View Full Version : Kerrigan.......

03-18-2007, 06:03 AM
was blessed when you all met......and she has returned it many-fold I am sure....what a wonderful story.....Congratulations to the cotd!!!

03-18-2007, 06:20 AM
Yes indeed what a heartwarming story, bless you for adopting Kerrigan, she deserves to have a happy loving home, and tha'ts exactly what she's got.
Happy Cat Of The Day Kerrigan!

03-18-2007, 07:07 AM
What a beautiful story! I really should have had a hankie close by. Kerrigan is beautiful and I hadn't even noticed her "disability" until I read her bio. Actually as I read on, it seems that it really isn't a disability at all. She is a happy cat who is enjoying life and who has been adopted by a wonderful family. Bless you for choosing her. I know she feels blessed too. :)

03-18-2007, 08:04 AM
I have started Sunday filled with love for my fellow human - and as we all know, it's easier to love a cat. Thanks for adopting Kerrigan.

03-18-2007, 08:06 AM
You are such a gorgeous kitty! In fact I never even noticed anything "wrong" with your legs until I started reading your story, so had to go back and look at your picture again. I'm so glad you found somebody willing to see past your "handicap" and give you the loving home you so deserve. Congratulations on being cat of the day!

03-18-2007, 08:20 AM
Awwww, you are sooo sweet! What a nice way to start my day!

I didn't notice your back legs either and read your story. I'm so glad that you now have a great home!!!

Congrats on being COTD -- you have the face of a sweet little angel :) :) :)

03-18-2007, 08:54 AM
Congratulations to a heartbreakingly beautiful kitty--what a face and what a purrsonality. Disability? What disability? All you needed was a chance, and I'm so thrilled you and your family found each other. God bless you sweetie and have a wonderful day that celebrates YOU!! Yay!! :D :) :D

03-18-2007, 09:53 AM
What a beautiful "differently abled" kitty girl. You are just gorgeous, Kerrigan. Bless you and your family.


03-18-2007, 10:01 AM
I wish folks would realize just what they are missing when they "pass up" on a "special needs" cat. They give so much in so many ways, right, Kerrigan? I had a cleft palate kitty, Murphy for 16 years! The "pound" was going to put him down because no one wanted him, but his former owner (Murph hated dogs and they fought miserbly) took him to a no-kill shelter and THEY convinced me to take this goofy looking kid. He was wonderful, my best buds for 16 years, living LONG after the vets thought he would because of URI problems that cleft palates are prone to. Special kitties are just that--VERY, VERY special and I'm glad you have such a special family and home that you deserve, Kerrigan, you gorgeous girl! Yvonne

03-18-2007, 10:14 AM
Truly one of the most inspiring stories we have read in a long time.
KERRIGAN is such a heartwarming Cat, and you send both that wonderous Cat and her Guardians tons of blessings and prayers.
We wish we knew your name, we would ship her a Mousie!
:) :cool: :rolleyes: :cool: :p :cool: ;) :cool: :D :cool:

03-18-2007, 11:03 AM

You are an extroardinary kitty cat and definately one of the most cutest faces I've ever seen. And I can't see why anyone would pass you by for adoption..I mean even your back legs are very cute. And your personality overrides everything, you sound like a friendly, spunky cat:D

Congrats on being our Cat of the Day, you deserve it. I hope you get some extra treats today:D

03-18-2007, 12:09 PM
My heart stopped this morning, because you look very much like my Emma.

Everything you need to know about you Kerrigan is in your eyes. I would have fallen in love with you too.

God bless your human for being able to see past your disability (?) and realize what a wonderful companion and friend you are.

For all of the horrible animal stories, one like yours comes up and can restore all of our faith in humans. I am so glad that you shared Kerrigan's story and she certainly deserves to be our CAT OF THE DAY!

03-18-2007, 01:00 PM
With apologies to George M. Cohan:

K-E-R-R-I-G-A-N spells Kerrigan!

What a lovely sweet kitty you are and you have the most beautiful delicate facie! I'm not much of a cat person, but I had to come over when I saw your picture. It's wonderful that your mommy decided specifically to get a special needs/hard to adopt out kitty! I never noticed your leg problems either. I'm sure if I was in your paws, I wouldn't like concrete either. You look very happy and deserve to be Cat of the Day! :D

03-18-2007, 01:22 PM
LES here...what a story! Kerrigan, I don't know who is luckier, you or your meowmie.

