View Full Version : Funny Story

03-20-2007, 06:24 AM
I was up and about on Saturday for a while and when it snowed I decided that I was going to get some blankets out of the hotpress (Airing Cupboard I think) and when I went to do so my two followed me (I did not see them though), and climbed in and settled in for a nap. I not realising this closed the door and went away. After a while I noticed they were missing when John came in and I told him to bring them in and he said they were inside.

I panicked and forgot about the hotpress and started screaming their names all over the place even outside.

I went back in and started to cry and then I heard it scratch mmmmnnn mmmnnn Millie's cry, then oh yeah was at the hotpress and they must have climbed in under the shelf. Opened the door and hugged and kissed them and they looked at me as if to say "what, what is wrong with you, we were sleeping you know and you woke us". I told them to come out and they turned their tails to me and walked back in and curled up to go asleep again, my little troopers too cold outside find the hottest place in the house and curl up.....

4 Dog Mother
03-20-2007, 07:34 AM
Silly pups, scaring mom like that! I have closed a dog into a bedroom before and then couldn't find them and panic so I know exactly how you felt. You can't imagine what could have happened. And then you find them and you are so happy - what a nice warm spot yours chose to get closed in!

Cinder & Smoke
03-20-2007, 08:24 AM
Silly pups, scaring mom like that!
I have closed a dog into a bedroom before and then couldn't find them and panic ...

Or not pay attention when All Three are trying to do the same thing and "Loose Count" ...

One is a bit slow and gets left in the Bus in the garage ...
Or one decides to inspect the basement and gets left down there ...
Or da KAT decides to check a closet or the bathroom linen closet
... (he's spent whole DAYS trapped in a closet!)

But the worst Lost Pet Incidents are when they're really NOT lost :rolleyes: ...
The Three Amigos usually dash OUT the door together for an Outie ...
Returns often require three seperate Openings and / or repeated Callings & Openings
to effect a full recovery of the Herd ...
BUT - I've beeen know to goof up the "count" when I'm <looking> out into the yard
and don't notice one or two of the Mutts were standing AT the door and
<barged in> as soon as the door cracked open.

I've been know to <HOLLER> out into the wilderness for X, Y, or Z
(when I just KNOW they're still out there) ...
only to turn around and notice X, Y, and Z are ALL sitting in the hallway
<watching> their Dumm Dad make a fool out of himself! :eek: :o

Smokey is even worse when I think HE's the missing Mutt ... He'll go hop onto
the BigBed and go to SLEEP whilst I'm <hollerin> his name out the front door!


03-20-2007, 08:28 AM
Oh my, I understand exactly how you felt. A few weeks ago, my cat Sparkle went into the linen closet and settled in for a nice nap under the lowest shlf. And of course I didn't see her go in when I was putting towels away. Several hours later, I was SURE she had slipped out of the house when I took the dog out for her last walk of the night. And I was positive the coyote was going to get my Sparkle. My crying brought her to scrambling at the linen closet door - the ONLY closet I had not checked before thinking she had gone outside. I just didn't remember having it opened.

Like yours, she wanted to know what all the fuss was about and did NOT want all the hugs and cuddles I was giving my "lost" pet.

We just love them SO much and try so hard to do right by them.

03-20-2007, 09:13 AM
Good glad I am not the only who does it.....

03-20-2007, 09:18 AM
Silly pups!
Guess they thought that was their own special sleeping room! :D

Twice now I've come home and only had one wagging tail to greet me :confused: "Where's Buddy?" I asked Sierra then I heard the crying coming from the spare room with the door closed. Buddy pushed the door open to get into the spare room, then the silly boy closed the door behind him and he couldn't get out!! :rolleyes: I keep a gate in the door way now so that doesn't happen again!