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View Full Version : The bond between owner and pet... a testimony

Nobas Mom
03-18-2007, 07:18 PM
So I've always known and believed in the strong bond between pet and owner, but it wasn't until a series of events that happened between last night and this morning did I fully understand how deep it runs. My sweet hound, Noba, has been staying on the other side of the state with my ex-boyfriend. I have his sweet dog, Sadie, who was scheduled to be spayed in two weeks. Noba is not here right now to allow Sadie the proper quiet environment to recover in. I thought he was going to be safe and sound where he was because he's been there many times before with no problems. Well late last night at work, I got the bad feeling that something was wrong. I checked my phone messages from work, and there was a message from my ex, telling me to call him ASAP. I did and he assured me that Noba was alright, he just needed to talk. Well he didn't stay at his house last night, so Noba and his other dog, Chase were alone. I couldn't shake the bad feeling all night that something was wrong with Noba. Early this morning, I received a message from a lady that works at a pet shop about 4 miles from where my ex lives, asking if I was missing a basset hound and that she had him. Apparently, something happened at my ex's house last night and Noba got out and ran off. I called my friend that lives in that town to go and pick up Noba, keep him safe. I am gonna be leaving after work in the morning to go pick him up.

Some gut feeling told me last night that he was not good. I couldn't get him out of my mind... something kept him there all night. And now I know what it was. Noba is fine, no scratches, marks, or bruises and for that I am eternally grateful. Needless to say, the bond we share is very deep and reaffirms the fact that I have the dog that was meant for me.

Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this? Any stories that testifies to the bond between owner and pet???

03-18-2007, 07:28 PM
Nothing like that. I lost my heart dog in November of last year and the pain from that bond being broken is beyond belief. I will never be the same without him.

I'm glad your dog is alright and safe. They really know how to get in our hearts, don't they?

Daisy and Delilah
03-18-2007, 08:19 PM
What an incredible story. Thank goodness Noba was found and is okay. It must have been very scary for you to find out. :(

Nobas Mom
03-18-2007, 09:34 PM
Yeah... it was a pretty scary time. I called into my other job this morning and told them I couldn't come in. I was on the verge of a panic attack wondering what was wrong with him... it was just a feeling I couldn't shake... it was so intense... but my friend says he is safe now, been eating like a horse and has been sleeping and playing. I will have that little houndini back in my arms tomorrow!!!

03-19-2007, 07:20 AM
i have 'known' when alex has had a seizure when i'm at work, and on more then one occasion, i have woken up on my feet as he starts one. it's as though there is a 'psychic' yell from him that wakes me up.
glad your doggie is alright and you're going to get him soon.

03-19-2007, 07:38 AM
Not long ago I had a sudden urge to leave work early, no idea why but it was an insistent feeling. When I got home I found my old boy, Samson, stuck under the livingroom gate. He had tried to crawl under the gate and his tags got caught.

Another time I hurried home an hour early and found that Samson had tried to hide behind the toilet. He managed to put a hole in the water line and water was spraying all over the bathroom and hall. It had to have happened about the time I left work, judging by the amount of water.

Samson is old and has periods of extreme anxiety which causes him to seek what he considers 'safe', small spaces. This might explain why I have a closer connection to him than to the other two.