I, too, didn't notice anything different about you until I read your story. I guess when you come down to the nitty-gritty of it, there really IS nothing wrong with you, you just have shorter legs than most other kitties. Doesn't sound like it stops you a bit.

Have a happy wonderful day, sweet girl! Congratulations to you for being COTD and God bless your family for giving you a great life!

03-18-2007, 01:32 PM
Kerrigan what a beauty you are!!!

I think you are an angel in disguise, aren't you? The heavenly light shinning on your sweet face gave you away, sweetie!!! You have to be a tiny angel in a fur coat.

What a wonderful lesson of love your story gives to all of us!!!
I hope you have a great time today and enjoy your day!
Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Cat of the Day today!!! :D

03-18-2007, 02:52 PM
Oh Kerrigan! Your Mommy's loving words, your amazing "story," have captured all of our hearts! I have tears in my eyes but they are happy tears! Your indomitable spirit, your big, big heart are nothing short of inspirational! I am so happy that despite having been surrendered as "damaged goods", you managed to find your way to the most loving of forever homes!, to a family who embraced you for the true beauty that you are!:) And major kudos to all of those along the way who helped to make your rescue a reality! You know Kerrigan, I was blessed with a kitty whose challenges were identical to yours; her name was Tina! :) And like your Mom, once home, I was totally amazed to find that not only did her "handicap" not prevent her from living a full and happy life, she actually managed to eventually reign supreme over all of her loyal subjects, human, feline and canine!:D Congratulations to you brave, beautiful Kerrigan, our most inspirational, most deserving Sunday Cat of the Day:) Enjoy your well earned day celeb and each and every moment of your wonderful life! Hugs and kisses to you, precious Kerrigan!:)

03-18-2007, 03:19 PM
Kerrigan!!! What a story!!! How wonderful that your parent asked for a cat the would not get adopted, and look what they got in return!!!! A forever kitty and Kerrigan got the best forever home!!! HAPPY COTD!!

03-18-2007, 04:08 PM
Yours is truly a heartwarming tale of great magnitude, and speaks volumes for the kitties out there who are discarded due to some perceived "imperfection". You seem to not even notice nor to care that you are considered to be physically impaired. Your feline capabilities are just fine, as your story relates, and you are happily enjoying life all thanks to someone who asked to adopt the cat with the least chance of finding a home. Blessings to you and yours, beautiful Kerrigan, our most deserving COTD! :)

03-18-2007, 06:08 PM
You are a beautiful orange kitty. :cool: I am so sorry that you only have half of your back legs, but hey! That just makes you more unique. :cool: I loved your story and I am so happy that your meowmie wanted to get a special kitty like you. :D Happy Sunday: You sure brought sunshine into this cloudy day is San Diego! :D Happy COTD! :)
-Reggie and Nellie's Meowmie ;)
PS. Have a treat and play with Eddie on your special day! ;)

03-18-2007, 07:11 PM
Miss Kerrigan! I didn't realize that you're differently abled until I started reading your story. When I looked at your photo I was much more captivated by an orange tabby girl with a sweet face! I hope you have had a wonderful day today as our Cat of the Day. I wish you a long, happy and healthy life with your very caring purr-son! Meows and head bops from Illinois.

03-18-2007, 10:35 PM
She's so beautiful! I couldn't imagine her not being adopted JUST because her back legs are a little short. :rolleyes:

She reminds me of my much beloved and missed Trio kitty. She had four working legs but one of the front arms was frozen at the elbow and permanently curled around at the front. Unfortunately it seems that was from being thrown out of a car window... Or that's the consensus. The person who's farm she was found on, the vet's, and just about everyone that seen and heard her tale. She was an orange tiger DSH too.

Her handicap sure didn't impair her any! She was faster than any other house cat I've ever met and she could still swat at King with both paws. (Though it was more like punching with the one. :p )

03-19-2007, 12:45 PM
Kerrigan, you are a beautiful orange girl! I love orange kitties and you are the perfect orange cat! Kerrigan, I guess you don't know that there is a problem with your back legs because your "disability" certainly hasn't slowed you down. You are a great COTD, Kerrigan, and my wish for you is many years of health and happiness with the family (including Eddie!) who love you so much.