View Full Version : Awesome news! *more about my brother and politics*

03-19-2007, 08:28 PM
I'm sure some of you are aware that my brother is pretty in much into politics and the Iraqi war stuff. He has gotten a job in a organization called "Vote vets", he has met a bunch of famous political people like hilary clinton, and offered several times a job as a senator for a part of Staten Island. He was featured in a commercial about something, but I forgot what it was.

OK, done with explaining that part now, lol. Sorry if that was unclear.

Anyway, my brother was offered a place to run for senator of all of Staten Island and a part of Brooklyn. He's not nessicarily going to win, and he still doesn't know if he is going run. It's HUGE responsibilty and he's only 28. It will also be a big move from FL to Staten Island, so I still don't know. I just found this out tonight, and I just had to share. It's so cool to me!

03-19-2007, 08:44 PM
I am so happy for you , you must be so proud. You have lots of smarts like your brother too.

Daisy and Delilah
03-19-2007, 09:07 PM
WOW, that's great Alyssa!! Your brother sounds like a great guy. I bet you are just brimming with pride. He sure has accomplished alot to be only 28!! :) Best wishes to him if he decides to run for office!