View Full Version : My bruthers a fweak

07-03-2002, 10:00 PM
Highs peeples is Winters

I gets to writes to you alls tonights..don't tell mummie though she doesn't know, and mights not likes what I sayings.

Mummie took mes and Smudge to da big park tonight and walked us da whole park it was long but fun 'cause we gots to meets a couple of dogs and looks at birds and sniffs da ground. We evened saws a policeie man on one of dhose things dat yous peeples like to rides to keep ups to us doggies. It would have been funnier if wes could of not been on dhose tings dat mummie likes to hold dat keeps us close to her but she wouldn't let them go or free us from dhem till we got homes saying someting about it not being dat kind of park.

Mummie wouldn't let me go and herd da duck and her babies dat were swimming in da little lake either...Smudge didn't even care dat day were dhere, he's a fweak, even mummie tinks so because he's part lab (whats a lab?) but doesn't like waters or really care about birds, he wanted to sniffs da ground instead. Dhere was one ting I didn't likes and dat was da big tunnel...it was dark and dhere were weird tings coming from it but I stayed walking wit mummie and my brudder and mummie called me a good girl so I guess I did da right ting.

Gots to go time to herd da ants.


Aspen and Misty
07-04-2002, 01:08 AM
Aww sounds liek you had fun! I can't wait to take Chewy to the park he is going to love it! I just know he will! You are to cute Winter, and any time you wanna post you have my permission to.

07-04-2002, 07:00 AM
Hi Winter. Star***Shine here! Boy, yuz guyz sure is lucky! Sounds like you had lotsa fun inna park! We don't have a park here that lets doggies play!:( But we dooz gets to go onna beach to play and swim. :) Anytime yuz guyz wanna come to my house and play my mommy says come on over:) You and Smudge are the best! Love, yer pals, Star and Cody!

07-04-2002, 03:57 PM
Hi Winters, it's me, Hannah. How come you can call your brudder a fweak and I can't call Tucker one? I used to do it all the time, but then Mom said I couldn't no more, but I still do when she's not around. Heehee.

07-04-2002, 04:39 PM
sounds like you did have fun!