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View Full Version : (((Comfort Zone)))

03-21-2007, 09:42 AM
Does anybody use this for their kitties?

I was thinking of using this for Cosmo who keeps me up all night. I thought maybe it would comfort him and make him feel safe.

But I'm not sure what they even do.

Can anybody tell me about them and whether they use them?

Also, is it something humans can smell?

Thank you.

03-21-2007, 10:35 AM
I use Feliway for Sparkle, it calms ALL the cats down when I spray it in their carriers, so they can handle car rides.

I believe Comfort Zone is the same type of thing. Worth a try!

03-21-2007, 12:07 PM
My vet sprayed it in Fister's box one time, it really did calm him down. I think it's very expensive though. Definitely worth a try. Good luck! :)

03-21-2007, 05:31 PM
This is the first I have ever heard of Comfort Zone as we do not have all the products in Catada that you have in the US.
We all hope that you find it effective!!

03-21-2007, 08:46 PM
Comfort Zone is a plug-in diffuser system for Feliway, which is a pheromone spray to calm and reduce stress in cats. We use it a lot at our cat shelter to soothe the nerves of the savage beasties.

My friends at Cat Faeries have been using and selling Feliway and Comfort Zone for years. You can find out all about them on their web site at http://www.catfaeries.com/feliway.html.

Good luck!


03-21-2007, 08:48 PM
I know Jasper's not a cat, but I got a Comfort Zone plugin for him and it helped a bit with his separation anxiety.

03-21-2007, 08:54 PM
I got a Comfort Zone plugin for Smudge back when he got misdiagnosed - turns out his problem was physiological rather than behavioral, but I've kept replenishing it anyway. I'm someone who likes incense, and the smell of incense means "home safe comfy" to me, so I imagine the Comfort Zone is the same for Smudge. I do occasionally smell it when I'm right on top of it (or under it - I've got it plugged in near the ceiling) but it's a very light scent, a little like coconut with a hint of cedar. I explain to guests that it's Kitty Incense.

I also used the Feliway spray to squirt on the towel in his carrier, which I keep in the living room with its door open, and now he naps in there regularly. :)

Love, Columbine

03-21-2007, 09:15 PM
I keep one going downstairs and one upstairs all the time. As soon as one runs out, Becky and Abby will start fighting. :(

We buy the refills off the Internet in quantity (a dozen in a case, I think) and it's a lot less expensive than the pet store.

I have never noticed an odor, and I'm allergic to many strong scents.

It might work for Cosmo. Good luck.

03-21-2007, 11:01 PM
I have it all over my house. A diffuser in just about every room. It has greatly reduced the aggression towards Ivy and the inappropriate peeing from Onyx. I order in bulk off the net too, much cheaper!