View Full Version : Slick dragged me over here.....

Russian Blue
03-17-2007, 06:56 PM
Just kidding....! :D Thanks Slick for directing me back here. And thanks to all for your support, prayers and thoughts over the last while. I have been keeping myself busy. Started a new job and my weekends are filled with the ongoing home renovations. Being busy has really helped me move on with my life.

I am missing Nakita like crazy and now that spring is around the corner I will be able to set up a proper grave at the cottage. I've had such wonderful support and some very wise people have kept me moving forward through this hard period. Right now, I'm doing pretty good but I'm missing everything 'feline'.......purrs, headbutts, walks in the backyard, quiet moments observing her feline ways.....the list goes on.

People have asked whether I will have another cat in my life. My answer....of course! But with the current renovations, it wouldn't be the right environment for a new cat so we're holding off for now. I won't have another Russian Blue though....Nakita will be the only RB in my life.

I really do believe everything in life happens for a reason and on that note, I have learned a lot over these last months about love, life, spirit and perspective. Thanks to all those behind the scenes who kept me on the right path with your guidance. I can't thank you enough and hope I can give back as much as you have given to me.


03-17-2007, 08:13 PM

Kass - I am SO glad to hear from you!

I hope Rob is okay...

Of course you miss your heart and soul kitty, and you are renovating...but it seems on here that the right cat has a way of finding its people!

All in good time.

What are you working at these days? :)

03-17-2007, 09:25 PM
Oh Kass!!!
It's so good to see you on here again! I've been thinking and worrying about you and Rob.

I'm glad that you are keeping busy, and that things are going relatively well (so to speak). It's so hard to lose a pet, especially one that is such a large part of your life. I just put Alex to sleep on Monday, and even though I only had him for 2 weeks, it still broke my heart to see him go down hill. I still miss Bear, and he crossed the bridge in July of last year. He was my heart and soul, and I miss him dearly, but it does get easier, and I'm not crying every day like I had been.

Please keep in touch, and hey, maybe post some of those home renovations on the site! I know I'd love to see what you're doing to the house!
Hugs to you and Rob!

Hugs to you and

Edwina's Secretary
03-17-2007, 09:35 PM
Good to see you Kass.....

Slick can be persuasive.... ;)

03-17-2007, 09:59 PM
Kass, I'm glad to hear that you're doing well and keeping busy.:) I'm sure that you'll find another cat to love when the time is right. Please don't be a stranger. We all miss you. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

Killearn Kitties
03-18-2007, 05:22 AM
It's good to hear from you, and great to know that the renovations are going well. I hope to see some pictures of the works one of these days.

03-18-2007, 06:26 AM
Hey Kass, it's great to hear your getting along, I always loved your pics of Nakita, how about some of your cool new home renovations?
Keep busy and happy

Kate, Jack & Sunny x

Felicia's Mom
03-18-2007, 06:50 AM
I am also glad to hear from you again, Kass!:D

03-18-2007, 07:27 AM
Slick dragged me over here.....

Well thank God for Slick!!! And welcome back. There is a thread buried in cat general asking about you and an offer from my little Kim. ;)

Please keep in touch as our kitties can hopefully provide some feline comfort for you while you wait for your next family member.


03-18-2007, 08:12 AM

Bless you. We miss you both. Healing takes a long time.

K & L
03-18-2007, 08:29 AM
Good to hear from you again! Glad to hear things are going well.

03-18-2007, 09:12 AM
Great to hear from you, Kass. It is good to hear things are moving in the right direction.

Willie :)

03-18-2007, 09:31 AM
It's good to hear from you, Kass. We have all missed you. I hope keeping busy will help with the loss of sweet Nakita - I know she will always be in your heart. Take the time you need, and good luck with the renovation!


03-18-2007, 10:26 AM
It is so good to see you Kass.
Thats a wonderful memorial card for Nakita , and she loves it very much.
Shes quite a popular Pet Angel charming everyone she meets with her dignity , class and beauty.
Her dance card was filled last night and she was doing jigs with the best of them.
She misses you and Rob, and knows that someday you will adopt another Cat not to replace her but to share your love with a Cat who needs a wonderful Furr Ever home.
And she will be there with open arms to greet the new Cat.
And in the quiet moments she will let you know thats shes still there, and that your love is eternal.

03-18-2007, 10:46 AM
Good Mornin,
I do understand what you are going thru.
I also had a beautiful Russian Blue with amazing green eyes. His name was
Daiquiri, so named because his eyes were the same color as Baskin Robbins
Daiquiri Ice which my daughter loved.
My sweet baby went to the RB in August 1997 and I still miss him every day and I see him everywhere.
Like you, I would never have another Russian Blue...you can't replace your first love.
I now have two beautiful, blue, long haired Chantilly/Tiffany, mother and daughter and they are so sweet and loving and I adore them, but they are not my sweet Daiquiri....

03-18-2007, 11:09 AM
Kass, good to hear from you- and the many things going on in your life.
I hope that spring will bring its flowers on Nakita's grave- if even us here miss her and we only have known her picture how difficult must it have been for you.

03-18-2007, 01:31 PM
Kass, it's great to see you here! :)

I think I also know what you're going through. And I understand very well that you do not want another Russian Blue. Some things should remain unique. When I lost Katz, I decided very soon that I wanted another feline in my life, but I didn't want another tuxedo. It was important to me that the new kitty was totally different, as I didn't want to replace Katz, and I wanted to respect the new kitty girl for her own personality. So eventually I ended up with an adorable little tabby girl called Luna... :)

Good luck with the renovation, and I'm sure that when the spring has come, Nakita with have the most beautiful little grave you can imagine. And she will smile down at you while you're working on it.


03-18-2007, 03:18 PM

It is great to hear from you and know that things are progressing. New challenges do help to preoccupy our minds at difficult times. I can appreciate the painful moments that seem so empty without Nakita and wish I could somehow help ease that pain for you. Hers are huge paws to fill and it will take time for a new furbaby to capture your heart completely. That time will come when you're ready.

Hugs to you and Rob - stay well and check in every now and then- we need to know how you are :)


03-18-2007, 04:09 PM
Good to see you back :)

Russian Blue
03-18-2007, 07:08 PM
Thanks everyone....I'm really lucky to have all of you in my corner. ;)

If I have some time this week, I'll try to get a few home renovation pictures together and post a thread in General. We finished tearing out the walls upstairs that separated two very small bedrooms and now we have a 'loft'. Our next big project is adding a small addition to the back of the house. Unfortunately the prices we have been quoted have been crazy so we'll have to think about options.

03-18-2007, 08:52 PM
So nice to hear from you, Kass! Thank you, Slick! ;) What a beautiful memorial sig you have for beautiful Nakita! I'm so glad to hear that you have been able to move on and start to deal with her loss. It takes quite a while. Please don't be a stranger to PT!


03-18-2007, 10:52 PM
hugs on the way to you Kass!

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-19-2007, 05:52 AM
Awwww, it is sooooo great to see you posting again, Cass!!!
Good luck with the renovations!!

03-19-2007, 09:35 AM
Kass, it's so good to hear from you. I'm glad you and Robb are well.

I look forward to renovation photos! :)

03-19-2007, 09:45 AM
Kass, ((((HUGS)))) Good to hear from you again.