aunty Bev's lap and Fritz cozy on my bed.Bev and Irene had gone to Oshawa for Irene's chemotherapy,got there were told she didn't need it any more.She now has to go to Toronto's Sunnybrook Hospital for Radiation treatment which will hopefully get rid of the cancer which is really good news, really need that now.Fritz was at the back door waiting for them,gave them a big greeting,kisses.licks and wags,got his Bacon treats,we had doughnuts and coffee, Fritz had some coffee too,Irene poured some on a saucer and Fritz lapped it up.Had two walks with Bev,did a stare job at both of them.Irene is rather thin from the treatments 100 pounds,hair is thin.Has really no appetite,doesn't eat much,wiil come back gradually now once the chemothreapy is now over.We are going at some point to see their new home and go to that Fish and chip place for supper sometime.Fritz has had a tiring day,he is in his cubbyhole under the couch napping.

04-12-2007, 07:01 PM
I could actually scroll down through the pictures and understand the caption for each one!!! Now, How's that for a true Fritz fan!!!! :D

I'm so glad to read such great News about Auntie Irene's chemo treatment being canceled!!!! High Five on that report!!!! I did a dance!!!

Fritz, you're a Coffee Hound too? :eek: :D

04-13-2007, 09:14 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/curlguy.jpg Fritz curled up on the bed this morning.He had breakfast from both of us,toast and cereal from me and toast from mom.Slept on her bed while she went to get her hair done.Both Mom and I talked to Shannon,I did when mom was out and Mom did when she got back.Samantha has had the flu for two days,got it from her dad.Shannon was coming here today,didn't want give us the bug,may come tomorrow,dad Brian can watch her.

Daisy and Delilah
04-13-2007, 10:46 AM
Great pictures Barry! The Aunties visited!! YAY!!! That is terrific buddy!! I am glad to hear that Auntie Irene is through with chemo. I hope the radiation zaps the cancer and she gets back to good health. God bless her. Have a great day all and take care.

Sorry to hear Samantha has the flu too. Feel better Samantha!! :)

04-13-2007, 02:00 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/cuddlebug.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/mefritzy.jpg Fritz cuddled up to the pillow on my lap,cut my head off in this one,me and Fritz again,this time,cut a part of his head off in the picture.He had some Bologna sandwich with me at lunch,some Raisin bread without Raisins,had to give him more Bologna when he grabbed the TV. remote and hid under the table.Marlene come to help mom with some more paperwork regarding dad.Fritz greetedherin his usual way with kisses and wags.Grabbed oneof my shoes and went under ther table with it,he also pulled a coaster out from under a picture of dad and him,had to get bologna for him,he hid under the table with it.When Marlene,left,she got him to shake a paw.We are having Pancakes for supper,Fritz I think has ate his supper just now.

04-13-2007, 07:41 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/perchboy.jpg Fritz in his perch in the window this afternoon.We had Pancakes for supper,Fritz had some of his food,then sat near us wanting that.I got him to finish his by putting a piece of Pancake in his dish.He finished that and cleaned off both our dishes.Cuddled in with mom after supper,then in the window,then over to me on the couch,curling up.He is now in his cubbyhole unde the little couch.

04-13-2007, 08:18 PM
I simply "Adore" that last picture of "Fritz" :o

What a Sweet Heart!!!!!

Daisy and Delilah
04-13-2007, 10:38 PM
The report is in Fritz!! You are knowingly and cleverly removing things from their locations to obtain meat treats. No one is smarter than you Mr. Cutie Pie!! Great pictures Barry! He couldn't be cuter than he is in the last picture :D

04-14-2007, 08:27 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/beddytime1.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/beddytime2.jpg Fritz this morning,all fours in the air sleeping and buried under the covers.Went up last night shortly after mom went up,barked at something outside,was going to pick him,no way,he growled,so i left him and he eventually went with mom where he stayed tight to her all night.Finished the Pancakes from supper yesterday for breakfast this morning,Fritz had that ,had toast from Mom.Has curled with both of us in the living room,is now in the chair was barking at something.Around 11 last night,Mom saw a car outside on the street,smoke coming from an open window,figured they were smoking marijuana or something.Shannon is coming later on,don't know about Samantha yet,she has had a cold.

Daisy and Delilah
04-14-2007, 09:51 AM
Yes Fritz, some belly rubs are on the way to Canada from Florida!! :D You're adorable little man!! Don't steal anything today from anybody for meat treats. Okay Fritzie? ;)

04-14-2007, 06:41 PM
Fritz, move over. You're taking up the whole bed! You're such a silly guy!

