View Full Version : I recieved confirmation tonight..

03-21-2007, 08:53 PM
After 9 years of preparation and CCD(relegious education), I finally got comfirmed by the catholic church tonight. I admit, it has definately not been the most fun 9 years of my life, in fact, CCD is so boring and I'm really am glad I never have to go again. Anyway, I received the sacrament of confirmation tonight, and my sister was my sponser. It was a great feeling to know that I recieved it. I was kind of nervous about forgetting to say something, but it went smoothly.

Just thought I'd share.

Here's a picture of me in my gown, taken about 3 hours ago(not my best picture):

03-21-2007, 09:00 PM
Congratulations. What did you choose for your confirmation name if you don't mind sharing!

(I'm not Catholic, so didn't know about that until Paul told me.)

03-21-2007, 09:02 PM
Congrats! :)

03-21-2007, 09:02 PM
Congrats! I didn't like CCD when I grew up either. I barely remember my confirmation but a few years ago I was my nieces sponser. It was a very special ceremony. :)

03-21-2007, 09:45 PM
Congratulations! I still remember when I got mine.
My sister and I went to classes together.
My sponsor was my aunt and her's was another aunt.
It was hard but we had a big reception afterward.
It really a big deal in Italy. That's where we got ours.

03-22-2007, 03:58 AM
Congratulations, hope not to sound crass but what was your religion beforehand if you had one or were you brought up a catholic?


03-22-2007, 05:17 AM
Thanks everyone :)

Karen, my conformation name was Catherine. jackmilliesmom, I was brought up catholic.

03-22-2007, 08:26 AM
Congratulations. Nice name. My Confirmation was Francis..... :eek:

Most of the females in my family were confirmed with that name....so that's why I picked it.

03-22-2007, 09:13 AM
How wonderful! I love the nhame Catherine. Unfortunately, I don't ever remember being confirmed. :(

03-22-2007, 10:02 AM
Congratulations and blessings, Maltese_Love! Both of my brother's daughters were confirmed in the Catholic church. I was one of my oldest niece's confirmation sponsors, which was a pleasure and privilege for me. My youngest niece's confirmation sponsor was her sister (my oldest niece) - which was also very sweet. Happy memories for their aunt (me).

03-22-2007, 10:03 AM
Congratulations! :D

Congratulations. Nice name. My Confirmation was Francis..... :eek:

Mine too, but spelled Frances. I chose it because of St. Francis of Assisi (patron saint of animals), that's my mom's name and she was named after my grandfather Francisco. :)

03-22-2007, 10:08 AM
Congratulations! :D

Mine too, but spelled Frances. I chose it because of St. Francis of Assisi (patron saint of animals), that's my mom's name and she was named after my grandfather Francisco. :)

Mine might be Frances too. I just don't remember. It's been a long, long time.

03-22-2007, 11:11 AM
Congratulations! What a big step for you in your faith journey!

I was brought up Catholic as well; still practicing, still trying to get it right, he he. But when it came time for confirmation, I just didn't understand what it was all about so I chose not to. I felt like I was being asked to make an adult decision, but I was just a kid! (I was "supposed" to be confirmed in 7th grade. So that's what, 13, or 14?) It was the year the Bruins won the Stanley Cup and in the class where we had to select a "hero," everyone was naming Bobby Orr. Not a hockey fan, no one in my family is, I didn't understand what the hockey had to do with the religion class. (I said Robert Kennedy, and the class yelled at me "And Bobby Orr too, right?")

When I was 32, I decided I was ready, so I took the year of class and was confirmed. What a sweet event. I had a party and many of friends came. I was living in Maine at the time, so it was a full day for many of them, traveling up and back afterwards. One of my good friends was my sponsor. She and her husband and youngest son (he was 5 weeks old) came and stayed for the weekend. Their 3 year old son stayed with his grandparents. I have a video of the ceremony.

I remember going through a book Sister loaned me, with one page summaries about the saints, to select a name. I loved the work Mother Cabrini did, but I already HAD Frances as my first middle name (we were all baptized with 2 middle names in our family). So I selected Angela, for Saint Angela Merici, co founder of the Ursilines. I liked her work as well.

I hope you have lots of photos from the ceremony, to look back in years to come.

03-22-2007, 12:29 PM
Congratulations :) My confirmation name is Theresa. We had our ceremony
in the evening and I was told I fell asleep in church & had to be awakened to complete the ceremony. :o

03-22-2007, 07:24 PM
Catherine is good, that was my name also. ;) Only I had to be different and spell it with a K. I believe it was spelled like this >Kathryn.