View Full Version : Becoming aware of "friends"??

03-15-2007, 09:50 PM
This afternoon when the kids came by the house and rang the bell Tyler came out onto the porch with me. The whole time I was talking with them he was waving like crazy and saying "Hi! Hi! Hi!!".
Not a single one of them bothered to say Hi to him and when they left he cried and cried :( :( My little boy wants friends :( Yesterday we had about half a dozen kids on our back patio with us coloring with sidewalk chalk and Tyler was SO happy. They talked with him and drew pictures for him and by the look on his face you'd have thought they were feeding him cookies !!

I need to find a playgroup or something. It broke my heart to see him crying and pointing at the big kids playing in the yard :(

critter crazy
03-15-2007, 09:53 PM
Awwwww.......poor Tyler! take him to Chuck e Cheeses Mom!!:D

03-15-2007, 09:55 PM
Awww, poor Tyler. Have you checked on the internet for groups. Do you have a Gymboree around you? It's a fun place for the little ones. My oldest niece went there when she was a baby. Of course, she is 16 now, so maybe they don't even exist anymore. LOL
Or how about day care? Even if just two half days a week. I know it can be expensive (I was a daycare teacher for 12 years) but it would be a great experience for him.
Just my ideas. :)

03-15-2007, 09:59 PM
Or how about day care? Even if just two half days a week.

I would LOVE to be able to do this but we just don't have the money for it right now :( I don't think that we have a gymboree but I seem to recall someone mentioning a playgroup here on base that meets every week or two. I'll ask around here and I'll also ask my church friends who have kids Tyler's age.

Chuck E Cheese is a ZOO!! We took him to a place similar to that and there were so many WILD kids. The kids in the toddler area were much to big to be there and were constantly getting in the way and knocking over the toddlers that did brave that area!! We rode a carousel and called it a day :rolleyes: :D

critter crazy
03-15-2007, 10:04 PM
I would LOVE to be able to do this but we just don't have the money for it right now :( I don't think that we have a gymboree but I seem to recall someone mentioning a playgroup here on base that meets every week or two. I'll ask around here and I'll also ask my church friends who have kids Tyler's age.

Chuck E Cheese is a ZOO!! We took him to a place similar to that and there were so many WILD kids. The kids in the toddler area were much to big to be there and were constantly getting in the way and knocking over the toddlers that did brave that area!! We rode a carousel and called it a day :rolleyes: :D
I know Chuck E Cheeses is a mad house!! I wont take my kids, unless invited to a party. I was just kidding! he he he!
My youngest got stuck in the darn tube thinigies they have that go up to the ceiling, and I had to squeeze my fat but up the darn thing to get him down! not to mention, the palce has atrocious Prices!:eek:
But seriously, dosent the base have their own Daycare? I know we had our son in one,and the cost was based on Rank. even one day a week would be better than nothing, and if anything you would have some mommy time.:)

03-15-2007, 10:45 PM
The local librarys often have story time. My daughter made friends there many years ago. Do you have any friends that have children his age? Perhaps you can invite some moms over for coffee and cake and playtime. Then everyone can take turns at each others houses. When my kids went into daycare they caught lice and colds, mom's playtime was good for me.

Pawsitive Thinking
03-16-2007, 05:30 AM
Bless him - at least you know you have an outgoing and friendly young man there so when he does start mixing with other kids you will have a yard full of friends all the time.

Big hug to the little guy from his PT friends :D

Ally Cat's Mommy
03-16-2007, 08:22 AM
I feel your pain.....one thing I REALLY miss about Bahrain is the awesome group of "new" Moms I was part of - plus there were two different softplay groups that we went to every week, and in between we would often arrange playdates.

Are there ANY other Mums close to you with similar-aged kiddies to Tyler? I only have two other Mums who I have hit it off with here, and both their kids are 6 months older than Cali (which is a HUGE) gap at her age :(

Every week we take turns to "host" from 9:30 to 12 on a Thursday. We just have coffee and cake, plus finger food snacks for the kiddies. Even although it's only two other kids, at least Cali gets to mix a bit with them, and also when it is at the other kiddies houses, she has some "new" toys to play with.

Maybe you should take the lead and set something up yourself?

03-16-2007, 08:51 AM
Missy, I know that "church" can be a sensitive subject to some, and I don't know what your religious affiliation is, but Tyler might benefit from a Mother's Morning Out program, sponsered by a church, which would provide him with immediate socialization and "friends" to play with. Most that I am familiar with are available 3 days a week, for about 3 hours.

It would give you a little break to run errands or just rest, and he would be in a supervised, loving environment.

I was never able to utilize a MMO program because Helen was in daycare all day, since I worked fulltime, but right now, my parents keep my 9 month old nephew, every day, and he is going to start going, 3 mornings each week, to allow them to do other things, and provide him with the opportunity to play and interact with other children, his age.

With best intentions,

03-16-2007, 11:46 AM
Logan, I have NO problem at all with church groups! Every Sunday evening we get together with a small group of families and Tyler gets to play while we have Bible study. There are church daycares and things around here but even they charge a lot.
I guess I could ask around at church about setting up a playgroup but I feel so awkward doing that. I am the youngest Mom in our group (I'm 22!) so it just seems wierd for me to be the one to arrange something like that.
Come to think of it one of the moms did tell me about a group that meets once a week to let the kids play and the moms chat but we only have one car so I usually can't get out there!!

I would NEVER trade in my opportunity to be a stay at home Mom for my kid(s!) but I sure wish that there were more resources in this area!!

03-16-2007, 11:52 AM
When Amy was an infant (some 31 years ago), all the ladies that I met at the park with young kids, would get together at their homes. Each week it would be a different mom's house, while the kids got together and had a ball! I guess nowadays it's called a play group. *sigh* *sings* "Memmmmmmorriiieeeeess."

How times have changed.

03-16-2007, 11:56 AM
Awww I know exactly how you feel.. My son Aiden does the same thing, He always wants to go play with kids but there isnt any around his age so he never has kids to play with and I feel so bad for him...

03-16-2007, 02:08 PM
Missy, I turned "single", the day my Helen turned two years old, so my situation was much different than yours. Thank goodness that you are able to be at home with Tyler. I would have given a limb to do the same with Helen. The good news is that at 16 years old, my girl is doing great. Whew! :)

Look for ways for Tyler to be socialized, especially those that aren't costly. I know if you don't have a vehicle to get you where you need to be, you have considerations that I never even thought of. I guess I was on my own, too long, to even think of a one vehicle family situation. Maybe you could arrange for one of the mothers, who is close to your home, to pick you guys up and go to that group.

My best thoughts and prayers are with you both.


03-16-2007, 02:56 PM
That was SO rude of those children!! Other people have given GREAT advise about Tyler. May I suggest when the new one comes along, I think you can meet other moms at the hospital. My mom met my one of my best friends' mom breast feeding in the bathroom at the mall :D .

03-16-2007, 03:12 PM
Does your church have a bulletin type thing? perhaps you could put a notice up that you would like to start a play group.

YOu COULD also look for homeschoolers associations in your area.... I'm sure they would have great advice on ways to get him some interaction with other kids.