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View Full Version : ***emergency!!!*** Rescue In In Needs Help Asap!

03-19-2007, 04:51 PM
Dear PTers,

My dear friend Angie runs Fur Heaven's Sake rescue here in Ft Wayne. She has a dog named Valentino who was hit by a car of people in an SUV who swerved to the side of the road to hit him. A good samaritin came back and picked him up and took him to Angie. It turns out that he has 5 fractures in his hip and it will cost between $2000-$3000 to repair it. The only place here in Ft Wayne that will do it is the Emergency Vet who gives no breaks to anyone and demands payment at the time of service. She is a brand new rescue and does not have the funds to pay for his surgery. I am asking the generous people of PT to dig deep and help get Valentino fixed ASAP. I will get more info and post it as soon as I know, but, please let me know if you would be willing to donate to Valentino's fund.

Here is his write up: http://search.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=8040190

Thank you all,


03-19-2007, 04:57 PM
Have you tried contacting IMOM (http://www.imom.org/)?

03-19-2007, 05:06 PM
Excellent idea!! I told her!

Cinder & Smoke
03-19-2007, 05:16 PM
He has 5 fractures in his hip and it will cost between $2000-$3000 to repair it.

The only place here in Ft Wayne that will do it is the Emergency Vet
who gives no breaks to anyone and demands payment at the time of service.

Time to FIND a reasonable Orthopedic Surgeon!
Call a few of the "regular Vets" and find a practice that does do surgeries.

/s/ Phred

03-19-2007, 06:07 PM
Molly, the write up says he survived with few injuries. Was he finally seen
by a vet or who thinks he has 5 fractures? There is an excellent group of
specialists in Anderson, Indiana. The vet who did Buddy's surgery was named
Dr. Lee. Could you contact their office & see about payments?

03-20-2007, 08:07 AM
Hi Liz,

I just found that out. That write up was done before he had the x-rays done. They revealed that his hips are basically shattered and will needs plates put in to repair the damage. I called Angie and left a message to change the petfinder write up to say what the extent of the damage really is.

Also, she is going to contact IMOM, but also has a paypal account that if anyone wants to donate to his surgery you can use that. I will get the account later and let you know. The vet says he needs to have the surgery done within 6 weeks.

03-20-2007, 08:50 AM
Molly, PM me her paypal addy.

03-21-2007, 06:45 AM
Angie is joining, but, in the mean time, she said that if you go to her petfinder site there is a donation button and it goes straight to her paypal account.


That takes you right to her site.

03-21-2007, 09:30 AM
Have you tried contacting IMOM (http://www.imom.org/)?Yes! IMOM can help raise funds. Also try Orthodogs - http://www.oslf.org/
If accepted as one of their PINs (Pet in Need), they will also help raise funds.

03-21-2007, 10:26 AM
Are you sure that's the only place that will do it? Fort Wayne Pet Hospital gives breaks to almost ALL of it's patients!

03-21-2007, 05:15 PM
The Pet Hospital doesn't have the sterile room necessary to do the surgery. But thanks for the thought!

03-23-2007, 06:48 AM
Valentino had his surgery yesterday. A Westie group let us use their credit card so we could get Valentino cared for. We will use the donations to help repay that. So any help is still greatly appreciated. Valentino thanks you as well. He's pretty special! The surgeon couldn't believe what this fellow was going through and still walking...I get sad even thinking about it. He comes home hopefully this evening. Thanks in advance for anything anyone can do to alleviate the financial burden. The most important thing is Valentino can begin to heal.


03-24-2007, 07:34 AM
I want to thank all PTers as well...you proved again how awesome you all are!

03-24-2007, 07:51 AM
Sorry for not sending money sooner :o
Glad he's already on his way to recovery!!!

03-24-2007, 08:18 AM
Hey Angie, anything you can send, whenever you can send it is so very much appreciated. Thank you! You are a friend to the animals!

Angie (Ft Wayne) works so hard at her rescue. Mike and I are helping as much as we can with breaks on food and we have a donation tub for her on the counter, which usually gets her a bag or 2 of food every month. Mike also got her a special deal through Canidae where instead of having to buy 12 bags to get a bag free, she only has to buy 6 bags. She also comes to the store once a month for an adoption event and they have been fairly successful considering how new this all is. Oh, and she bought little Valentino a heated bed to help keep him comfy during his healing process.

Hey, anyone in the OH/IN/MI area that might be willing to foster for her, please let her or me know too! The more fosters she has, the more dogs she can save. At this time, it is only her and one other person doing all of the fostering.

03-25-2007, 09:25 AM
Any news on the dog, though?
Was IMOM contacted?

03-25-2007, 09:47 AM
He is at home now. They plated the hips and one hip had the ball joint shaved off, so all that is holding everything together is muscle. They are encouraging the little man to walk as much as possible because they need him to build the muscle up. He appears, by all accounts, to be obliging quite nicely. Angie called me laughing yesterday because she said he looked more like a Chinese Crested than a Westie because of the way they shaved him!! I guess a trip to Trinity is in order!! Trinity is the most amazing groomer ever and she gives HUGE breaks to rescues.

As far as IMOM, I don't think they'll help now that the surgery has been paid for. I think they would just say that if the Westie group paid for it then it is a done deal.