View Full Version : Tehya's very busy weekend in pictures...

03-18-2007, 06:54 PM
Wooo Bark, PT

I have had a very busy weekend!
Yesterday this very scary machine came into my yard and it swallowed my new Daddy! I had to tell it off and try to get my Daddy back. I have him wrapped around my paws! Then that machine pushed all of the snow in my yard into big piles! Once it was done doing that it, it stopped being noisy and spit my Daddy out. (Mom says the machine was a Bobcat and it was plowing our yard!)
The snow piles that scary machine made are pretty cool though!
It's a big climb for my little legs!
But I made it to the top!
Once I figured out how to get back down, I played with my buddy Anvik for awhile....

More coming....

03-18-2007, 07:02 PM
This afternoon, Mom came outside and she put one of those leash things on me. All the other dogs were going crazy and barking. I could not figure out what all the commotion was about. We had trouble getting out the gate without setting them all loose! But we finally made it!
"Where to, Mom? What's the lake?"

Well, it turns out that the lake is a very fun place! First we had to walk for a long time to get there! That was fun. There was stuff to sniff and we saw some other dogs and people and snowmachines and all kinds of stuff.
It took me awhile to figure out the whole leash-tree problem, but I've got it now. Go back out the same you came in and you don't get tangled!
After a big walk, we finally got to the lake. Mom wouldn't let me go loose cuz she says I'm distractable, whatever that means. But she rolled around in the snow with me. I chewed on her boots and her coat! Good times!!
Daisy came with us. Let me tell you, she does not like me at all! She snarled and snapped at me when I tried to play with her. Mom told Daisy that she won't be allowed in our yard if she can't be nice to me. When we got home Mom called Daisy's owner, cuz Daisy was walking a bit funny. Mom thinks she was being grouchy because her leg is a bit hurty. Hopefully, her owner will get that fixed up for her. I hear she's lots of fun when she's not grumpy!

few more pics coming...we gotta walk home yet!

03-18-2007, 07:08 PM
Since I couldn't play with Daisy, I wrestled with my leash. Mom laughed at me and said "sometimes you don't have the brains God gave an ant." I don't even know what an ant is, but I guess I'll find out eventually! I'm actually a very smart puppy, but I get a little silly sometimes!
I really like those bacon treats Mom brought with us. I sit really quick when I see one of those coming out!
I showed off my husky side too. I love to dig!! Some big dog had started this hole, but I made it much deeper. It was fun!
I am a snowdog.

Eventually we made it back home. I tried to play with Goldie through the fence, but Mom says when she barks at me like that it means she wants to eat me, not play with me. That's good to know!
Anvik never tries to eat me! He always plays nice with me.

Now I am a bit tired and I"m going to take a nap in my crate. Then I'll be ready to bug the big dogs again and "help" Mom cook supper!


03-18-2007, 07:13 PM
Oh Tehya, what an adventure you had today! You are too cute for words. I'll bet you get anything your heart desires. Those big snow banks look like a lot of fun. This pic is the best. Shows off your cuteness so much.
Glad you had such a fun day. Woooooo to you, too.

Queen of Poop
03-18-2007, 07:14 PM
Oh Tehya, I just love you!!!!

Cinder & Smoke
03-18-2007, 07:31 PM


Now THAT's a *Fur Fluff* that most Cats would be proud of!

Scared that BobbyKat right of the yard, didn't ya!?

Glad you enjoyed the Hike with Mom ...
tell Daisy we hope she feels better and less *grumpy*!

03-18-2007, 07:50 PM
Oh my goodness!! She is soooo beautiful. I agree with Val, that is a great picture. I also love the fourth to the last one. The close up with the icicle beard. LOL :D :D :D

03-18-2007, 07:57 PM
oh Teyha, what a fun weekend you had! I just love seeing your pictures, you are such a cutie! It sure looks like Anvik thinks so too, he always looks SO happy playing with you! It appears you have your mom & dad both wrapped around your sweet little paws! Hey, come to think of it, you pretty much have all us PTers wrapped around your little paws, too! ;) I'm glad mommy loves taking your picture...We love seeing you!

Wooooos from Star & Sherman
and big (((hugs))) from me to you, sweetheart!

03-18-2007, 08:13 PM
:) Awww! I just love this girl, and all of her pictures!

03-19-2007, 07:43 AM
Tehya you sure made me smile this morning while I was reading about your busy weekend:D Sure sounds (and looks!) like you had a good time! Thanks for sharing with us cutie pie!

finn's mom
03-19-2007, 08:33 AM
Tehya, thanks for the photos and the stories. Looks like you had a great day! I hope Daisy gets to feeling better!

Daisy and Delilah
03-19-2007, 08:41 AM
It sure looks like you're having fun in all that snow, Tehya. As a matter of fact, you look like the happiest girl in Canada. It seems you have figured out that your new home is the finest accommodation in the Yukon, or possibly in the entire world ;) ;) ;) Keep on having fun pretty girl!!


critter crazy
03-19-2007, 08:47 AM
Tehya, you are one Gorgeous pupper!

03-19-2007, 09:26 AM
Wooooooo Tehya!

What a big day for such a little girl. :D It sure sounds and looks like you had a fantastic day.

I think that once you learn to speak doggie, you'll do just great.

03-19-2007, 09:36 AM
Wow!! You sure turned into a "Mean looking" pup when that machine came and gobbled your dad up! :p

And Uh.. yeah You better be sure to listen to your mom when she says Goldie is barking like that to eat you. I'm pretty sure she knows what she's talking about! ;)

Glad you had fun on your walk to the lake sweetie! I hope Daisy is in a better mood next time you get to meet her.
Wow.....You sure are a cutie pie! :D

03-19-2007, 09:54 AM
Awww! She's so adorable all bristled up like that. :D Loved all the photos but I adored that last one. :D

Ginger's Mom
03-19-2007, 12:48 PM
Oh Tehya, I think you really do liven up that yard. Although I am not sure it needed any livening up. ;) What a sweet, happy girl you are. Looks like a fun weekend. And I hope Daisy feels better the next time you two meet.

03-19-2007, 03:44 PM
I agree totally with what Cyber-Sibes already wrote. I'm wrapped around your paws, too. I'm glad your Mom takes loads of photos of you, Anvik, and all your dog-family, because I really enjoy looking at them. Woooo to you! and a little (hug) for a very cute dog! I hope you have a very lovely nap with pleasant dreams and a yummy dinner.


03-19-2007, 03:46 PM
Looks like you guys had some good one on one time. She so adorable!