View Full Version : I just don't know what to do...

03-16-2007, 06:59 PM
I just need to get this out... I'm really not asking for any pity, advice would be appreciated, though.

My best friend introduced me to a guy that she's good friends with about 2 months ago. He is 17... I'm almost 15. He asked me out and I was so excited, but I knew my mom would say no... so I dated him secretly. Well, the other day he asked me to come out because he was down my street. I did... and my mom came driving up headed to the post office and she found out I was meeting him a lot. She made me break up with him. I was thinking about breaking up with him in the first place, because I found out a few things about him. He's in severe depression, and the last time a girl broke up with him he ended up in the hospital for alcohol poisening and over dosing on pills. :(
He keeps threatening that he's going to kill himself, and my best friend told me he's been cutting up his arms. They're really deep and they look awful. I feel so guilty like it's my fault... I really think he's going to try to commit suicide. He called me two days ago to tell me his mom found out that he smokes, so he was kicked out of the house and was out on the streets for the night. He's back home now, though.
I just feel absolutely awful. My mom knows about all of this but she's so upset with him and me, that I doubt she cares.

I just needed to get that off my brain. If you got all the way through, thanks for listening.

03-16-2007, 07:03 PM
Talk to a school counselor - the boy needs help. And it is NOT your "fault" in any way, shape or form - he's obviously been struggling with depression all along. So tell a teacher, counselor - some adult you trust - about the cutting as well as the suicide talk. He maye angry at you at first, but that's okay - he needs help.

03-16-2007, 07:22 PM
Cutting is a sign of depression, cutters are crying out for help, very few ever kill themselves. I have a friend who did this when she was in high school. She told me how she felt and wished that her mom would have gotten her help, but she felt all alone and had no one to turn to. Her life is a horrible mess now. This boy needs help ASAP he is very depressed. Right now his threats to you are frightening but he is not your responsibility. I would advise him to get therapy, or to talk to someone, a teacher perhaps. Then you need to stay away from him till he is mentally well. Perhaps you could tell your mom what you have told us and she can talk to his mom. Cutters hide this, I am sure his mom has NO idea, she just thinks her son is angry all the time. If it was my daughter I would want someone to tell me so I could get her help. She might be mad at first but after she gets help that would all change. Good luck to you this is not an easy place to be. Confide in your mom and trust her, it will be a burdon off your mind.

Toby's my baby
03-16-2007, 07:37 PM
I am very sorry you are going through this. I would talk to someone, it is not safe for him to be doing these things to himself, someone should know so that he can be taken care of.

The same thing happend to my sister. This guy, Tyson liked my sister, and my sister liked him for a while, but she knew there was something weird about him. We all figured out that Tyson had been going through a lot of depression, and the school and his teachers know, so that he can be monitored closely. He has had treatments and stuff, but he hasn't gotten much better. When my sister told him that she didn't want to go out with him or anything more than friends, he cried :eek: and threatend to kill himself and stuff. This upsetted her, so a lot of people got involved. He's done this to 2 of my other friends also, making them feel guilty. He needs a lot of help, but hopefully he can get through it.

I really hope your friend can get through this. He needs help though. It is not your fault at all, he has obviously been struggeling with this for a while. {{HUGS}}