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03-19-2007, 07:49 AM
You are a cute kitten! It's good you have a nice home and a "friend" to play with. Congratulations on being cat of the day!

03-19-2007, 08:12 AM
You are a very cute Tuxedo kitty; enjoy your special day.

03-19-2007, 09:27 AM
Its so great to see the next generation of Pet Talk Cats growing up , a bit spoiled in thier Happy Furr Ever Homes.
And Tank is going to be such a Big Happy Cat Of The Future , all we ask at Pet Talk is that you send updates of the Tuxedo Tank as he grows into a Big Handsome Fellow!!
:) :cool: :rolleyes: :cool: :p :cool: ;) :cool: :D :cool:

03-19-2007, 10:13 AM
One thing my mom is good at is loving me and I am good at loving her! -- Tank

Tank, you and Froggy have stolen my heart today. You are absolutely adorable! What a L-O-N-G tail you have, too! Happy Kitten-of-the-Day to you, and a healthy and happy life with your mom!

03-19-2007, 11:02 AM
What a treat! Today we are graced with not just one but two, extra special honorees; Tank and his best buddy, Froggy!:) ;) Oh, what a precious photo of adorable you and I can just imagine you and your Mom snuggled up together just like that each morning!:) And I have no doubt Tank, that your Mom wanted you just as much or more, than you wanted your beloved Froggy!:D I'm so happy you found your way to such a warm and loving forever home, sweetheart! Thanks so much for taking the time to write to us,(love your kitty humor:D) and for putting a big smile on my face! Congratulaitons to our most deserving, extra special Cat of the Day, precious Tank!:) Hope you and your proud Mom and Froggy too, are enjoying a very special, fun filled day! Hugs and kisses to you, adorable little man!:)

03-19-2007, 12:17 PM
Wow Tank, you are one amazing kitty:D You can even learn tricks! My cat comes when he is called and sits, but not really anymore than that. And your Froggy friend is very nice too. I loved to hear about all the fun games you and your mommy plays, it must be very fun.

Congrats on being our Cat of the Day today Tank. You deserve it, and I hope you get some extra treats today:D

03-19-2007, 12:53 PM
Tank, I am sure Froggy is so happy every day he did not meet that dog friend of your mom;)
And you are just as happy having met her:)

I love your little Felix face - it says mischief and that's what makes a kitten irresistible.

Congratulations for being our Cat of the Day today.

03-19-2007, 12:54 PM
Well Tank, aren't you just the cutest and sweetest little guy! You and friend Froggy look so happy playing together. Little Tank, you have quite a bit of growing to do to grow into your name! You have the same black nose as my 15# tuxie boy Jack. You are a great COTD, Tank, and I wish you much happiness and good health with your loving family.

03-19-2007, 01:13 PM
Tank you and Froggy are so adorable playing together!!! :D

Sounds like you are on happy boy for sure!!!

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day!!! :D

blue girl
03-19-2007, 02:39 PM
Tank, what a sweetie you are! I think it would be wonderful to fall asleep next to each night and wake up to your soft purring and kisses. I'm not sure that Froggie looks too happy to be cuddling with you, though....he has a look of fear on his face that makes me think he might be afraid you are going to eat him up:) Oh, but you would never do that, would you? You are a beautiful kitty and I am very 'tankful' to have met you today. Congratulations on being Cat of the Day!

03-19-2007, 07:27 PM
Tank, you are one cute fellow!!! HAPPY COTD!!

03-19-2007, 09:46 PM
Oh Tank, you are such a handsome lttle guy! You have such pretty eyes, they show up so nice in the picture mom took of you & Froggy. Froggy looks like a great playmate, so you go have fun on your special Cat of the Day day!

03-20-2007, 10:49 AM
You are a very cute little tuxedo kitten! You are smart, too! That is very good that you will sit when your owner tells you to(if there is a treat OF COURSE!) Sounds like your mom and you are Best Buds. I love your froggy! SO CUTE! Enjoy the rest of your kittenhood and growing up! Happy Cat of The Day!
-Reggie's Meowmie