Hey Fritz, Fenway met a Bichon last night at PetCo. He wasn't as cute as you. :)

04-14-2007, 07:58 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/lazybug.jpg Lazy as a bug in a rug,napping in his cubby hole.Mom and I went out for supper at Swiss Chalet.We both had quarter chicken dinners with white meat,fries,ceasar salad and a bun.Mom had coffee,I had Pepsi.We both had a Butterscotch Sundaes for dessert.Brought a piece of meat home for Fritz for eating all his supper.Snoozed next to me after we got back, went to mom ,had a pitstop outside,grabbed a newspaper and took off with it under the couch.

Daisy and Delilah
04-14-2007, 10:38 PM
There is no telling what you've got hidden under that couch buddy!! If we could only see :eek: You look like a little doll!! Be a good boy! :)

04-14-2007, 11:59 PM
First, I had to give "Fritz" a Belly rub( I could not resist!!!)

Your "Supper with Mom" at the Swiss Chalet sounds so tasty to me right now!!!!

Oh Fritz~ You're a clever little fellow~ :p

04-15-2007, 11:36 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/bedbuds.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/toast.jpg Fritz in bed with Mom this morning,begging Mom for toast at breakfast.Stayed tight to mom last night,hardly gave her room to sleep.By morning,he had moved over as you can see.Fritz had cereal and toast with me before mom got up and then had toast with her.He slept on the bed while we went to church.had some lunch from me,Bologna on a bun,has some fruit bread,had to be careful he didn't something he shouldn't have.Cold here,rainy a bit 39 ,maybe a little snow later,this is supposed to be Spring,where did it go?

04-15-2007, 11:44 AM
Fritz I would have to offer you my entire breakfast. Your begging is just too persuasive and I'd just have to share! :D :D I'm sorry to hear that you might get snow Barry. It is cold here too and we are having lots and lots of rain. I too am missing what I thought was spring! :)

Daisy and Delilah
04-15-2007, 06:29 PM
You are one persuasive boy Fritz!! What a cutie pie you are. You might weigh alot if you lived with me and I saw a cute pose like that!! ;)

Anybody that's used to having seasons must be in shock now. We're always on a roller coaster ride here when it's winter/spring anywhere else. Today, the wind is blowing so hard it's almost like a mini hurricane :( I'm keeping an eye on the trees :eek:

04-15-2007, 06:53 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/nooknap.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/hideyguy.jpg Fritz under the couch looking out to the front at me,then under the blanket on top of the same couch.We had subs for supper,he got a little of them after he had most of his .You can tell by the pictures he was having a nap,I had the other half of mom's sub,mom had a couple of cookies.Fritz had a little of each,went out in the rainy weather,come back in,wanted a dish of water,is now content on Mom's lap.

04-15-2007, 08:32 PM
Fritz, you look like Fenway today - a little lazy bumm.

It's been pouring & snowing here all day. So Fenway & I have been couch potatoes.


Fritz, I hope Spring comes soon. Because I'm getting sick of this winter like weather.

Daisy and Delilah
04-15-2007, 10:04 PM
We can see you're not giving up any of those naps Fritz. Sounds like a plan buddy!! Stay warm :D

04-16-2007, 08:13 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/peekyeyes.jpg Fritz peeking at me from Mom's chair.I don't think he likes today's forecast(weatherman is on the t.v. giving the forecast),rain,wind gusts up 40 miles per hour,good day to stay in .Last night ,Fritz begged to go upstairs,went to the window first,then went to bed on his own,bed had hadn't been turned down,Mom had a hard time with him on iot to get it ready to sleep in.When i got around 6:30 or so,Fritz is in the chair with mom,he had his toast and cereal with me,then toast with mom,went out briefly in the wind and rain for a pitstop,come in and got cuddled next to me on the couch,then went to the window where he is now.Supposed to be in the 50's by the Friday and in the 60's by the weekend, will have to see about that,then maybe I can get some Spring cleanup done.Done a little on Saturday,cutting the tops off dead plants so they can sprout up again,too wet for cleaning leaves out of the flower bed.temperatures on the tv are in celsius,tommorrow will be 50 fahrenheit,45 Wednesday,48 Thursday ,55 on Friday,Saturday,61,Sunday, 66.Mom is going to an Ecumenical dinner tonight where the ladies of surrounding churches come.It is a potluck thing where they bring food,mom making a casserole.don't know whether there is a meeting connected to this or it is just a dinner.Mom has Meals on Wheels tomorrow,Hospital gift shop later,Thursday I think it is something to with the Meals on Wheels volunteers,people who deliver meals to seniors who can't get their own meals,so Mom is keeping pretty busy.

