View Full Version : Thursday #204 - Makin' a Virtual Garden

03-22-2007, 09:59 AM
Well, its a cold and rainy day, and no one has opened the bar yet ...

*retrieves the lockpick kit*

There, the bar is open! And since its cold and dreary today, i've started planning what kind of plants I might like to put outside this year, I thought that it might be a nice touch to add some around the bar .... maybe a nice rooftop patio garden or some such?

Anyone have any recommendations? :)

03-22-2007, 10:01 AM
Well, its a cold and rainy day, and no one has opened the bar yet ...

*retrieves the lockpick kit*

There, the bar is open! And since its cold and dreary today, i've started planning what kind of plants I might like to put outside this year, I thought that it might be a nice touch to add some around the bar .... maybe a nice rooftop patio garden or some such?

Anyone have any recommendations? :)

Well I certainly LOVE to have plants and flowers around... but I cannot be trusted with their care.

I am a plant murderer lol. I just CANNOT keep any plants alive.... I don't understand it. I am certainly missing the green in my thumb. My HUSBAND knows more about plants and keeping them alive than I do LOL

03-22-2007, 10:12 AM
Well I certainly LOVE to have plants and flowers around... but I cannot be trusted with their care.

I am a plant murderer lol. I just CANNOT keep any plants alive.... I don't understand it. I am certainly missing the green in my thumb. My HUSBAND knows more about plants and keeping them alive than I do LOL

*lol* i hear ya -- get your hubby to bring you home some cut flowers then - if they die after a while you dont feel quite so bad ;)

I'm quite a lot better with the outdoor variety than the indoor variety -- i think i'll start up some sunflowers since they're so cheery :)

*looking through online flower/seed/bulb catalogs*

/also getting a glass-o-scotch since its cold and icky.

Killearn Kitties
03-22-2007, 10:22 AM
What a lovely idea - sunflowers round the hot tub outside. They are among my favourites. Some nice tubs by the door too, perhaps? Any nice trailing plants in your seed catalogue? I got some lovely lemon and apricot busy lizzies last year. They would tone in nicely with the sunflowers.

Pawsitive Thinking
03-22-2007, 11:45 AM
I could zoom up to Lake Windermere and "borrow" some of their plastic daffodils :D

03-22-2007, 11:47 AM
I "overwintered" my geraniums from last year. It was a total fluke - I brought them inside on a chilly day last fall, and there they've stayed. One has grown like it was on steroids, and the other two are still alive :) They cost a whopping $1 apiece from the supermarket. I'll move them outside as soon as the nights are warmer. I hope the supermarket will sell them again this year because I would like one more to fill the window box. I have a balcony that faces south, so nothing thrives except plants that tolerate total sun.

I'd like a pet garden like Edwina's Secretary has, with fresh catnip for my cat. Add a pot of grass next to the catnip and I will have one very happy cat. Another pot next to that with dill and/or basil and I will be one very happy person.

smokey the elder
03-22-2007, 11:51 AM
Geraniums are virtually indestructable! Caladiums do really well in hanging baskets with their colorful leaves. I have four dozen deep red glads I was supposed to plant last week, but we got a snow and sleet storm!

03-22-2007, 11:55 AM
Good morning everyone (well, at least it is still morning here). Your comment about some plastic flowers reminds me of a friend's neighbor.

I commented that she had such beautiful flowers all around her home - they really looked healthy and pretty. Then a few weeks later I went to visit and I noticed that all of the lovely "blue" flowers she had in her gardens, had been replaced with "pink" flowers. I couldn't understand why she would take the other ones out - they were looking so good.

Turns out all of them are plastic - and she changes them according to her mood.

Plants and flowers here at Thursdays? That's a great idea - and somehow sunflowers seem just the right type for us.

Edwina's Secretary
03-22-2007, 11:55 AM
I have a idea! Let's plant pansies.....then after while....when it is time to replace them....we can freeze them in ice cubes and have them in our drinks this summer!

Cassiesmom...I had some geraniums for years in Chicago. Every fall I would cut them way back, cover the pot and put it in the basement AWAY from the furnace. Set them back in a sunny window about this time of year. By May they were gorgeous!

So a martini with a pansy ice cube floating...oh what to call it! :D

03-22-2007, 12:11 PM
Plants start crying and run from the room if they see me comining. I am only allowed to take their pictures not care for them.

