View Full Version : Where can I report DOGFIGHTS?

07-04-2002, 01:58 AM
Ok, someone posted a thread on another forum asking if anyone else likes to visit dogfights. Another person said he likes them too and they both talk about how they like to go watch them and stuff... They both live in the USA. I know dogfighting is strictly illegal in Sweden and I always thought it was illegal in the USA too, but now I don't know anymore...

If it IS indeed illegal, where could I report these two people? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated because I want nothing more than for these people to be put in jail and for those dogs to be rescued.


Dixieland Dancer
07-04-2002, 08:05 AM
I think you are talking about two people from the US??? :confused: If that is correct then you need more information. Names, addresses, where they go to watch the fights, etc. Once you have that information the first place to contact would be their hometown Animal Control bureau. I am sorry this is so vague but there needs to be more input to go on. :(

07-04-2002, 10:54 AM
It IS illegal in the US. If I knew the particulars, I would contact the police, but without knowing where and when the events take place, I don't know if you can do anything, Ann.

I am sure, if someone in authority asked the people in question, they'd just deny everything.

I HOPE they're lying, just trying to "impress" people.

07-04-2002, 10:59 AM
My question is...if they're on a dog forum, why would they be posting about attending dog fights?? Ann, do you know where they live?? Maybe you could play along and see if you can get more information like was posted by Karen and Candy, city, names, addresses of fighting ring, etc. and if you can, then let us know (so you don't have to pay international phone rates) and one of us can call their local Animal Control and Police Departments.

Unfortunately, here in Fort Wayne we have one of the biggest dog fighting problems in the Midwest because we are within easy driving distance of Detroit, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis, St. Louis, and Chicago.

07-05-2002, 06:03 AM
mugsy, it wasn't posted in a dog forum.

Sadly I cannot "play along" because I have already blown my cover by giving them a piece of my mind.

And no they don't deny it and yes it is real for sure...

All I would have is their email address and IP address. This really suck if the authorities won't do anything unless you can tell them where the dog fighting is happening because I don't know that :(

Thanks anyways

07-05-2002, 08:46 AM
Ann, if you can get me the email and IP addies Mike may be able to do something. He is a computer tech and perhaps WE can play dumb and find out more by emailing them....or give us the address where you located these yahoos. Mike is looking over my shoulder as I post and said that it's really easy if you have email addresses.

07-06-2002, 04:57 AM
Good! I will post their email addresses later today, the site where they posted is offline right now so I can't get them now.