04-16-2007, 08:26 AM
I like hearing your forecasts because it's usually what we're going to get in a few days or it's exactly what we are experiencing at the moment. It's pouring buckets here. There are floods everywhere! My BIL is in the National Guards and he's on call for any serious flood issues and evacuations. I'm hearing the seacoast is getting slammed.

We lost power in the city where I work (Concord) but "unfortunatley", my work has a generator so we're up & running. I'm thinking of going outside and sabotaging the generator so I can go home.

04-16-2007, 06:46 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/lookyout.jpg Fritz looking outside this afternoon at a man walking a Boxer.Lousy,rainy day,windy also so stayed .Fritz pretty well took it easy,played in my lap and Mom's,in the window, begged for Bologna sandwich,is very noisy with me,relatively quiet with Mom.had a short play with his Monkey.I had 2 mini Pizzas today,Fritz had some crust,also had some of the Vanilla part of a Haagen-Daz ice cream Bar.We got 4 more cards today,one from Auntie Bev's sister Corla,Terry(Daisy and Delilah),a friend of mom's who had a stroke a while back and is in a nursing home,she signed her name to it herself and another friend of mom's,cards total 98.Total amount of donations to our church in dad's memory is now over $900,Mom is just flabbergasted at the generosity of everyone who donated.

Daisy and Delilah
04-16-2007, 10:29 PM
You are such a loveable little guy Fritz!! I just love seeing you. Barry's stories about you have me thinking that you pretty much rule the roost around there don't you cutie? Daisy and Delilah rule the roost here too. Oh well. What can we do but enjoy it?! ;)

Barry, it sounds like your weather is up and down as much as everybody in the country. It's actually cold outside here tonight(Well...cold for us ;) ). Tomorrow it's back up in the 80's. I think we're expecting some more cool weather too. What next?

04-17-2007, 07:27 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/sawinlogs.jpg Fritz sawin logs in bed this morning.Last night while Mom was at the dinner ,Fritz stayed up in the front window,didn' t keep me company,watched things out the window,waiting for Mom to come.Barked a couple of time.When Mom come home between 9 and 9:30,Fritz was at the back door waiting for her,then came down with mom.Stayed with her on her lap,hthen under the couch when Mom went to bed,then he shortly followed her up..Had his toast and cereal and is content for now in mom's chair napping while Mom is in another chair talking to my sister.Weather forecast:today showers and 46,Wednesday,morning showers and 45,Thursday clouds and 59,Friday Sunny anf 57,Saturday 59 and Partly cloudy,Sunday Sunny and 63,Monday showers and 55.

Daisy and Delilah
04-17-2007, 09:48 AM
I'm glad to hear that you're really taking care of Mom, Fritz. You seem to be quite the caretaker extraordinaire. Have a good day everybody and stay dry :)

04-17-2007, 07:08 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/beddynap.jpg Fritz snoozing on the bed at around 5:09 this afternoon.He ate all his supper,we had Kraft Dinner, and Bologna,Fritz had some Bologna,the rest of it was cheese.He was all over the house after supper trying to hide his monkey,finally hid it under the little couch downstairs.Four different times in 20 minutes he barked this afternoon between 5:30 and 5:50,nothing to bark at outside,all was clear.Shannon phoned today,said they had to take Samantha to Lakeridge Health Oshawa,same one dad was in.She had picked up the flu from her dad Brian.She was put up on intravenous for 5 hours then sent home,she is fine now,playnig at home pushing her stroller.Brandyn asked his Mom if he could stay home from school this afternoon,there were kids there for daycare,he wanted to stay and play with them and be close to Mom.Fritz had quieted down now,he is in Mom's lap.Shannon and Brian were going to pick up a new van tonight,same as ours only it is Metallic Blue.ours is a light brown.It is a 2007 Pontiac Montana.Mom is going to sell ours in the fall,too big for the two of us,so she is going to get something small,a Pontiac Torrent.

Daisy and Delilah
04-17-2007, 09:22 PM
There you are Fritz. Getting in another little snooze. Can I join you Fritzie? :)

Sorry to hear that Samantha is sick Barry. I hope she gets well soon. :)

04-18-2007, 12:35 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/cozypair.jpg Fritz all paws in the air,Mom sleeping this morning at 5 after 7.Looks Fritz had a great sleep,Mom was awake for 3 hours and she said she could have stayed there.I got more yard work done today.Cut down some plants some more,raked out more leaves and weeds edged the flower bed on the East side of the yard and worked up the flower beds.Filled up 8 big paper waste bags of leaves.dad had always dumped the leaves in the flower beds to keep them warm over the winter.Next fall,they go straight into the bags.Mom said I did a great job.I know what dad would say,"You did a super job,son".It just isn't the same doing this without him,I really miss him.Mom is going to visit her friend in the nursing home.She had a stroke a while back and she signed her name to it.She even talked to Mom yesterday,someone there dialed it for her,she could talk as plain as day,better than she had been.Samantha is much better now,they went and go their new van a 2007 Metallic Blue Pontiac Montana.Haven't heard how they like it yet.tomorrow through Sunday,sunny,temperatures,50,57,63, and 64,Monday cloudy and 68.Fritz now next to Mom in her chair.Had his lunch with me,a Bologna sandwich,barked up a storm wanting some.Mom then went to pick up some groceries and Fritz got on my lap on the couch.

