View Full Version : Who needs to Dye Easter eggs??

critter crazy
03-18-2007, 07:02 PM
What do you need to dye easter eggs for, when you have chickens that Lay these??


03-18-2007, 07:05 PM
Ohh, neat!!! :)

03-18-2007, 07:07 PM
They're pretty :D.

03-18-2007, 07:11 PM
Who does the olive colored one? Top right?

critter crazy
03-18-2007, 07:22 PM
Who does the olive colored one? Top right?
That would be My araucana hen. Sally

03-18-2007, 07:24 PM
Wow, these are all from your chickens?

I never knew they "came" in so many colors! Is there something (feed, tempature, breed, etc?) that determines the color? Do they taste any different than "regular" white-shelled eggs?

03-18-2007, 07:24 PM
That is really interesting! I never saw eggs that color, thanks so much for posting! And nope, with all those you won't need to do any coloring, he he. I learn so much from everyone on this site, it is so great! Thanks again!

03-18-2007, 08:02 PM
Those are beautiful! Do you supply them to the Easter Bunny for distribution? ;)

When we lived in Illinois, a woman at church used to bring in her Bantam chickens eggs - they were blue & green, and very small. I didn't know chicken eggs came in such a wide variety.

03-18-2007, 08:20 PM
:) Wow, how cool!

critter crazy
03-18-2007, 08:25 PM
Wow, these are all from your chickens?

I never knew they "came" in so many colors! Is there something (feed, tempature, breed, etc?) that determines the color? Do they taste any different than "regular" white-shelled eggs?
The breed of chcken determines the color of eggs.
For Example:
Hamburgs, Leghorns, Anconas, Minorcas-Lay white eggs
Rocks, Wyandottes, Orphingtons, New Hamshire and Rhode Island Reds-Lay Brown eggs
Araucanas-Lay blue-green colored eggs
Cuckoo Maran-Lay Dark Chocolate colored Eggs

There are actually more Brown eggs laying chickens, then white egg laying chickens!
The eggs do not taste different, than any other color. But Farm fresh eggs taste and look different than store bought eggs. Store bought eggs, are weeks, sometimes months old when you buy them, that is why the Yolks are Very yellow. Farm fresh eggs, the Yolks are very Orange. Farm fresh eggs taste much better as well. I went to my In-Laws for breakfast Last week, they cooked eggs(Store Bought), and too me, they had no taste at all.JMO tho.:D

03-18-2007, 08:54 PM
Yep! We were raised on fresh eggs too. And now store bought eggs look so funny to me. I'm not a big egg eater anyway, but I'm use to the fresh ones. My boyfriend had never even seen a brown egg before. WHAT?? :eek: They sell those in stores too now. Oh my.........city boy!! LOL

critter crazy
03-18-2007, 08:58 PM
Yep! We were raised on fresh eggs too. And now store bought eggs look so funny to me. I'm not a big egg eater anyway, but I'm use to the fresh ones. My boyfriend had never even seen a brown egg before. WHAT?? :eek: They sell those in stores too now. Oh my.........city boy!! LOL
I had a guy tell me once that all eggs were brown, but the white ones in the stores were bleached!!:eek: Yeah Right!! so needless to say, he got a dozen farm fresh eggs!:D

Lilith Cherry
03-19-2007, 05:25 AM
That is how the eggs look here in China when I buy them in the market! Straight from the farm and really tasty! Did you know here in China they charge more for white eggs than they do brown? They taste the same anyway but that is funny because it is the other way around in the west!

critter crazy
03-19-2007, 06:12 AM
That is how the eggs look here in China when I buy them in the market! Straight from the farm and really tasty! Did you know here in China they charge more for white eggs than they do brown? They taste the same anyway but that is funny because it is the other way around in the west!
That is because most Asiatic breeds of Birds, Lay Brown Eggs. Most American/European breeds lay white.;)

03-19-2007, 07:25 AM
Wow! Those are simply beautiful!!!! :D

03-19-2007, 09:55 AM

Thanks for the egg info!
I've gained some useful knowledge today on PT!! :D

03-19-2007, 09:56 AM
That's quite the array of color you have there!

