View Full Version : Thread Dedicated to my bun bun Baby *pictures*

03-24-2007, 10:33 PM
Many of you who have read a few of my threads before probably know about a rabbit named Baby that I use to have years ago. Baby was the best thing that had ever happened to me and the best rabbit I had ever owned.

She was a pure white mini-rex and I had gotten her from a breeder for 4-H when I was about 13 years old. Baby never turned out to be a good 4-H bunny seeing as her coat was always uneven because of shedding, she was always unhealthy in a way that she had diarrhea almost constantly for two years of her life. She was an unhealthy bunny from the beginning.

Although she was not good for 4-H, she was good for me. She was like having another person always with me and turned out to be the best pet ever. We loved each other so much. When ever I called her,she would run over to me right away and then lick my nose. She would even sleep under my arm all night. And she could do crazy things like sit in the palm of my hand like a teacup (I thought it was so cute and cool).

For two years me and Baby were unseperable and I loved her like no other. But after her 2nd year birthday. I began to notice that one of her eyes were popping out of her head quite abnormally. For awhile I thought it must just be irritated and it would go away. But after awhile it just kept getting so much worse; to the point that I was afraid her eye would pop out of its socket anyday. I wanted to take her to the vet and fix her. I could never see my life without her. But I was too young to even have a job and couldn't pay for her, and my parents couldn't afford to pay for her either. Sadly after a long time of making my decision, I had to put Baby down. The vet said it was probably one of two things...either a tumour behind her eye, or an abcess. I never found out what it was. But that day something died inside of me.

I dream that someday Baby will be waiting for me at the rainbow bridge and will lick my nose just like before. Since I was young I never had a camera either so I didn't get many pictures at all. I didn't think I had any, but just the other day I was searching through my closet and found one extremely good picture of Baby (I almost cried when I found it) and two other ones. So in total I have three pictures of Baby and I will cherish them forever. So I can finally show Baby to you:


I'm sorry that the last picture is so hard to see her.

I hope you enjoyed seeing her:)

I still love you with all my heart Baby.:)

I also wrote a poem on here before dedicated to her: http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=119093

03-25-2007, 07:08 AM
Aww Kalei *hugs* I love the poem and the pics. It sure does sound like baby ment a lot to you. You took really good care of her as you always do to your animals.

03-25-2007, 09:54 AM
Thank you so much sweetpatata6. Your sweet compliments mean alot to me. Yep Baby meant the world to me, although it has been many years, once and awhile I still can't help but cry. Once again thanks so so much! And Baby can hear your wonderful compliments up at the Rainbow Bridge too and is now smiling:)

03-25-2007, 11:14 AM
Baby is so beautiful.I can tell that Baby is one special bunny and will alwas be loved.