View Full Version : Prayers for a friend, please

03-21-2007, 07:41 PM
Last night, my friend's father died in a "suspicious" house fire. There were flammable liquids in the basement of the house, and the police is not yet clear on who is the arsonist. After knowing his past relationships, there is speculation that it was suicide :(

My friend had an extremely strained relationship (if at all) with her father, and I can't even imagine how much this hurts her. :( She used to be a very very close friend, and my heart is just aching for her, her family, and her father. Please pray for him. Thanks.

03-21-2007, 07:47 PM
Oh my gosh. I am so sorry.

My condolences, best wishes, and prayers go out to your friend and her family in this trying time.

03-21-2007, 08:21 PM
How tragic=(. I'm so sorry for your friend. :(