View Full Version : Sabrina, Sassy, Josh 6 Months Old **PIX** Girls home from surgery!!

03-20-2007, 08:38 PM
I haven't posted any updates of the 3 bottle babies lately. Sorry for that, my cpu has been so painfully slow lately.


Baby teeth on Sassy and Sabrina are all gone now, they started loosing them earlier this month. I managed to find 5 of their canine teeth and 3 of their big back teeth.

Josh only last week lost the last of his canine teeth (I found only 1 of them), and finally has his big back teeth loose, those should be dropping out any day now.


They went in today and got spayed. Everything went fine, the boss said Sassy was on the thin side, but said not to worry about it. I've never had to worry about my animals being thin before, more like the opposite. lol

Sassy was quite the little lady and took the whole thing with dignity and was a good little girl. I forgot to write the weights down, but as I recall she weighed in at 5.4 lbs.

Sabrina, always good for some torti-tude, glared at everyone the whole time, and when she got her tranquilizer shot before the surgery, she yowled loud enough that she could be heard at the front desk! I've sometimes wondered if maybe I should have reversed the names of the girls. lol As I recall she weighed in at 6.7 lbs.

They had to spend the night locked in the spare room last night, couldn't take any chances of them finding something to eat after 9pm. Josh looked for them some but we had other things going on last night that kept him busy, but he seemed to miss them most at late night feeding time, poor dear kept looking for his sisters. awwww

They are at the hospital for tonight. Normally spays have to stay the night, but since I work there I could have brought them home tonight, but I thought it would be better for them to be more confined for the first night in case they get playful, plus they'll be checked on by the boss overnight. I work tomorrow, so I can check on them all day tomorrow and when I get out of work they can come home with me. They'll have to spend a few days locked in the spare room but they'll have each other so they shouldn't be too lonely. I might bring Josh up for a few minutes each day if they don't get too playful.

Sabrina ate all her food and started in on Sassy's, so I had to take the food out of the cage. Sassy had no interest in eating yet, and I didn't want Sabrina vomiting from overeating right after surgery. Poor little skinny girl, she's gonna have to wait till later to eat some.

Here's a couple pix of the girls recovering in their cage right before I left work today. You can sort of see that Sabrina's eyes are still a bit 'drugged', she had been spayed later in the day and wasn't as awake as Sassy.



Josh goes in on the 30th of this month to be neutered.

Here are some recent pix of all of them for you to enjoy! :)

For you SABRINA fans out there...


Holding Bear's tail down for him


Hiding eyes from the light


For you SASSY fans out there.....

Sassy flopping out in window hammock in a sunbeam


Sassy hiding kitty toys in hubby's shoes! (he hates going to put his shoes on and cramming his toes into a cat toy lol)


Sassy retreiving one of her cat toys from hubby's shoes



03-20-2007, 08:40 PM
For you JOSH fans out there....



The look-a-likes (can you guess which is Josh?)


7th inning stretch


The whole kitten-kaboodle


03-20-2007, 08:50 PM
OMG!!!! I am in tortie heaven!! Those girls are just gorgeous! And Josh! Wow!!! He is just so handsome! Gosh! You really need to post more pics of these kitties!!!

03-20-2007, 09:06 PM
Torties are just SO CUTE!! And look at that mister white boy! Oh so handsome! White kitties are so cute! .....Actually... ALL kitties are just so cute!! Though persians have that look like they ran into one too many doors >_>' But they're STILL CUTE!! OMG!

You should seriously put more pictures of these babies up! They're just so adorable!

03-20-2007, 09:22 PM
They are ALL so beautiful...but the biggest change is in Josh! From a little yellowed monkey to a stunning white boy!

Ya done SO great with these three! The overnight feedings must have been worth it, right? :) Of course!

03-20-2007, 09:26 PM
Well for those of you that aren't familiar with this Trio that were supposed to be bottle baby fosters for only 4 weeks (I've failed fostering 101 lol).

Here are some pix of them when I got them back in October at 2 weeks old weighing in at less than 1/2 lb each.









03-20-2007, 09:48 PM
What a wonderful job you have done, raising that family.


03-20-2007, 10:27 PM
They are Beautiful! *MMWAH!

