View Full Version : Kiara's Story - Please read & keep this as a reminder...

03-20-2007, 03:00 PM
I wanted to share the story of my little girl with you all for several reasons. I will post my reasonings at the end of the story. Some of you may have read it, many were there with us through it, but I wanted to share it anyways.

On July 15th of 2004 my father and I visited our local humane society, as we often did. My father walked in front of me, as we looked through kennels and visited with each dog. As we were walking, he said "UH OH!" and we both laid our eyes on Kiara. He knew he was hooked and we were going to be bringing home a sister for Simba and Nala.

At fifteen weeks old she had been found wandering the street the shelter was located on. As others walked by, she would shy away and bark at them. However, as soon as they were out of her sight she came right back up to the kennel door wanting us to pet her. She wanted nothing to do with any of the other people visiting the shelter that day. She chose us. And that was it ... she came home with us that day.

She has learned so many commands, so quickly. Her first love was retrieving the tennis ball and soon followed by catching the frisbee right out of the air! Kiara, my mother, and I have spent many relaxing afternoons on the beach, playing frisbee while others watched in amazement. She quickly became one of the favorites of many in our community. She's stolen the hearts of those around her. Since day one Kiara has been very skittish with new things. With my encouragement, her and I have tackled many obstacles together. She still is skittish around new folks but has a very good reason for such.

On Monday, September 11th of 2006, our "perfect" little world had collapsed. Kiara was spooked from our yard and took off. We spent five days searching for her. We drove around, night and day, calling out her name. We posted signs on every business and pole imaginable and made our own poles to post in other areas. Everything in my life had come to a complete halt and my heart was torn to shreds. I would wake up, from whatever sleep I managed to get, thinking "Be strong ... we're going to find her today!" And then after searching all day and coming in for the night, I would break down in tears.

That Friday while my father and I were out searching we got a call from a man about five minutes from our home. He had cornered Kiara in his yard but because of her skittish nature he could not capture her. My brother, whom Kiara doesn't know too well, went to search in his neighborhood while my mother stayed home waiting for us to return. My brother spotted Kiara and she would not allow him to get close. He chased her for two or so miles trying to catch her. Around 5:00 PM my dad and I finally got the message that she was in the neighborhood and searched until 2:30 AM in that area. We spent most of the night posting signs, driving around calling her name, walking thru the woods, stopping and asking people in the neighborhood, with no luck whatsoever. We decided to call it a night and went home trying to get a bit of sleep.

For some reason I slept so soundly that night, even though I was just as exhausted as I was the previous nights. My father got up early that morning and went searching in the same area on foot. He was calling out her name and heard a bark. Not knowing if it was Kiara he followed the dog's bark. He spotted the dog but it was not coming to him. As he walked closer trying to figure out if it was her, he realized it was but she was still not coming to him. He got up to her and noticed there was a chain fence blocking her. He reached over, scooped her up and did not put her down until he got in the truck. She was a bit torn up, but overall in good health. The whole way home Kiara whined and kissed my father.

When they arrived home my dad brought Kiara into my room, as I was still sleeping, and awoke me from my nightmare. My little girl was home and my heart was once again whole.

The love, care, and support we received from our community - online and offline - is so incredibly overwhelming. Our little girl is home, our hearts are complete, and she has brought even more joy into our lives. I believe we are all very thankful, including our Kiara!


As I sat and watched Emergency Vets with tears in my eyes, squeezing Kiara to near death. Three seperate dogs were brought in because they were hit by a vehicle. This is a fear that had run through my mind many times in September.

Kiara was a dog who I trusted off leash, anytime - anywhere - with anyone. She had a perfect recall, didn't care one bit about other people, cars, animals, dogs, etc. Not a care in the world. If another dog walked by our yard they went by without being noticed by Kiara.

Even when she was a tiny bit spooked by something she still came to me when called. NEVER had I expected her to run off.

But, it happened and I know there are many others out there with the mindset I had. That their dog's recall was perfect and something so horrible would never happen.

Please, everyone use caution when your beloved angels aren't contained or on lead. Please be cautious of your surroundings when your dogs accompany you.

AND PLEASE, if you ever find yourself in the same situation NEVER give up hope. There were many times I thought we were never to find her again. It was only a week but it felt what seemed like a lifetime. I was angry, I was upset, I was losing my mind. But I somehow kept myself strong and my little girl is laying right next to me wagging her tail as I type.

The 16th marked 6 months since Kiara has been home with us - here is one of the photos taken the morning of her return.

So, please keep this in mind when you allow your dog offleash.

~Kay, Kiara, & the rest of The Muttlies

03-20-2007, 03:04 PM
Thanks for the reminder Kay, I don't know what I would have done in your situation. I still remember how your Dad brough Kiara and handed her to you while you finally got some sleep, that was so heartwarming.

03-20-2007, 03:09 PM
Words to live by.

Our apartment complex sits between a busy road (4 lanes) and a railroad track. I've known of dogs lost to both in the 5 years I've lived here.

I nearly saw a Rottie get hit that decided to try and cross the road to get to where myself and my dogs were walking. Thankfully the car was able to stop in time. They honked, making the dog freeze in confusion. I dared not cry out in fear the dog would take it as an invitation to come to me and cross the remaining three lanes. Then, THEN, the owners came outside and ran to the road to get their dog. Some people really piss me off. :mad:

03-20-2007, 03:21 PM
I still remember when Kiara was gone and how everybody on PT was praying for her safe return. And then it happened - she was found! A happy ending is always the best....especially a PT happy ending. :)

03-20-2007, 03:27 PM
Wow, thank you so much for sharing that story. I hadn't even known that happend, so I am glad you told us. And you are right about everything. Just the other day my mom's and sister's dog named Belle ran off on them. It only took a second of the dog out of my mom's sight and she started crying and screaming Belle's name.

What happened is that Belle was off leash and usually she is very good at coming when called, but mom didn't see the other little dog that was in our yard and Belle took off after that dog. I ran outside to help my mom because I know I am good at finding animals, specially in the woods (which is where Belle headed). And just as I was about to run to the woods I heard Belle's little collar tinging and she suddenly ran past me and right past my mother and up to the door of the house. She knew she had done something wrong.

I guess my point is that I agree with you. Dogs can take off suddenly and the worst thing to ever happen is your dog run away and you not able to find it. I am so so glad you were able to get Kiara back:)

It's a good lesson learned for everyone that reads this.

finn's mom
03-20-2007, 03:43 PM
Very good reminder. People definitely forget that things like that happen. Just glad that stories like that do have happy endings sometimes.

03-20-2007, 03:46 PM
Even though I knew the history, reading this thread makes me cry.
I am so happy she is home with you where she belongs.

03-20-2007, 05:02 PM
:) I'm so glad Kiara's story has a happy ending. So many prayers were said for her safe return when she was missing. We could feel your heartbreak, it's a scenario we all fear. This is a beautiful way to share your experience with everyone, Kay, thanks for taking the time to compose a great post. Kiara isn't the only amazing one in the "Kay & Kiara" duo! ;)

03-20-2007, 05:38 PM
I'm glad you posted that I have never heard it before. I'm glad you found your little girl and she wasn't hit by a car. She is a beautiful girl I don't know what I would do if one of my girls went missing like that.

03-20-2007, 05:42 PM
Kay you really picked a perfect time to post this thread and reminder.

I just posted a thread about my ride home today, in which I came "......" this close to hitting a dog that the owner had off leash. :( I honestly don't know what I would've done if I'd have hit her.

Please everyone, be careful and know that things like this DO happen... and please take the first step and try to prevent them.

Also, I'm so glad Ki is home. I remember when it happened I was sitting here waiting for updates. You and Kiara had a very happy ending, and I am BEYOND greatful for that.... but people have to know that, as much as I hate to say it... there is a chance things could've gone wrong.

Once again, thanks for posting this reminder, Kay.

03-20-2007, 06:27 PM
Remembering Kiaras story brought tears to my eyes Kay. I remember the 5 days she was missing. I'd come home at lunch and check PT to see if you found her. My hubby was off work that week and somedays he would update me when I'd come in the door. He was checking for updates on Kiara.
I agree with you, it could happen to anyone. A very good reminder. Please give Kiara a hug for me.

03-20-2007, 07:04 PM
I know how that feels after our Mist bolted because some idiot set a firework off in broad daylight. It was an airbomb which are now banned because they are so loud, they make houses shake.

Took 4 days to find her and she'd ended up in a kennels. She was handed into police the same evening of the day she bolted and, even though we kept ringing them, they said no dog of her description had been handed in.

We phoned the kennels after being given their number...they were a bit out of the way from us, we'd phoned all the local ones, but as soon as we described Mist, they said they had her. I could hardly contain my tears as we drove up there and, even they thought the police had been totally incompetent and obviously didn't give a damn. They even put her down as a Border collie cross and she was purebred border collie. She just had the smoother type coat so they thought she must be crossed with something else. The kennel staff knew she was full BC. Anyway, my stepdad phoned the police when we got home and gave them a right earbashing over how crap and unhelpful they'd been and it was then they finally found on their files that she'd been handed in and mentioned her being a cross and my stepdad firmly informed them she was purebred in a really sarcastic tone, it was funny.

When we went to the kennels, they took us to where mist was and we passed other dogs all at the front barking and jumping up for attention and we got to Mists and she was curled up in the little bed at the back all quiet. She saw my stepdad first and came slinking up to greet him and they opened the gate and then she saw me and she pushed past my stepdad and straight to me whining and making funny noises. I just hugged her for several minutes, it was like losing a child to me.

She was 7 years old when that happened.

Obviously, you can't keep a BC on the lead all it's life so there is always going to be a slight risk of something bad happening and you can only be sure they stay close and in site when out and make sure you have escape proof gardens for when they are at home but making sure they have ID tags on at least and microchipped also helps a lot.
Our mist had lost her tag when she went missing, blargh, and I hadn't had chance to get another when it happened. You can guarantee the few days it takes to get another is the time they'll go missing. :rolleyes:

Our Jess has never gone missing in her whole 13 years but she glues herself to your leg for reassurance if she hears something she doesn't like whereas our Mist used to go into a trance like state and just run off in a random direction.

03-20-2007, 09:10 PM
Thanks for the reminder, Kay. :) I don't trust any of my dogs off leash except Rocky, but I know it could happen to him, too. I am just so glad Kiara is safe and sound and where she belongs. :) I know it was a nightmare for us all and something we'll never forget but we're just as relieved as you are to have her back where she belongs with you and your family. :)

03-20-2007, 09:20 PM
I recently watched a hit-by-car Chow die as our wonderful vets gave it blood transfusions, oxygen, epinephrine, and everything they had in them to save it. It opened my eyes like nothing else could have. Since Jasper can slip out of his collar and would take off after a squirrel no matter what, he walks on a harness now.

03-20-2007, 09:29 PM
Good post, good advice. I agree completely.

I've had more than a few people tease me about being so protective of my dogs. I always have them on leashes or carry them. Do I trust them? Yes. Have I trained them? Yes. But it still has always worried me, and NOTHING is ever 100 percent foolproff.

I think it stems from my childhood dog getting killed by a car right in front of me. This was in the 1970's, and all of us kids and all of our dogs ran around the neighborhood. No one put their dog on a leash. This little dog had been our roaming companion for years and years, with never an incident. Until the one that killed him.

Better safe than sorry. Always.

03-21-2007, 01:12 AM
Tears here aswell :(. This coming weekend it will have been a year since Tinny took off and went missing, she was only gone a day but it felt like a lifetime. The territiory she was lost in was dangerous...Bushland, with a busy highway running through which she crossed a good few time according to people who had seen her :eek:. I was not expecting to find her alive, and when El found her and she was ok (Exhausted and starving) it was the happiest moment.

{{Hugs}} For Kiara and Mama.

03-21-2007, 01:46 AM
Thank you so much for this much needed reminder, it is what I keep trying to drill into my husband now that we have a 9wk old puppy to train and take care of, yes he may come now, but there will be that day that he might not. I am so glad God was taking care of your littler girl and brought her home safely.

03-21-2007, 07:28 AM
{{hugs}} to you and the crew!

03-21-2007, 03:00 PM
Such a beautifully written story, Kay. I completely agree.

I'm so glad that Ki made it home safely. :)

03-22-2007, 11:55 AM
kfamr - could you please give Kiara a 6-month anniversary hug for me. And the other Muttlies too! Happy "welcome home" anniversary, Kiara!


My Peanuts
03-22-2007, 12:37 PM
Kay, reading that and remembering your torture has me in tears. I'm so glad that Kiara was found.

Luckily my little misbehaving pack ALWAYS has to be on leash, with the acceptation of Sylvia who has earned the privilege to walk down the driveway into the yard after a walk. She's so focused on the yard and getting a drink that I don’t worry about her going elsewhere. :)

03-22-2007, 01:02 PM
I know all about dogs getting out ....

These little guys are my dads Beagles - Mike and his sister Blue.

One day last year, my dad had just got home from the cottage and was in the process of unpacking the truck. Unfortunately, he hadn't latched the gate 100%, and Mike managed to pull through a teeny gap and run down the drive. Mike managed to time it perfectly, and ran right out into the road in front of a lady that didn't have time to stop.

