View Full Version : Advice Needed

03-21-2007, 09:33 PM
Ok as you all know or at least most of you know I got Mister from a breeder back in Aug. I have become good friends with the women that was the onwer of the stud that was his daddy( the stud recently went to the RB) But as of late the women who has all of the bitches is becoming less and less a repitbule breeder....in my opion. She just "traded one of her puppies for a bitch that according to AKC is at the end of her breeding days all becuase of her coloring..the dog is ugly and to top it off didnt bother to look at the papers until AFTER she traded this other pup. Who by the way wasnt related to the other female because she used a diff stud from another breeder. so she could of used him to stud out her bitches but instead traded him for an old bitch!!!! I am sooooooooooooo outraged if she was breeding like this back then I would have never gotten a chihuahua from her.!!!!!! And to make matters worse you might remember thata when I frist got Mister home he had a allgeric reaction to some of his shots i didnt know why but come to find out today the stud that she used (her name is Ruth by the way) was a resuce and had issues with anthesia and some shots and that he takes after his daddy. Well hello it would have been nice to know that when I was bringing him home :mad: :mad: :mad: . So I am posting her site below and I want to know what you think. Espically take a look at the "other Pups" page I dont care how brutal you are I am sooo pissed off !!!! My mom thinks she is now brokering the pups when I think she is a BYB she is now taking in dogs that have worms and all other sort of things and selling them for 900 CASH..... :eek: :eek: and claiming that they are akc I dont understand part of me ALMOST wants to report her to the akc but im not sure....well without further ado here is her site........ and thanks for letting me vent :D


03-22-2007, 12:02 AM
It's very sad how many breeders out there today practice horrible breeding habits and still people buy from them. We all need to take our time and proceed with caution when looking for a breeder. From what I can see these breeders have come to a point where the dogs have become nothing more than a source of income for them and not the living breathing loving creatures they are and it just breaks my heart

03-22-2007, 10:28 AM
My mom thinks she is now brokering the pups when I think she is a BYB she is now taking in dogs that have worms and all other sort of things and selling them for 900 CASH..... :eek: :eek: and claiming that they are akc I dont understand part of me ALMOST wants to report her to the akc but im not sure....

Unfortunatly being registered with the AKC really doesn't mean much. Any "purebred" dog (from a reputable breeder or from a BYB) can be registered. Even dogs that aren't purebred can be registered dishonestly, the AKC doesn't check.

I think it'd be best for you to just cut your ties with that breeder and forget about her, there isn't much else you can do. Just be glad you have Mister and be glad he has you.

03-22-2007, 10:45 AM
Reading your post, I didn't "hear" anything that sounded like the woman has changed what she is doing. I think you have become better educated, likely in part from you participation here on Pet Talk.

When I read her site, it did sound like a BYB. She doesn't show any of her dogs. She does not mention any testing of the lines.

So, I would say that it is YOU who have changed. You have become an educated buyer! And that is a GOOD thing.

03-22-2007, 12:59 PM
That is so sad. :( Because those poor little puppies are too cute. :(