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View Full Version : Well I am in a routine......I think...............

03-25-2007, 06:41 PM
Well as everyone here is a part of the amazing burgeoning Goodnow household, I finally have time to update the wonderful and amazing people that call this place home.

Let us start at the beginning..............the macaw that was in the middle of her rescue while we were awaiting 6 furry kitties, is doing better than anyone hoped!!! She will be a part of her interview process, with 3 very qualified adopters :D Please join me in wishing her well and luck in finding her forever home!

The 6 Gangsters of Pudgy Pouncing on loan from our own wonderful Penny(catsindenver) are finally settling in, in a manner I am reassured by their amazing meowmie that is normal for them, they are rather shy cats, to which I think they are faking some of it, as it got them all fresh salmon and halibut :eek: (on a side note Penny I still feel awful that Angel refuses to leave the bathroom :( )

Io and Jupiter despise eachother :( Jupiter LOVES everyone else, we think it is because Io is not well, and hasn't been for a few weeks, he is now totally blind, and his eyes are infected again, so after his surgery (anyone know of a fairy vet ? one that will magically fix his vision?) to remove both eyes sometime in April. We will re introduce them, I am hoping that with Jupiter neutered and Io in no distress, the next meeting will have a better outcome :)

As for the rest of the critters the kittens are growing and being terrors, sure signs they are well loved and happy. Mama is spayed and there are only 2 others to finish getting neutered (happy dance)

On a note that truly makes me happy, a rainbow lory that was in rescue and was supposed to be a foster...................is now mine. My amazing and sweet husband conspired with my "bosses" to fake a foster situation and I am now reunited with a breed I adore. My heart Bird was 17 when she died under anaesthetic for an egg binding, our new baby is 16 months old and male, his name is Shrek

I want to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you that prayed for Penny, and prayed and sent love for Kim and Jupiter, and for keeping me so well loved and so much a part of your thoughts. You all Rock!!
Thank you.

Kym and Crew

03-25-2007, 06:57 PM

Sorry....it's a WONDERFUL post, I was just hoping for illustrations!!! :D

03-25-2007, 07:07 PM
I'm glad to hear that everything is going well.:) Hopefully Io's eye surgery will go well and he'll start feeling much better. I'd also love to see some pictures of the kittens or any one else.;)

03-25-2007, 07:11 PM
You people are insatiable LMAO! I will upload and post pics all week, and you will all have to just be satisfied with that ( quickly begs hubby to teach her AGAIN how to gt pics off the cam and onto PC)


critter crazy
03-25-2007, 07:24 PM
Sounds fabulous Dr. G!!! Awsome news that everyone seems to be settling in!! It must be a found pets Paradise over there!

03-25-2007, 07:30 PM
What a great (and thorough) update.

I am sad to hear that Jupiter will now have to be transported here to me so he does not have to live with his arch enemy, Io. (LOL.....I crack me up....LOL)

I am very glad the Cats from Denver are settling in.

{{{hugs}}} and kisses all around.

03-25-2007, 07:31 PM
Thanks Maggie! I will leave Paradise to Catmandu he is the master of that!!!
But, I am very blessed that all the critters for the most part are all okay with each other and with us.

03-25-2007, 07:33 PM
What a great (and thorough) update.

I am sad to hear that Jupiter will now have to be transported here to me so he does not have to live with his arch enemy, Io. (LOL.....I crack me up....LOL)

I am very glad the Cats from Denver are settling in.

{{{hugs}}} and kisses all around.

MISS JEN (ahem) Jupiter will not have to move in with you, (great try though) unless you are willing to ante up all those GORGEOUS girls as collateral................*flounces off whistling*

03-25-2007, 07:35 PM
MISS JEN (ahem) Jupiter will not have to move in with you, (great try though) unless you are willing to ante up all those GORGEOUS girls as collateral................*flounces off whistling*
They're YOURS!!! Now cough up da kat!! :p

03-25-2007, 07:36 PM
They're YOURS!!! Now cough up da kat!! :p
OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when are coming down for him?????? gets the girls all new beds and tells them they have fresh halibut awaiting! :p

critter crazy
03-25-2007, 07:36 PM
Thanks Maggie! I will leave Paradise to Catmandu he is the master of that!!!
But, I am very blessed that all the critters for the most part are all okay with each other and with us.
you are definitely reaching for a very close second tho! I have to say, all of you, that opens your homes like this impress me! not only you, but all of your spouses as well! If only my spouse was as supportive!:D

03-25-2007, 07:40 PM
OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when are coming down for him?????? gets the girls all new beds and tells them they have fresh halibut awaiting! :p
AH HA!!! See, everyone has their price. hee hee hee hee..

03-25-2007, 07:43 PM
AH HA!!! See, everyone has their price. hee hee hee hee..
well I never said I was cheap.........................................LMAO

Prairie Purrs
03-25-2007, 08:52 PM
(on a side note Penny I still feel awful that Angel refuses to leave the bathroom :( )

I will never understand what goes on in that cat's head. He was born indoors and got plenty of cuddles and attention from day one, but he acts like he spent years as a feral. I adore the little goof, but he's a mystery.

So sorry to hear that Io and Jupiter aren't getting along and that Io's eye problems are getting worse. I'm sure that Angel would let Io hang out in the bathroom with him. :)

And congrats on the addition to the permanent winged crew! Shrek is a lucky boy!

I'll never be able to say enough "thank yous" to you and Jas for taking care of my kitty crew! Please tell them that I miss them and that I hope they'll forgive me someday for making them endure that long car ride. It's so reassuring to know that they're in such good hands!