You may want a few tomato plants!!! Vine ripened tomatoes are the best!!! :D

03-22-2007, 12:11 PM
I have a idea! Let's plant pansies.....then after while....when it is time to replace them....we can freeze them in ice cubes and have them in our drinks this summer!

Cassiesmom...I had some geraniums for years in Chicago. Every fall I would cut them way back, cover the pot and put it in the basement AWAY from the furnace. Set them back in a sunny window about this time of year. By May they were gorgeous!

So a martini with a pansy ice cube floating...oh what to call it! :D

Love that idea -- they'd look fancy in a big bowl of some kind of punch too :)

Hmm... we need a lemon tree too for wedges, and maybe some beans we can pickle to add to Caesars ... hmmm lots of ideas :D

/ hands ES a fancy Martini a la Pansy Icecube
/ refilling scotch, its going to be a long day -again- at work.

Edit: to fix some terrible bad spelling. Aparently "Huk'd on fonix werked fore me!" didn't really work...

Edwina's Secretary
03-22-2007, 12:40 PM
You may want a few tomato plants!!! Vine ripened tomatoes are the best!!! :D

Planning Bloody Marys with homemade tomato juice! What a great idea MOFF!

03-22-2007, 01:25 PM
Planning Bloody Marys with homemade tomato juice! What a great idea MOFF!
Glad I could help!!! :D

Oh, and some lime trees to go with the lemon ones: for lemonade and limeades, of course!!! ;) :D

OH, Mario wants a cherry tree too!!! :D

03-22-2007, 01:46 PM
Certainly planting catnip, but far away from anything more delicate ... The ground up here is still well snow-covered except for the two spots in the front that get the sun, flowers being a far-away concept at this point!

But certainly next fall we'll plant a mess of daffodils. There's nothing that says "spring" like teh smell o' daffidowndillies! And lilac bushes for May ...

And fruit trees and plants ...

03-22-2007, 01:50 PM
Daffodils are the BEST, aren't they, Karen? :) Ours have already come and gone. I guess being in the south has its advantages. It is spring, and we're loving it!!!! :D


Cinder & Smoke
03-22-2007, 02:02 PM
You may want a few tomato plants!!!
Vine ripened tomatoes are the best!!! :D

Yup ...

Till your Durn Dawgs decide THEY like the taste of fresh, home-grown, 'Matoes!

03-22-2007, 02:38 PM
Lilly was a master at picking tomatoes. :) I wish she was still right here to "pick" to her heart's content. :(


03-22-2007, 02:42 PM
Lilly was a master at picking tomatoes. :) I wish she was still right here to "pick" to her heart's content. :(


My old dog Holly used to eat veggies from the garden too -- she was really gentle about it and would pick raspberries off the bushes without damaging them, pick and eat the beans without breaking the stems -- quality dog she was :)

03-22-2007, 02:52 PM
That's exactly how Lilly was, Blue Frog. She was ever so gentle in her "picking", but we still hated it when she picked our neighbor's tomatoes, when we weren't looking! :eek: I think our neighbor and our family would rather have her picking tomatoes to her heart's content, than have her gone. :(

03-22-2007, 03:07 PM
yea - i know what you mean - Holly passed away about 6 years ago, but I still miss her. I'm sorry to hear about your Lilly :(

03-22-2007, 04:12 PM
Ok, we've got ...

- Pansies for making icecubes
- Lemon and lime trees for garnishee's
- fresh tomaters for Caesars and Bloody Marys
- along with all the decorative variety of flowers to brighten up the patio

... and of course, since the 'bar and its not fair that only the people get a little tipsy, we've got some nice catnip for the kitties (as well as for making garnishes for anyone who wants to fend the cats off the drinks table).

