View Full Version : I finally rode jackson for the first time.

03-20-2007, 08:43 AM
Hey everyone, i havent been on here in forever!! Most of you probably dont remember me. I work at my local riding centre and ride the horses there.. i wasnt a very good ride but i have improved dramatically since last time i posted. I am now learning jumping and can handle all of the horses at my school and anyways things have gotten great! But whats better.. some of you may remember me as i have a pet cow who i planned on riding since i got him at 2weeks old, he is a dairy cow named Jackson, full name Jackson Shilo King! He is 16months on the 28th of this month. And this week.. was his first ride ever. He was unbroken horse riding wise having not been ridden till I rode him last wednesday and then again yesterday. Last wednesday was our first ride, ever.
IT was great.. i rode him bareback without a helmt, reins or anyone around.. stupid.. but he was perfect. He just backed up a few steps, turned around, took a few steps forward, and we just stood there mostly. Then i got off.. and he didnt freak or kick out or buck or throw his head or try and hurt me in any way or try and get me off his back or anything even once! He was an angel.. i was so excited as that was the first time id ever ridden him.. and the first time id handled him at all in 4months! Hes so clever. And then, yesterday i took him down to my horse riding school, only a few minutes walk away from my school- school where i keep jackson. anyways i took him there.. i work there and ride there so, i said gday to Gary the owner and my boss.. and got to work.
I brushed him and then i got two lunge leads, clipped one to either side of his hackemore halter.. and opened the gate and off we went.. i worked on driving him (which hed never done bfore either) so hed learn to respond to being turned by someone behind him or more importantly, on him. He got the hang of it ok.. i mean, stubborn, hes a cow, but he did well. then.. after about 20minutes of that we both got bored so decided it was time i tacked him up. He hadnt been tacked up in 6+ months.. (wed started practicing from 5months old) but he didnt have a problem at all.. not one. The only issue he had, was that he was originally thinkin what in the world is that thing and what do you plan on doing with it?! That was to the saddle blanket, hed never had one before. But, i put it on him and he was fine. Then i put the saddle on, i thought id get some sortve reaction cos the saddle ive used on him all his life is only about a quarter of the weight of this one, being a childs synthetic all purpose, compared to an adults heavy, leather stock saddle.. and itd been so long but no reaction, and then i did up the girth real tight and still not once did he react.. what a docile bugger he is.. So then i went and found one of the ponies sporting reins.. the beauty of them was, they were short but, they are designed.. so that.. uno the clip u have on your standard lead rope.. well.. thats the type of clip that clips onto the bit.. its odd for us, its the only set like it we have.. but anyways.. they are perfect because then i can just clip it straight onto his halter.. and its great. And though i thought at first the shortness would be an issue.. they are absolutely perfect! They give me heaps of control.. which is good for him to learn with. Uhm anyways.. i got on and he was fine, didnt do anything.. then i turned him.. and kicked him to move.. he didnt do anyhting so i kicked him again and he walked a few steps.. soon he worked out i stopped kicking when he moved.. but then i got off and went and got a whip which he really responds to well..
(because all his life being a cow people hit them with hands, ropes etc to make them move so it works for him!) so ill use that to reinforce the kicks instantly. But yeah he went so well.. we only walked and his hide did slip a little bit, but if u sit back in the saddle, and dont lean forward like u shouldnt on a horse anyways, its not a problem. Hes so so comfy too. His walk does feel different to a horse, but under saddle its much more comfortable! dunno how but it feels different, and somehow more natural.. freaky. Uhm.. i think maybe its cow he has toes he absorbs the pressure more when he walks or something, or cos he has toes he takes wlaking in the sandy arena differently. I dunno but overall it was a wonderful experience.. hes only gunna get better with pracitce.. thats the first time ive REALLY ridden him... the one other time i didnt ride him, i was just on him and he happened to move. While i was there garys wife came to laugh at me, she thought i was a complete idiot and ended up being impressed with how he went.. shes a big dressage person so thought im out of my brains, but she always has so.. lol.. she was freaking out.. she was just so sure hed buck or something.. thinking if she did the girth up even the slightest bit tight hed buck.. and when i used the whip.. though she had a right to be cautious as was i.. she was so sure he was gunna buck me off. Or come off somehow.. but i never even came close! The only problem was getting on, cos the saddle slips ill need to use the ramp so i can just jump on, or i have to have someone hold the other stirrup.. is very slipperey cos a cows hides much thicker and slips mroe then a horse.. but it was great. Hes at the moment about 14.2hh roughly.. i forgot to measure him, bt i will soon as i can.. and hes still got a long way to grow! Anyways it was so wonderful.. and i got pics.. check em out.
reinforce the kicks instantly. But yeah he went so well.. we only walked and his hide did slip a little bit, but if u sit back in the saddle, and dont lean forward like u shouldnt on a horse anyways, its not a problem. Hes so so comfy too. His walk does feel different to a horse, but under saddle its much more comfortable! dunno how but it feels different, and somehow more natural.. freaky. Uhm.. i think maybe its cow he has toes he absorbs the pressure more when he walks or something, or cos he has toes he takes wlaking in the sandy arena differently. I dunno but overall it was a wonderful experience.. hes only gunna get better with pracitce.. thats the first time ive REALLY ridden him... the one other time i didnt ride him, i was just on him and he happened to move. Anyways it was so wonderful.. and i got pics.. check em out.

http://img131.imageshack.us/img131/5380/1010143sq2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Thatll do.. ive got alot more if you want more... and ill get more as we go on.. we are so proud of us.. talk soon guys. Check out the website. Which i was recently promoted to be president of.. which is crazy but anyways.. if ur interested check it out or email me or something!!


03-21-2007, 08:15 AM
Well. we feel loved. LOL thanks for all the replies! ;)

03-21-2007, 02:26 PM
haha sorry. I was going to reply yesterday...but I kinda didnt. :] A cow? I didn't know you could ride cows! Hehe I thought you were talking about a horse, so when I looked at the picture(didnt read the post first) I was like..A <b>cow?</B>
Good luck with Jackson!

Just one question.... What are you going to do with him? Trail stuff? (hehe it doesn't seem like he could jump or any thing...maybe though. I don't know much about cows) OH and one more. What does walking on him feel like? OH and ONE MORE...Will you ever ride him faster then a walk, do you think?

Sorry if I sound really stupid...I don't know much about cows. As I said above. :]


Suki Wingy
03-21-2007, 03:25 PM
I remeber you two! That's great that you're riding him! I don't know if you know but I sold Nuria back to the family that bred her. I sat on her once but I got off right away because it was in the dairy barn at the county fair and I didn't want to cause a scene in case anyone saw me or anything went wrong. ;)