View Full Version : *groan* I feel SO pregnant!!

03-15-2007, 06:13 PM
Uggghhh I only have 7-11 weeks left but that feels like an eternity! My back aches constantly, my calves cramp every time I lay down, I can't sneeze without wetting my pants, and I waddle WORSE than a duck. Seriously, my hips are so loose that my people probably think that I'm faking! :D My lungs are even running out of room as my little angel jams his/her feet up into my ribcage!! The worst part of all is that I can't stop complaining!!! I want to slap myself and tell myself to stop whining :rolleyes: :D

Edited to add: I'm also approaching whale like proportions which is GREAT for my rapidly "shrinking" wardrobe :rolleyes: :D


I am carrying a tiny miracle inside me. What started off as a teeeeeeny tiny egg and a teeeeeeeeeeeny tiny sperm has grown into the most amazing thing imaginable. There is a LIFE in there. A little person who will someday walk and talk and give me hugs and kisses.
So despite my whining and complaining, I am SO happy that this little person chose me to be his/her Mommy :)

03-15-2007, 06:30 PM
Hehe I heard it can be a little more rough with the second baby. I know that I felt fantastic, if ever there was a professional pregnant person, I could be that, but not sure if it'll be that way with our second. Guess we'll just have to wait and see :)

I'm sorry you feel yucky! Feel free to vent all you want, we understand :)

03-15-2007, 08:54 PM
I think you should go to every high school possible and tell all teenage girls just what you told us. Talk about a great birth control. Just leave out the happy parts. Those will disappear anyway when the kids turns 16.

03-16-2007, 02:01 AM
I think you should go to every high school possible and tell all teenage girls just what you told us. Talk about a great birth control. Just leave out the happy parts. Those will disappear anyway when the kids turns 16.