* humming 'its an alcoholic garden' to the tune of the Beatles 'Octopuses Garden' * :p

03-22-2007, 06:38 PM
Wow! Thursdays looks like a greenhouse with all these plants. I actually do have a green thumb and have a veritable jungle growing in my bedroom. I'm so proud that my orchid is putting out a bloom spike - although my luck with orchids is touch 'n go, but for the most part they do well under my care - I basically ignore them, except to water them once a week, feed them their "vitamins" according to the schedule on the bottle, sit everything in a sunny window and let them do their thing. They seem to thrive very well. Oh and the cats enjoy "gardening" too - I often catch them making sure the palms don't grow too tall :rolleyes: :D

I'll have a freshly squeezed non-alcoholic BM for the road please. No, Mario, the celery is NOT a baton! :p

03-22-2007, 06:54 PM
Poor Mario - he thought the little red tomatoes were cherries...........imagine his surprise when he popped them into his mouth. Now he has one in each nostril - ah, what a guy!!

Cinder & Smoke
03-22-2007, 07:06 PM
She was ever so gentle in her "picking" ...

Oh, the Muttz were always ever so "gentle" when plucking 'Maters ...
they just took ALL of 'em before I figured out who the 'Mater Thieves were!

They started off grabbing a dozen "ripe for the picking" red ones the day before *I* was
gonna get 'em ... and befor it was over - they'd grabbed the "almost red ones",
the "still green" ones, the tiny "I think it's a 'mater" ones,
and they had started snatching the FLOWERS off the bush! :eek:

I need to string some barbed wire and get an electric fence charger.

/s/ "Mater Man

03-23-2007, 11:32 AM
Good morning everyone - ooops no one is here. Could they all be out picking tomatoes?

Killearn Kitties
03-23-2007, 11:55 AM
I was finding it difficult to find the front door through all the greenery, Gini!

I think I will have an end of the week light, chilled kind of a drink with a pansy cube please. The girls will just have a roll in the catnip here.

03-23-2007, 12:16 PM
Don't forget the mint for mint juleps and iced tea.

Be sure to put in a container of some kind, because otherwise it WILL take over.

Edwina's Secretary
03-23-2007, 12:49 PM
I have some chocolate mint growing (right next to the catnip... :D )....it will go well with the chocolate martinis!

ANd yes...I grow my mint, catnip...anything in that family...in containers!

03-23-2007, 12:53 PM
I was finding it difficult to find the front door through all the greenery, Gini! I think we're going to need a weed whacker to cut down all this foliage! Yikes! Someone must have turned on the grow lights!

I'll take a nice cold ice tea with some of those pansy cubes floating around. They look SO pretty!

03-23-2007, 12:57 PM
ANd yes...I grow my mint, catnip...anything in that family...in containers!

I didn't when I initially planted it 7 years ago. I ripped it out 4 years ago and am still finding sprigs that pop up in that bed every so often. Now if I could only get my chives to spread like that.

03-23-2007, 01:03 PM
*goes looking for the weed whacker*

RedHedd - *hands over a non-alcoholic freshly squeezed bloody-mary, with a bit of fresh celery as well* :) Still want the Ice Tea with fresh lemon too?

Killearn Kitties - A light 'n chilled drink with some pretty pansy icecubes, no problemo

Maresche - Would you like a Mint Julep? :)

We've almost got enough here for drinks, salads, and all kinds of other things! At least it will keep the bar in garnishees etc. for a long time to come!

03-23-2007, 01:07 PM
Maresche - Would you like a Mint Julep? :)

Thanks for the offer, but I have a sick baby to go home to and it's gonna be a long night, I think. How about an iced tea instead?

03-23-2007, 01:41 PM
Don't forget to plant Mario's cherry tree! I hate to see a monkey cry!!!! ;)

03-23-2007, 02:11 PM
I think I'll stick with iced tea for now - the weather sure warrants it.

BTW - may I have PT prayers. I'm having eye "surgery" on Monday, hopefully it will help improve my vision. These docs at UCSF are amazing. My doc told me that what he's doing is less invasive than laser surgery, so I'm hopeful the recovery won't be too painful.

However, talking about pain - my home PC took a dive this week after a power outage - can I sue PG&E for the damage? I'm posting from work, but will be Internet-less at home until I get it fixed or a new one. Perhaps I can dance a jig and try and raise some $$ so I can afford to buy a new one! Sometimes life is hard ....

Make that a Long Island Iced tea :p

03-23-2007, 02:32 PM
Heres a Long island ice tea, and good thoughts for you for your surgery :)

03-23-2007, 07:11 PM
Wow, look at all the plants here! It looks like a resort or something! Makes me want to order a tall cold fresh fruit juice. We could also plant some nasturciums - you can eat the blooms. I brought wild violets, too - did you know eating them is good for sinus problems?