04-18-2007, 03:35 PM
I have missed a few pictures and stories these last couple of days so seeing all of these pictures was a real treat. Bella said to tell Fritz that she realizes that the only way to get a good night's sleep is to totally relax with all four legs straight up in the air. :D Barry, I am glad your mom is keeping busy. That is the best medicine at a time like this. We are still all thinking of you and hope you are doing OK. It will be nice when this crazy weather is over and we can have some outside fun again. :)

04-18-2007, 06:23 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/siesta.jpg Fritz having a siesta on Mom's bed.I sat on the floor and I held the camera at an angle to get this picture.I put ketchup on his food,wouldn't eat.Mom put some of our supper with it,Hamburger Pie and he ate it up,got a little more from each of us.Fritz had a little ice cream and a bit of pumpkin cake from each of us .he has been a thief today. Grabbed each of the 3 tv remotes,not at the same time,also got a coaster off the table,got meat to get it back.I think he does this to get the meat.He won't settle down at night until we have had a treat,had a ice cream bar.He had a play with each of us with his Monkey,then rested with both of us,rested in the window and panted after that.Fritz is now settled down,in Mom's lap.

Daisy and Delilah
04-18-2007, 10:15 PM
Yes Fritz, we all know what you're up to Mr. Tricky Guy ;) Anything to get a piece of meat. Huh?

I was thinking a few days ago that once you started the yard work, you would miss your Dad even more. It has to be so hard to do things alone that you two used to do together. I know he would be proud of you. It's obvious that your Mom is very grateful for your help. It sounds like you two are getting along pretty well these days, considering what you've been through. I always hope for the best for you, your Mom, Fritz, and all the family. Take care :)

Pawsitive Thinking
04-19-2007, 10:57 AM
You will always miss your Dad, Barry. But he is part of who you are and you are great!

04-19-2007, 11:43 AM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/kozyboy.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/sunfella.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/loungy.jpg Fritz tucked in under the blankets this morning,laying in the sunshine in the kitchen,lounging on Mom's lap while she talks to Marlene.We got 2 more cards today,now up to 101.We had another donation in dad's memory to the ALS Society from a Dentist and his wife who we cut grass for and plowed snow for a few years.They recently come back from Bonita Springs,Florida where they have a condominium which backs out to a golf course.I have all the yard work done here,got the leafblower going,lawn mower needs oil before i go using it.I now get to rake the backyard of my sister's place sometime next week.Sunny the next few days here mid 50's to 60's and showers on Monday and 66.Fritz had to get out with me today,I was cleaning a flowerbed behind the gazebo.Stayed out a few minutes,then inside.had some Bologna sandwich and doughnuts,has barked at schoolkids,can't get used to them,then barks when there is nothing around.

04-19-2007, 04:58 PM
http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/warmyboy.jpg http://usera.imagecave.com/fritz85/coolboy.jpgFritz panting away in the front window after a play with his Monkey.This is his way of "cooling off".You can see a reflection of him panting in the glass.Fritz cooling off outside in front of the Lawn Mower.I now have it going,the only thing left to get running is the grass trimmer.He ate all his super,cleaned off both our plates of Hamburger Pie,had some Pumpkin bread and ice cream.Mom is going to a fashion show at my old High School,Fritz will stay in the window or the bedroom the whole time,doesn't keep me company.

Daisy and Delilah
04-19-2007, 05:01 PM
You're adorable little guy!! You grab that one ray of sun like Daisy and Delilah. Great pictures as always Barry!

It sounds like you're really getting alot done outside, Barry. I love doing outside work but my bum knee won't allow it anymore without severe penalty :eek: Don't work too hard. :)

04-19-2007, 05:21 PM
Boy it looks good to see that lawn mower there!! It means that there will soon be something to mow! Spring is finally around the corner! YAY! Fritz you are a clever boy. Curl up with a loving human, play with your monkey and then run off with a shoe or something and get a treat to give it up. You are one smart cookie. :p :cool: