View Full Version : I want to play outside!!

03-16-2007, 06:17 PM
With the temperature inching up every week, Tyler and I have been spending LOTS of time outside. Today we were having a particularly good time because our neighbors brought their puppy over for Tyler to play with!! After the puppy left our front yard started to look like Tyler's room because we had pulled out legos and balls and books and trucks We built towers and played catch (he's getting pretty good with his baseball mitt!) and we even snuggled up on our porch swing to read for a while. It was GREAT for close to an hour until he found a blasted stick!! At first I wasn't too concerned because he was just examining it but then he brought it over and hit me with it! Where did he learn that?? I told him "No, Tyler, it's not nice to hit, put the stick down please" He did this two more times so I pulled out the old threat "If you swing that stick one more time it is going to go bye bye and we are going to go inside." He was good for a couple of minutes and then ran over, grabbed a stick, and whacked me with it! :eek:

I didn't want to go in I wanted to pitch a fit :p :D :rolleyes: Why oh why did I tell him we'd go in? The beautiful weather is taunting me :D If I didn't KNOW that he would remember my threat and lack of follow through I would go right back outside right now :p

Discipline stinks. I want to go outside *stomps foot* :rolleyes: :D :p

03-16-2007, 06:56 PM
You did the right thing by coming inside, he will learn to obey the rules while being outside. :)