03-25-2007, 08:56 PM
Oh my, I did get a bit confused. Let's see -

The macaw is going to interview her new family.

Six gangsters are faking shyness to get salmon and halibut.

Angel won't leave the bathroom; does that mean she gets salmon and halibut in there?

Jupiter loves everyone but Io, but I thought Io was a moon of Jupiter? Does Jupiter still love Pluto, even though it has been demoted and is no longer a planet?

Io is blind or going blind and dealing with eye infections and that is making him unsettled; well it would ANYONE unsettled! Did he get any salmon or halibut? Or both? Or did he side with Pluto?

Mama and 6 kittens - Oh, now I remember, she was the "he" who couldn't get pregnant and was put in with the "guys." But Jupiter, Io and the gangsters were not part of that. Which means there are still some cats unaccounted for - at least in my mind. They "could" have been rehomed and I missed it or forgot! Hmmm . . . ...

Shrek is a lory, but I don't know if Jupiter is getting along with him, even though you say Jupiter is getting along with everyone. Maybe Jupiter invited Shrek for dinner??? Did the macaw interview Shrek, as he was becoming part of the family?

The camera and the PC are NOT talking, even thought the macaw IS.

The found cats paradise angels have flown down from Canada to help, but are going right back to Gary again.

Jupiter is trading places with a bunch of females, and said females are getting new beds and fresh halibut. FRESH halibut? In the middle of the country???? What, no salmon? Is the macaw interviewing these new family members?

Dr. Other Goodnow's ears must be ringing as everyone is singing his praises. For bringing in a lory, for letting in the gangsters, for chatting with the macaw, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Goodness gracious, I think I need a score card to keep up!

**I think I better get off the computer and go to bed.**

03-25-2007, 09:10 PM
Oh my, I did get a bit confused. Let's see -

The macaw is going to interview her new family.

Six gangsters are faking shyness to get salmon and halibut.

Angel won't leave the bathroom; does that mean she gets salmon and halibut in there?

Jupiter loves everyone but Io, but I thought Io was a moon of Jupiter? Does Jupiter still love Pluto, even though it has been demoted and is no longer a planet?

Io is blind or going blind and dealing with eye infections and that is making him unsettled; well it would ANYONE unsettled! Did he get any salmon or halibut? Or both? Or did he side with Pluto?

Mama and 6 kittens - Oh, now I remember, she was the "he" who couldn't get pregnant and was put in with the "guys." But Jupiter, Io and the gangsters were not part of that. Which means there are still some cats unaccounted for - at least in my mind. They "could" have been rehomed and I missed it or forgot! Hmmm . . . ...

Shrek is a lory, but I don't know if Jupiter is getting along with him, even though you say Jupiter is getting along with everyone. Maybe Jupiter invited Shrek for dinner??? Did the macaw interview Shrek, as he was becoming part of the family?

The camera and the PC are NOT talking, even thought the macaw IS.

The found cats paradise angels have flown down from Canada to help, but are going right back to Gary again.

Jupiter is trading places with a bunch of females, and said females are getting new beds and fresh halibut. FRESH halibut? In the middle of the country???? What, no salmon? Is the macaw interviewing these new family members?

Dr. Other Goodnow's ears must be ringing as everyone is singing his praises. For bringing in a lory, for letting in the gangsters, for chatting with the macaw, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Goodness gracious, I think I need a score card to keep up!

**I think I better get off the computer and go to bed.**

*sigh* Leave it to my favorite lawyer!!!

Jupiter loves the birds including Shrek, and not for dinner :p
Io and Pluto parted company when we didn't adopt his brother a year ago, his eyes have always been an issue,we were all hopeful he would be able to retain some sight but the his previous abuse has curtailed it> He gets salmon and halibut all the time as they are fed raw, but the 6 kitties belong to Penny who arent fed raw but are now very happy to eat it LOL

Jen is a theif of hearts and cats and will take Jupiter if she can part with her girls(which she wont so it will be a virtual trade only)

Garys angels are in full force here creating a safe and fuzzy warm place for the babysat 6 to thrive in..................and yes angel gets his own meals and his own box in the bathroom which he refuses to leave as someone (I think Jen ) told him I don't like him so he is hiding

The macaw talks more than she should as I should not cuss in front of the birds

Penny I tell them often you miss them, and they know that they are safe and loved here, I dont want to be you when you hear about all the abuse (read wah machine) that they have suffered! :eek:

I think I have it all clear Counsellour! ;)

03-25-2007, 09:17 PM
And after reading all this, I am totally exhausted and wondering what my name is - Jupiter, no perhaps Io or Angel. Whatever, if I smile sweetly and say Please, may I have some halibut and salmon?

03-25-2007, 09:24 PM
Thank you. :o Please give Dr. Other Goodnow a hug from all of us.

I will keep Io in my prayers. Sounds like he could use a little PT help.

Bless you - and hubby - for taking in all these wonderful pets and fosters.

03-25-2007, 10:47 PM
I gave him a hug and a kiss :o (well he is cute) He thank heavens loves the crew as much as I do, and I am very blessed with that!

03-26-2007, 03:51 PM
Thats a shame that the Two Cats are not getting along.
Maybe with time they will mellow a bit.
Micheal and Mr Scrappy fought at first but they settled in to be great friends.
Scrappy 2 got on everyones nerves with her hungry ways but all is well.
We are so relieved that the Little ones are settling in and that by and large things are copasetic in your world.
Great News Indeed.

03-26-2007, 04:46 PM
Wonderful, wonderful. God bless all you people, and thank you.

Pat with more LES