View Full Version : Homeagain Microchip Update!!!!! Important!!!!

03-17-2007, 09:01 AM
Yesterday, my friend called me to get her some info about the Home Again chip from the internet. Imagine my great surprise, when I saw that the site is NEW. I could not get on with my old password and had to set up a new account. To my great dismay, I found that 3 cats were not registered under the "new" format!!! I called and spoke with a very nice rep, Teresa, and I gave her the chip ID numbers of the three cats and she could not get into the system with them. As it stands now, I am to get a call back from her when she and her supervisor can get this cats re-registered. ALSO, there is a package for an annual fee of $14.99 that has some extra perks. I do not think so with the 8 cats that comes to nearly $120.00/year!!! I asked why HomeAgain did not at least send an email to its current subscribers, since they have the address, no comment. I was assured that a Schering Plough rep had visited my vet's office and gave a complete inservice on the new system. I called and spoke with Nicole, who handles the HomeAgain, and she she has not seen a rep in ages!! PLEASE GO TO THE NEW SITE AND BE SURE YOUR CATS(dogs, too) ARE IN THE SYSTEM!!! I told them in a strong email that I depend on them havieng the correct information so that is one of the cats gets out of the house and lost is returned to me!!!!!

03-17-2007, 09:40 AM
How VERY frustrating and neglectful on the company's part! :confused: Thanks for posting this information!

03-17-2007, 12:38 PM
How frustrating. Thanks for posting this information. All of my cats are also microchipped and all of them except for Sunny also wear collars with their names,home address, and phone number on it. Sunny refuses to wear a collar and it causes him too much stress. I'm assuming that they all have the home again micrchips but I could be wrong.

Don Juan's mom
03-17-2007, 12:43 PM
Don Juan and Zerlina both have AKC microchips.


Cinder & Smoke
03-17-2007, 04:06 PM

I told them in a strong email that I depend on them havieng the correct information
so that is one of the cats gets out of the house and lost is returned to me!!!!!

I think you've *missed the point* of their "NEW Homeagain" program ...

This is a RIP-OFF to bleed money out of you every year!
Read the not-so-fine print:

"I authorize Schering-Plough HomeAgain LLC ("Schering") to bill my credit card for the $ 10.00 activation fee and the $ 14.99 annual fee and automatically annually hereafter at the then-current annual fee. (Schering will advise you at least 10 days in advance of any change in the annual fee.)"

That's $25 the First Year; and $15 (or more) every year thereafter ...
For EACH Pet that is "registered".

I'll guarantee that:
IF You don't pay - they won't be able to find your pet's records!

I'd be interested to know what the "OLD Contract" that people agreed to years ago said.

Good Luck getting them to add your "Old" Chips to the "New" system without
paying them!
And I'd never trust them to actually use the Old Chip Information without paying.

/s/ Phred

03-17-2007, 04:35 PM
Thats why I enclosed the Front Porch so the Found Cats would never get lost.
And I am doing the Back this year once the weather gets warm again.
I dont think that the tatoo would do well in my neighborhood as they would be hit by a car or attacked by dogs.
I will make sure that does not happen to a Found Cat.

03-17-2007, 05:18 PM
Sounds like extortion to me. Perhaps if enough people email them in outrage they'll rethink how useful their new program is to pet owners.

03-17-2007, 06:30 PM
Eons ago when the cats were first chipped, they were on the AKC database. I have not done this in a bit, but I did call the AKC number and the cats were still on file with them, and if their number was called, they would be able to give the needed info. However, I do not think the newer cats are in there. A BIG worry. Phred is so correct, this is just a BIG ripoff!!!