03-23-2007, 07:25 PM
LOL My dogs wouldn't dare eat a veggie or fruit unless it was by accident LOL.

I try to give them a piece of carrot or something and they spit it out on the floor and give me a look like "What the heck was that?"

03-23-2007, 08:12 PM
Hee hee - not only can you eat nasturtium blossoms, but they can be pretty peppery ...

So yes, let's plant nasty-urshums - I'll start the seeds soaking, and we can plant tomorrow ...

And violets - they are the only thing that has ever thrived in the darkest corner of my yard - and I had to "steal" them from Dad's house, as no garden shop ever sells them!!!!!! Something about them spreading, and over-running lawns - so? So the violets can go in a shady spot - maybe under the cherry trees and apple trees we're planting ...

... oh, and all these things we are planting will mature magically, right? So we can have apples this fall for our mulled cider?

03-24-2007, 11:23 AM
All of these plants look great! We need to keep in mind that maybe the bar's interior should be painted and spruced up a bit. Soon we will be celebrating the bar's 4TH ANNIVERSARY!

And Richard promised to return to tend bar by that time.

03-24-2007, 01:01 PM
Mario!!! Put that paint brush down!!!! I'm not sure gini meant YOU should be doing the painting. Maybe we can give you and the other pets a wall of your own to decorate with your monkey art or something! ... a wall way in the back by the kitchen door ... :eek: :D

03-24-2007, 02:28 PM
Mario!!! Put that paint brush down!!!! I'm not sure gini meant YOU should be doing the painting. Maybe we can give you and the other pets a wall of your own to decorate with your monkey art or something! ... a wall way in the back by the kitchen door ... :eek: :D

give him the bathroom to paint :D

03-24-2007, 03:29 PM
give him the bathroom to paint :D
Or maybe the lost and found!!! :D

Killearn Kitties
03-24-2007, 04:34 PM
Good plan MOFF! Set Mario free on the L&F and take it from there! :D

Lady's Human
03-24-2007, 05:12 PM

Don't le tMario into the L+F with paint! :eek:

I put signboards up in there with directions on how to get out!

The little sneak will cover them!!! :eek:

How about an Irish coffee? It's cold and rainy outside, and I'm at work.

Killearn Kitties
03-24-2007, 05:21 PM
Ah you have a point there! :D Maybe that wasn't such a good idea.

I'd love to join you in an Irish coffee.

03-24-2007, 05:43 PM
KK, if you are going to join LH in a cuppa it better be a pretty big cup :eek: Can I join in? It's cold and nasty here yet it was 70 day before yesterday and my daffydils and forsythia (sp?) are a bright spot in the gloom. Hi ya'll ;)

Randi... I think I did something wrong with the recipe thing but I can't get my 'puter to work properly. Don't count me out yet, I'm working on it. Sara?

Killearn Kitties
03-24-2007, 05:48 PM
Hop in Laurie - it's a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge cup!

So are you in this recipe whatsit too? Oh I hope I get one of yours, they always sound so good!

03-24-2007, 05:57 PM
I'm in KK if I can figure the durn thing out with my silly low-tech brain :o Sent one to Sara but foolishly didn't manage to copy others. What to do? Guess I should read the directions right? :o My 'puter at work works much better but I'll try again with this slooooow one later ;)

03-25-2007, 04:14 PM
RH peeks in Laurie I'm on a funky puter too. A friend loaned me a laptop to use while mine goes in for repairs. So I'm home desperately trying to get my apt ready for a post-eye procedure recovery suite. Easy to fix food? check Lots of snackies? check. Cat food, cat litter, treats, check. Internet connection - whew! Yes. It will be okay.

Edwina's Secretary
03-25-2007, 04:51 PM
KK, if you are going to join LH in a cuppa it better be a pretty big cup :eek: Can I join in? It's cold and nasty here yet it was 70 day before yesterday and my daffydils and forsythia (sp?) are a bright spot in the gloom. Hi ya'll ;)

Randi... I think I did something wrong with the recipe thing but I can't get my 'puter to work properly. Don't count me out yet, I'm working on it. Sara?

Go it Laurie.....I was just on my way to the beach to try and catch some lumpy crabs. I'll send it back to you if that will help...