03-21-2007, 12:39 AM
They sure have grown into gorgeous cats but Josh is still my favorite.:) I'm glad that you failed fostering 101 so we can watch them grow up.:) I also hope that the girls heal up quickly and that Josh's neutering goes well too.:)

03-21-2007, 07:03 AM
How nice the the girls could be together during recovery even!

The eniter story of these 3 is so wonderful, very heartwarming. Thanks for posting all the pics! I think you did right to leave the girls overnight for recovery. And the way the 3 of them are still so bonded is just double sweet!

03-21-2007, 09:36 AM
Aaawww - all three are adorable. I can't say whether elegant Josh or the funny girls are cuter :)
This time your hubby can't cram his toes in a cat toy as I am sure he can get it out when he cleans the shoes :p

03-21-2007, 09:59 AM
oh my gosh!!!! how adorable!!!!! there is no way i would ever have been able to give them up either! i can't believe how different josh looks, you wouldn't think it was the same cat, or that he' from the same litter. WOW! They are just too precious!

03-21-2007, 03:50 PM
OMG.... :eek: :eek: :eek: They are all so dang adorable! I love that Sassy and Sabrina were able to be in the same cage after their surgeries. Comforting for them both, I am sure.

03-21-2007, 05:14 PM
Considering How Small And Helpless Josh Looked In Your First Photos You Have Done A Fantastic Job Of Raising These Scrawny Ones Into Magnificent Young Cats.
Josh Truly Shows What Can Be Accomplished With Hard Work Love And Tender Loving Care.
We Are Proud Of You At The Found Paradise Cat Hotel.
You Have Truly Preformed A Miracle!
Bless You!!

03-21-2007, 09:26 PM
I love that Sassy and Sabrina were able to be in the same cage after their surgeries. Comforting for them both, I am sure.

I don't know about every vet hospital, but at least the one I work at....

If several cats come in as housemates, we ask the owners if they get along good. If the owner says yes, then we put them in the same cage, at least until they are actually waking up from the anesthetic then we have to separate them for a bit. We always watch them for a while when we put two or more animals together, because sometimes in their groggy state some cats can get cranky even at their best friends. We want to always make sure putting them together will be a calming experience for them, not stressfull. We've had as many as 4 cats in one cage before and they made one big cat pile the whole day! lol We have several sizes of cages, so when we have big cats or many cats together we use the biggest cage. The cage Sassy & Sabrina were in is the Large size one (we have small, medium, large and x-large cages). We never put large dogs together because they tend to get too active and even our biggest run isn't enough to be truely comfy for multiple dogs. Small dogs that can go in cages can be put together though.

03-21-2007, 09:37 PM
Sabrina & Sassy are home again now. When I went into work today they greeted me with a little meow, LOUD purrs, and came right up to the front of the cage even before I cleared the kennel room door! lol

Sassy wouldn't eat until about noon today :confused: , although she acted like she felt fine. She ate good the rest of the day and tonight though. Sabrina still had no problems wolfing down the food. lol

When the girls were waking up from their surgery nap, they both peed on themselves. Even though they have thoroughly groomed themselves and smell ok now and are dry, apparently Josh has a thing against cats that pee on themselves at the vets. When I brought the girls home, I set the carrier on the floor for a minute while I got my shoes off, and Josh ran over to say HI to his sisters, sniffed the cage and promptly HISSED and GROWLED at them! *sigh* we just went through this recently when Pooky & Bear had their teeth cleaned and peed on themselves. That time ended up taking 3 days and shutting cats in by themselves to get everyone to be nice to each other again. :rolleyes:

I settled the girls in the spare bedroom. After they'd had a while to relax we went in to spend some time with them. Josh wanted to go in the room so we took him in, and instantly he became a growling, hissing mean little furball! We ended up having to take him out of the room so he would calm down. Poor girls getting hissed at by their own brother! :(

Josh will get his at the end of the month when he gets neutered. Most likely he'll pee on himself too, so I'm wondering if everyone will hiss at him to get even, or if he'll hiss at himself! :D ROFL

03-21-2007, 10:12 PM
WOW, they sure have grown up and they are so beautiful and healthy!!! I'm glad the girls' surgeries went well! That little JOSH is something special! He is gorgeous!!!! He sure has come a long way from that tiny little tyke he used to be! :D