One of my best friends has araucanas. Before I moved I used to eat green eggs all the time.

When I lived in NY as a kid we always ate brown eggs.

I'm hoping to have chickens of my own somday (maybe next year). I can't wait to have fresh eggs again.

finn's mom
03-19-2007, 12:44 PM
Those are so pretty. I think eggs are so neat looking anyway, they look so perfect. I hope to have hens one day, too. I love the idea of having fresh eggs. :)

03-19-2007, 01:05 PM
Mmmm I love eggs... I've only had fresh eggs once (had the whole carton to myself hehe), they were a gift to my ex's father & everyone was grossed out cause teh shells were a little dirty. Well come on people, they were layed that morning & they were packed up quickly as a gift. I just washed them off & enjoyed them Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm

I would love to have my own chickens, ducks, rabbits, cows & sheep. Mostly because I know what they have been eatting & don't have to worry about all those nasty added chemicals, or crap diets... I like free ranged animals (not the kind that are locked up in tiny pens outside, thats cheating!)

03-19-2007, 01:27 PM
Now that's much better than colouring them lol,

I hope no one on earth colours the chicks this year because they can die from food colouring. :(

I see fertile duck, swan, turkey, chicken ect .. eggs at my auction all the time.

I actualy got 2 just hatched gunie fowl there once, they where SO cute lol.

03-19-2007, 01:52 PM
Critter Crazy, I don't think I've ever seen an egg before that was the bluish green color of the one on the top right. My college roommate's mother-in-law is a 4-H mom and she has her own hen house. When my roomie and her husband moved, she brought egg salad made from hen house eggs for lunch the day we were painting. It was delicious. Supermarket eggs are just not the same. She also has a big garden. I would like to take lessons from her on how to raise a proper garden and do my own canning.

Do you see people giving chicks as Easter pets? Every year on the news around here they urge people not to give chicks or rabbits as Easter pets unless the person receiving the pet understands the care that will be required. But people do it anyway.

critter crazy
03-19-2007, 01:57 PM
Critter Crazy, I don't think I've ever seen an egg before that was the bluish green color of the one on the top right. My college roommate's mother-in-law is a 4-H mom and she has her own hen house. When my roomie and her husband moved, she brought egg salad made from hen house eggs for lunch the day we were painting. It was delicious. Supermarket eggs are just not the same. She also has a big garden. I would like to take lessons from her on how to raise a proper garden and do my own canning.

Do you see people giving chicks as Easter pets? Every year on the news around here they urge people not to give chicks or rabbits as Easter pets unless the person receiving the pet understands the care that will be required. But people do it anyway.
I have never seen Chicks given/sold for easter presents. The only time I have seen chicks given away, was after school science projects where they hatched eggs in class. But all the homes, were screned prior to the re-homing. It is sad that people do give in to all the Hype, I do see tons of Rabbits selling around easter, and it is quite sad.

03-19-2007, 03:19 PM
:) Oh WoW they are so pretty.. Heck I would not have the heart to even eat them..

03-20-2007, 04:39 AM
I went to my In-Laws for breakfast Last week, they cooked eggs(Store Bought), and too me, they had no taste at all.JMO tho.:D

I agree and I go to my parent's in law for the fresh free range eggs you would never know where you would find them I was going up the garden before the grass was cut about 4 weeks ago and guess what I stood on three what a waste but yep definitely I would say that the fresh ones are the best.

My MIL has one chicken who comes inside to lay her eggs and she prefers the bed to do it in but they are gorgeous mmmmmmm..... runny egg and toast - not fair I am in at my desk now thinking about this - I come in for a couple of hours just to keep my head above water and not go insane