View Full Version : The birds are finally gonna be GONE

03-16-2007, 01:07 PM
If you remember.... a while ago I was talking about a terrible bird problem we had a work. Well the complex is finally doing something. They are cutting down that little patch of woods. I can't even imagine how all those birds fit in those few trees.

Almost all of those trees are dead.... most of them have fallen down.... are falling down, broken, or just don't grow any leaves. And since the guy that owns the property isn't doing any kind of clean up or property management with his site he agreed to let them cut the trees down.

FINALLY the birds will be gone. Not only are there THOUSANDS of them... but they stink and it isn't a safe place for them to be. We are constantly finding dead ones that have flown in front of a vehicle, been run over, or flown into the building.

critter crazy
03-16-2007, 01:13 PM
Hope the birdies find a new home. At least you all will get some peace and quiet!

03-16-2007, 01:24 PM
Hope the birdies find a new home. At least you all will get some peace and quiet!

fortunately this is only at work but it's so disgusting LOL. The funny thing is, I have NO idea why they would want to roost there. There is TONS of farm land not even a mile from my work but they want to live in dead trees in a heavily populated area LOL So hopefully they will move to some of the woods around the area.... lord knows there's plenty of that around there lol.