View Full Version : REAALLY Annoying Rescue Person...

03-16-2007, 01:06 AM
Courtney got her new pup yesterday! (If you don't know what I'm talking about.... see here (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=123780)) She decided to name him Waldo. He is super-duper adorable and has the coolest, sweetest personality. I promise I'll post pictures with Fozzie's b-day pictures! Gonzo & Fozzie love him and they all play together already.

Well, the point of this, is to vent about the rescue Waldo is from. ZOMG -

We got there a few minutes early, and waited for 1 hour for anyone to talk to us. This is a cat rescue, with 3 or 4 doxies for adoption. When a woman finally came to help us, she looked at the pictures Courtney brought of her (really pretty, really nice, brand new, dog-friendly) house... and she complained that it wasn't on picture paper, said the pictures were "purple" and "inadequate". Courtney brought a paper certifying the ownership of her house, and the lady said she needed a utility bill. Uh.... ok. Keep in mind that we drove hours to get here. Another employee argued with her that what she brought was fine, and the lady reluctantly let it go.

She then took us outside, and walked Waldo with us. Courtney used to term "weiner dog" and she went on a rant about how that term is "garbage" and that no one should call them that... they're Dachshunds. She talked about how Courtney would probably abandon Waldo when she moved out, because "that's what all the kids these days do"... and when I said Courtney should crate train Waldo to help with house-training and seperation anxiety, she went on ANOTHER rant about how she's had Dachshunds for X number of years, and crate training is abusive, etc. I had to hold back soooo much. But I politely told her that both of my dogs were 100% house-trained in less than a week, utilizing a crate. She started talking about feeding Canidae and she was surprised that I knew what Canidae was... when I told her I fed my dogs Raw, ANOTHER awesome rant about how I am killing them and how Courtney had better never feed Raw. D:

Ok, fine. that was whatever. After much lecturing (3 hours of it, in fact) from this lady... Courtney was signing the papers, and the lady suddenly says "well, you can't take our collar and leash. you have to go get them yourselves." and another woman said she didn't need to bring anything, that they provide a collar & leash. So we leave & drive 30 minutes to a feed store and buy a harness and collar for $25 (which are pretty ugly, btw)... even though I JUST bought him a collar and leash, we just hadn't brought it. The other employees appologized profusely about her, and we could tell they seriously hated her.

Anyhoo, it was a horrible experience... and it really makes me angry, because this one horrible lady is driving people away from rescue in general. She had the worst, most holier-than-thou, elitist attitude. And, even though she acts like she gets joy out of the dogs, I really feel she does not actually love them, it's just something for her to obsess over & be better than everyone at. Even though she's clearly uneducated in many ways. >:[

This story has a happy ending, because we took Waldo away from that terrible person, and he's awesome, and he's never ever going back!

03-16-2007, 07:43 AM
People like that give rescue a bad name. :(

I'm sorry the experience was so bad, but if she was truly concerned, she would have had a home visit done prior to allowing Waldo to be adopted.

I hope Waldo and Courtney will be very happy together.


03-16-2007, 07:48 AM
biting my tongue!! We alwys have one of those in each rescue I work with................and I will leave it at that :rolleyes:

Happy days to Courtney and Waldo! Now willl get to see the where is Waldo pics? :D

03-16-2007, 08:14 AM
Ditto what Dr. Goodnow said.

OK, sorry you had that bad experience; glad you stuck it out, and now LET'S SEE WALDO PICS!

Daisy and Delilah
03-16-2007, 08:46 AM
I'm going to bite my tongue too because that story just angers me :mad:

%&^#$*(&^%@! I couldn't have kept my cool at all. You ladies have alot more patience than I do. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. That lady needs to get another job. She has no personality and no sense of humor, among other things...........I tried to bite my tongue :o

Good luck to Courtney and little Waldo!! :) :) :)

03-16-2007, 09:59 AM
Wow! What a rude "lady". :( I'm sorry you guys had to put up with that. At least you have Waldo now.

critter crazy
03-16-2007, 10:06 AM
Geesh! some people!! Glad Courtney was able to take Waldo out of there!

so Ummm.....where are the pics?:D

03-16-2007, 11:28 AM
wow, how rediculous was she!
Glad to see that Waldo now has a great home, though... and I'm sure he was worth every arugement/ lecture! :D

03-16-2007, 11:55 AM
At least Waldo is where he belongs now!! ;)

03-16-2007, 12:57 PM
That woman sounds like a real witch. I think I would write or call the
head of the rescue organization and tell them of her experience with this
person. Just telling someone in a position of authority might make her feel
better and may actually make a big difference all around. Rescue's need
better people than that working for them.

Make the letter as calm & informative as possible to get them to actually
think about the image this woman is presenting to the public.

03-16-2007, 01:06 PM
I am sorry you guys had such a bad expierience and that lady needs to do something else with her life! I am glad Waldo found a great home! :D

03-16-2007, 07:22 PM
What a fruit! This lady sounds extreamly rude! I'm sorry that was the rescue experience Courtney had. It's people like this rescuer that drive people TO the byb and pet stores. atleast you got Waldo(which is a GREAT name!) I'm sure Courney wouldn't dump poor Waldo when she moves from her parents house. It's an absolute MUSTthat my dogs come with me when I move out of my parent's house. I'd NEVER live anywhere I couldn't have the loves of my life.

03-16-2007, 07:38 PM
That woman sounds like a real witch. I think I would write or call the
head of the rescue organization and tell them of her experience with this
person. Just telling someone in a position of authority might make her feel
better and may actually make a big difference all around. Rescue's need
better people than that working for them.

Make the letter as calm & informative as possible to get them to actually
think about the image this woman is presenting to the public.

I agree totally!!!

03-16-2007, 07:45 PM
Gee, wow. Some people.. :rolleyes:.

03-16-2007, 10:07 PM
Bite your tongue, smile, and hope that she meets a dog as nasty as her. Just kidding! The misinformed can be ignorant, but it's just another duty of ours to educate them :) Adoption people need to be more open-minded, and most of them are! Sorry you had to deal with her, though. At least you left with an adorable pup :)

03-17-2007, 03:58 AM
I agree with all of you guys. It's HORRIBLE to see this kind of person being the head of a rescue (yes, she was one of the main people). Courtney knows though... being one of my closest friends... that most rescue people and dog-lovers are nothing like her! It's depressing to see some one literally using these poor animals to make herself feel better than others. And we could tell Waldo really disliked her, she kept calling him and he would run back to us like, "That lady is nutsss!"

Weeelll, here's the happy ending to a horrible 4 hours. He really is worth the pain & suffering. I visited him at his house today and he was strutting around like he owned the place, he's awdorable... also, we decided he is 1/2 Doxie and 1/2 Jack Russell. Do you see it in his face? ;]

On the ride home. He was so happy & relaxed with us already!

Gonzo & Waldo playing (the cutest sight on earth). Gonzo LOVEES his little buddy!

He has one ear up, one ear down. It's soo cute!

Waldo adores his new Mombly!


You will see a LOT more of Waldo tomorrow, after the part-ay!

03-17-2007, 10:04 AM
Great pictures, Waldo is adorable. :D I love his little wiskers.

03-17-2007, 12:14 PM
Sounds like every rescue in the state of wisconsin. I'm glad she got the dog though.