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View Full Version : Various shots of my cats 9 pics

03-15-2007, 05:46 PM
Maybe you remember I posted pics of the free pet beds I acquired from craigslist. Well, I bought 2 snuggle beds, not sure where I was going to put them, and left them on the table in the kitchen. Naturally, the new beds needed testing. First by Ebony, who NEVER goes on the table!


You can see the 2 beds are piled on each other. So I get Ebony off and a few moments later, there is Sparkle testing them!


So, before any MORE kitties got ideas about going on the table, I put them in the new basket. Not a great fit, not what I bought them for, just a place to put them. WELL! A few more testers appeared!
Chestnut, and Cuddles, who never ventures out of my bedroom, had to see how things fit.


And apparently the fit was fine, as they both settled.

I crept around to the front of them, afraid I would spook Cuddles, but I got the shot.

Here is Cuddles, on my bed, in the room she hadn't left for almost 18 months. Well, she left at night while we were asleep, but worried too much to come out in the day time.

A few more coming!

03-15-2007, 05:48 PM
Sparkle and Chestnut during afternoon nap time, in the home office.

Close up of Chestnut, for all you orangie fans!

And one of Ruffles. She is still not eating well. I have the maximum calorie canned foods for her. The 5.5 ounce can lasts her TWO days! But it is the only thing she is eating.

Hope you enjoyed!

03-15-2007, 06:02 PM
AW they are all very cute. And I just loved how every one of them had to test the new beds:D It looks like they all liked the bed:)

03-15-2007, 07:20 PM
Clearly the beds are a hit!

Such nice pictures of your babies...


03-15-2007, 07:27 PM
Those beds were sure a smart buy, they LOVE them!!!

And such pretty kitties, too. (especially Ruffles)

03-15-2007, 11:58 PM
Great pictures.:) They sure seem to love their new beds.:) I hope that Ruffles will eat better soon.

03-16-2007, 07:50 PM
Your pictures are wonderful! That is one beautiful kitty family you have there. Enjoy your new beds, sweet kitties and have many good dreams while napping in them.

03-16-2007, 08:06 PM
All your kitties are beautiful.Looks like everone loves the new beds.I hope Ruffles feels better soon.

03-17-2007, 06:04 AM
I have to admit Chestnut really is sooo cute, so cuddly looking. Great pics of your fur family Sandra, enjoying their many benefits!

03-17-2007, 09:50 AM
What adorable pictures ... the new beds are definitely a HIT with your babies! :D Yes, I love Chestnut the orangie .. but I am so proud of Cuddles for venturing out of your bedroom! I bet in no time, that is a more normal occurance!

Oh Ruffles, honey, please start eating more for mommy!

03-17-2007, 05:41 PM
I know its a relief when you bring something home that you want your Cats to really enjoy and get a kick out of and they all do just that!!
You should feel warm inside as its obvious to us all that you certainly have a hit on your hands with those Cats Beds.