View Full Version : 2007 edition of yard work as therapy

03-25-2007, 04:30 PM
i spent 2 hours today, raking the fallen sweet gum balls (think of ping pong balls with spikes), these are the seed pods of the sweet gum tree in the back right corner of the yard. this fall the electric company did a severe pruning of the tree, cause it was on the same block as the power lines.....never mind that i'd had an arborist out 2 months before that to trim that same tree. i hope it survives. :rolleyes: . i also hack sawed down the dried ornamental grasses and discovered new grass, starting in the base of the old plants. i will have to reseed the grass and put up fencing to keep peanut from racing through the prennial beds. and i finished with an icy cold ale, well deserved after the hard itchy work.

03-25-2007, 05:28 PM
I was out there today too and loving it!! Cleaned up a Rhodo bed and started digging up some old grass to form another bed for smaller perennials. Don't know why :rolleyes: but digging in the mud sure feels good :D

03-25-2007, 07:54 PM
Took yesterday off to prune the grape arbor that nobody had touched since I moved in. I did like you're supposed to and hacked them all to Kingdom Come. (And YES I WORE SAFETY GOGGLES!) It looks pretty dire - I got 5 Lawn and Leaf bags of sticks out of it - but it was nice to spend a day out in the open instead of dutifully plugging away at earning money in a windowless box. I've got a tax refund coming anyway, so I could afford it. But today I'm as creaky as a rusty robot!

I think I'm going to plant sunflowers along the fence. I've seen a few goldfinches around, and they always seem to go for sunflowers.

Love, Columbine

03-26-2007, 08:08 AM
Joyce, I've got the sweet gum balls, everywhere, right now, too! :eek: At least this year, it wasn't the "bumper crop" that we had last year. I think sweet gum balls are far worse than any pinecone problem I ever experienced.

I spent every possible moment in my yard, this past weekend. My parents drove up and brought me a truck load of plants and I made some headway, getting them in the ground. Plus mowed the front yard, did the weed and feed, watered, raked some beds that had been ignored over the winter, and I weeded, weeded and weeded some more. I have a long way to go, but like you said, it is so therapeutic! :) Every muscle aches today, but it is a "good" hurt, if there is such a thing.


04-22-2007, 08:11 PM
finally a warm sunny weekend. under canine supervision, i raked 3/4 of the flowerbeds, pruned the legume shrub back some more and weeded the front flower bed. i love spring. time for some tylenol, neurontin and bed, nity nite

Lori Jordan
04-22-2007, 09:22 PM
I hear ya!

Today i took out two Black Curant bushes,What a job the roots nearly killed me.

The family got a laugh,some were easy to pull but i landed on my behind a few times, i also took out this huge bush that was at the side.

Im not a bush kinda gal i hate them infact i love the flowers,Besided the bushes were messy.

I always cut around them the curant bush the berries would fall off on you and stained your clothes!

I have so much work ahead of me and im not looking forward to it!