View Full Version : The momma cat showed up

03-18-2007, 03:39 PM
For those who don't remember, I found a litter of kittens that a feral momma cat had in my back yard last fall. We managed to catch the kittens and rehome two - the other two are my Moxie and Decker. I was able to trap the momma cat and get her spayed. She was wild enough I couldn't get her into a rescue and animal control told me they would just put her down. After talking with my vet and few other PTers here who TNR we decided to release her out back. I had hoped she would stay but she bolted and I didn't see her again until last week - four months later. She is very healthy and looks well cared for. She still runs when I go outside.

Maybe now that she isn't having litter after litter she is calming down and maybe becoming someone's pet. Here are a few pics.


I know it is her for sure because the vet tipped her left ear after she was spayed.

03-18-2007, 03:47 PM
She's gorgeous!!! Looks like she does pretty good patrol work around the pool, too!

03-18-2007, 03:47 PM
Oh Lori, she remembers you and her babies!!! She is gorgeous and I am so happy you had her spayed ... at first I was afraid she was coming back to bring you another Spring litter! :eek: ;) Since we know she is spayed, I guess that plump tummy is from being well-fed! Thanks for the pictures and update and most of all for caring for her and her babies! :)

03-18-2007, 03:50 PM
Oh she is a beauty!! She reminds me of a cat my sister use to have, Andy.
What do you mean the vet tipped her ear?

03-18-2007, 03:50 PM
She sure looks great and very healthy too.:) I'm so glad that you were able to spay her or else you may have ended up with more kittens added to your gang.;)

K & L
03-18-2007, 04:27 PM
Wonderful news!! And it goes to show how well ear-tipping works!! She may have been coming around the whole time but only when no one was around to see her.

03-18-2007, 04:38 PM
The best thing is taht you have broken that chain of unwanted and unloved Kittens, and I think that the Pet Angels are going to explain to that Momma Cat the benefits of being a spoiled Happy House Cat.
WE are praying that she listens and will be someones special friend very soon.

03-18-2007, 05:26 PM
That is wonderful that she came back to let you know that she is doing well. She is probably a much happier cat than when she was continually caring for babies (that is hard work, caring for babies, on your own in the wild).

She looks GREAT!!

03-18-2007, 05:42 PM
What do you mean the vet tipped her ear?
Since she was feral the vet cut off the tip of her ear so if anyone else trapped her they would know she is spayed. Some vets cut a V-shaped notch in the tip of the ear and some cut the tip off, like mine did. If you ever see a cat with that you'll know it has been either spayed or neutered.

Did I make sense?

03-18-2007, 06:12 PM
She looks very well taken care of! Wow!

I knew about the tipping, but I didn't know about the notching. Hmmm... will have to keep an eye out for that one as well.

I have a very handsome tuxie who has been visiting my porch and YOWLING at the top of his lungs the past week. I can't get near him either. I feed him, and he loves canned food, so I'm hoping to gain his trust. It's just too busy of a street/area for him to be wandering. His white boots are all gray, I just want to take him inside and get him all clean looking :( . There was an orangie coming around too, but I haven't seen him in a few months. I had been putting clavamox in his wet food cause he had runny eyes. He would scarf down the wet food, so at least he was getting the meds regularly. He did let me pet him, and he'd roll at my feet, but he wouldn't let me pick him up. I hope he's ok and that someone took him in for the winter.

03-18-2007, 06:21 PM
She's a pretty momma cat. I bet it made you happy to see her doing so well.

03-18-2007, 07:35 PM
Since she was feral the vet cut off the tip of her ear so if anyone else trapped her they would know she is spayed. Some vets cut a V-shaped notch in the tip of the ear and some cut the tip off, like mine did. If you ever see a cat with that you'll know it has been either spayed or neutered.

Did I make sense?

Perfect sense. Thank you. :D

03-18-2007, 07:37 PM
Aww, what a beautiful girl she is!! She looks very well cared for too. :)

03-19-2007, 01:40 PM
She's beautiful! I like her white feet.

03-19-2007, 02:37 PM
What a beautiful tuxie! She's a beautiful girl! Give her an extra kissie for me please (if she lets you get close enough to her to give a kissie!) :)