View Full Version : venting about Jake

03-25-2007, 08:44 PM
please please please let this stage get over with. He's now what... 5 months. He still terrorizes Ashley. Every day, several times a day I hear her just screaming at him. He won't leave her alone. She will get up and run off and he will take off after her.

Are you sure this will pass?

03-25-2007, 08:48 PM
Sorry - I forgot - is he neutered yet?

All kittens want to play, and as they grow, they don't know their own strength for a while.

Short of him having his own space with toys and stuff away from Ashley, I can't think of much else.

Crating or closing him in his own room is an option...but one kind of hates to do that when he is so young and cute.

Maybe separate him from her for just a couple of hours a day - so you can get some peace.

Good luck!

03-25-2007, 08:52 PM
not yet, he will be getting done soon. I plan on calling tomorrow. Runner needs her nails clipped too. I would do it, but she yelps anytime I grab her foot. fear I might hurt her.

He's got tons of toys, I play with him.. he's just VERY energetic.

Actually, he feels heavier than her now. She's 8 yrs and 8 lbs.

03-25-2007, 08:52 PM
That's a playful kitten :)

03-25-2007, 08:53 PM
Hopefully the neutering will have a settling effect. Ask the vet how long it takes for the hormone to leave Jake's body. I think for older cats, it is a week to ten days.

03-25-2007, 08:56 PM
one of his fav toys is a foil ball. He bats it around and it FLIES and glides on the kitchen floor unlike any regular ball. I guess its' cus it's lighter.

03-25-2007, 10:36 PM
Maybe you should put Ashley in a serparate room for several hours each day so she won't be so stressed out by Jake. While she's in another room you can play with Jake and try to wear him out so that when Ashley comes out again he won't want to chase her so much. Or you could adopt another young kitten so that Jake has a playmate his close to his own age. Good luck.:)