View Full Version : American Idol..a kiwi's thoughts...

03-18-2007, 12:30 AM
Now folks I cannot go into the thread entitled American Idol,because it will ruin it for me, as we are behind in the screening here, so PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE, don't let the cat out of the bag for me, excuse the pun .lol.

Tonite i am excited to see who is voted off and I know there is a big suprise, it is someone no-one is expecting, so I can't wait to see what America got wrong.

Just wanted to say i think the girls are outstanding, personally there is not one guy who does it for me,singing I mean of course he he,the three black girls,sorry i cannot remember all their names, but melinda is one,Lakisha, and one other and the girl with the black short hair, are the only contenders in my opinion.

Anyhow just had to start a thread,expressing my views, and telling you how much i love this programme, NZ idol just does not even compare. :)