He suffered nerve damage in his front leg -- and after all kinds of differnet treatments over a month and a half (with no change), they had to amputate. Hes still a happy little tripod dog, but I know my dad still feels horribly guilty about the whole thing.

Heres 3-legged Mike

03-22-2007, 01:19 PM
I'm so glad that you posted this, Kay. We all need to read it and heed the advice that you have provided. I think we all breathed a sigh of relief when we knew you had your precious girl back with you. :)

Every person I know. including myself, is delighted when they have a dog they can have off leash, but I worry about every single one of them. Even my own, precious Lilly, who is the only dog I have owned that could go off leash, without running away, worried me to death. I loved her companionship in the yard, outside of the fence, but I was constantly watching her, calling her back, and sometimes I would simply "forget" about her, and that was her opportunity to slip away. Dogs (and cats) are fearless, and a good sniff in the air that brings an interesting smell, will send them off on an expedition, every single time. Even Lilly, who didn't go far, didn't run, would get a wild hair, every now and then, and take off. We were very, very lucky that she was so lucky, and always came back home. And if you add any kind of noise fear, those "great" dogs, that do so well, off leash, become missing dogs, just like Kiara.

I know, for a fact, that our Zipper was a stray because he was frightened, probably because of a thunder storm. He showed up as a stray, picked up by animal control, during the summer. Obviously someone loved him in his early life, but probably left him outdoors, and he ran away out of fear. It was our luck that he landed in the shelter, was taken in by our Golden Retriever rescue, and the rest was history. But we learned, quickly, that "thunderphobia" was his issue, and we always worked to protect him from that fear.

We all live and learn. Unfortunately, some of us learn the hard way. :(


09-11-2008, 06:46 AM
Today marks the two year "anniversary" of the week Kiara went missing. Please keep our mistake as a reminder to keep your babies safe.

09-11-2008, 07:17 AM
Oh, I remember that week all too well.:( Thank God you got Kiara back Kay! Her gone missing was the reason my pups are microchipped. ;) Big {hugs} Kiara.:)

Cinder & Smoke
09-11-2008, 07:54 AM
Kiara was a dog who I trusted off leash, anytime - anywhere - with anyone. She had a perfect recall, didn't care one bit about other people, cars, animals, dogs, etc. Not a care in the world. If another dog walked by our yard they went by without being noticed by Kiara.

Even when she was a tiny bit spooked by something she still came to me when called. NEVER had I expected her to run off.

But, it happened
and I know there are many others out there with the mindset I had.
That their dog's recall was perfect and
something so horrible would never happen.

Please, everyone use caution when your beloved angels aren't
contained or on lead. Please be cautious of your surroundings
when your dogs accompany you.

AND PLEASE, if you ever find yourself in the same situation
NEVER give up hope.
There were many times I thought we were never to find her again.
It was only a week but it felt what seemed like a lifetime.
I was angry, I was upset, I was losing my mind.

Today marks the two year "anniversary" of the week Kiara went missing.
Please keep our mistake as a reminder to keep your babies safe.

WHY don't I listen? Even my "good kids" have wandered off!

My lil Foster Mutt - Heidi - affectionately called Mini-Mutt ...
is a (Thank God) living, although slightly battered, example of what
Kay has so beautifully reminded us of ... Dogs DO run off ...
and the results can be devestating to both the 4-Legger and the BiPeds.

Can't happen, you say?
Here's another Sad Tail that proves that YES, it CAN happen >>>
"We have'company' at the Ranch ..."

THANKS, Kay, for your well written reminder.
May God give me the strength to start heeding it.

/s/ Phred

09-11-2008, 04:42 PM
WHY don't I listen? Even my "good kids" have wandered off!

My lil Foster Mutt - Heidi - affectionately called Mini-Mutt ...
is a (Thank God) living, although slightly battered, example of what
Kay has so beautifully reminded us of ... Dogs DO run off ...
and the results can be devestating to both the 4-Legger and the BiPeds.

Can't happen, you say?
Here's another Sad Tail that proves that YES, it CAN happen >>>
"We have'company' at the Ranch ..."

THANKS, Kay, for your well written reminder.
May God give me the strength to start heeding it.

/s/ Phred

Amen Phred. I remember when Kiara went missing & after awhile I did
start to fear the worst for her. This can happen to anyone & this thread
is a great reminder to all of us.:)

09-11-2008, 08:58 PM
[[[[[HUGS]]]]] Kiki, Mufasa, Simba, Nala and Kay!

09-11-2008, 10:43 PM
I remember your despair and anguish like it was yesterday Kay, its a good lesson for all of us.