View Full Version : Arthritis

03-15-2007, 05:07 PM
Hi there,

My 9 year old tabby, Louie, is currently undergoing treatment for suspected arthritis of the spine. He is going to have x-rays on Monday which the vet is hoping will show more of what is going on. She suspects he may have a problem with some of the discs in his spine, in that they may have lifted up and be pushing on his spinal cord...unfortunately if this is the case he is going to have to undergo major surgery on his spine.

Has anyone experience a cat with arthritis and has any advice?

03-15-2007, 06:33 PM
I am sorry to hear that your baby is having this problem. Unfortunately, I have no advice to offer. My oldest, Tabitha, is 18 (19 in June) but she seems to be doing okay when it comes to arthritis. She has some days when she is slower going up and down the stairs and her jumping abilities seem somewhat compromised..... but generally she does okay for her age.

I hope the vet can figure out the problem, and maybe meds will be the option rather than surgery.

Wish I had more to offer. I am sending you prayers and warm wishes from Indiana! Please keep us posted!

03-15-2007, 07:32 PM
Hmm, my Amber had spinal issues, but it wasn't arthritis. It was because he was hyperthyroid. The calcium built up deposits and fused 2 vertebrae. It showed up on the x rays. The space between the discs should look like a horse head in profile. In that one spot, the shape was quite different. It meant he couldn't jump up onto things the way he used to do. Once we got the hyperthyroid under control, the situation did not get any worse, but there was no way to improve it, either. I gave him 5 mg Prednisone daily for some pain relief.

I have always worried that the Prednisone caused his renal failure, but the vet insists that was from the hyperthyroid.

Let us know what you learn from the x rays.

I just did a quick search on Google, I put in feline arthritis (no quotes around the words.) Lots of sites came up. Looks like they can take glucosamine and chondroitin as humans due. You just need the right dosage. So you may want to look at a few of those sites so you have some questions ready for the vet when you pick up Louie and learn what the x rays show.

03-15-2007, 09:53 PM
Aerobic oxygen is also great. You get it at health food stores for humans. Just check the dosage with your vet, or the store clerk(one who knows their stuff).

I once house sat two black labs. The dose was 20 drops a day in the water bowl. It was fine for the other dog.

For the old arthritic dog, it really made a difference. She got more playful, though was stiff. But definitely happier and more comfortable. :)

Good luck with Louie!

03-16-2007, 12:32 PM
Hi all

Thank you for your suggestions and well wishes, it is appreciated.

Louie is currently taking an arthritis medication that is normally used for dogs - he started this in December 2006. Apparantly it has only recently been recognised that cats suffer from arthritis and that it can be quite painful for them, so they are currently researching different drugs that are suitable. The drug that Louie is taking is being administered in very very small doses and he has to have regular blood tests and checks on his liver function etc. Thankfully, so far, everything is working fine, but I am concerned about it's long term use considering he is still quite a young cat compared to some - a question for the vet I feel.

Fingers crossed the x-rays will show that it is "just" arthritis and nothing to major concerning his spine. I will of course let you know how he gets on.

Speak soon

03-16-2007, 12:38 PM
Hopefully this new med will help him w/no bad side effects long term. I've had dogs w/arthritis and I gave them Ascriptin and it worked wonders but, of course, you can't do that w/cats.

03-19-2007, 01:14 PM
Well Louie had his xrays today and unfortunately they weren't as clear as the vet was hoping. Her original thought of the discs being the cause of the pain is sadly closer to being true as general arthritis should have shown on the xrays.....but it didn't.

My poor little man (who is still a bit "stoned" from the sedation!) is now facing an MRI scan which will show the spine in more detail. It's not going to be nice for him as they have to inject a dye into the spinal cord so that everything (discs, spinal cord etc) can be clearly seen. We are not sure when this is going to be at the moment as we need to get the relevant claim forms from our pet insurers (thank heavens for pet insurance!), but I'll keep you updated.

Thank you for your well wishes and advice...anything else would be gratefully received!

03-19-2007, 04:15 PM
Oh Louie, I do hope you are comfortable. Your mom is doing everything she can to help you feel better, fella!

Let us know as things progress!

03-22-2007, 06:25 AM
Well, I know this probably isn't about arthritis any more, but for those just joining the thread and looking for info on arthritis I can say that Green Lipped Mussel extract (from a New Zealand mussel) is brilliant both for people and for cats.I've got one that is powder in capsules my vet said to give to my 18 y.o, Cleo to assist with possible stiffness - 1/2 capsule a day. I empty the cap and I mix it in with a liquid potassium supplement she has to have, to get it down her.

I know when I was taking it when I had arthritis in my finger joints it was great. (From the feel of my hands sometimes I should be taking it too... :rolleyes: )

Of course I wouldn't know if you can get it in America but I'm sure you'd be able to over the internet - if anyone wants a link PM me & I'll see what I can do.

The TopCats

03-22-2007, 03:51 PM
Louie is currently taking an arthritis medication that is normally used for dogs - he started this in December 2006. Apparantly it has only recently been recognised that cats suffer from arthritis and that it can be quite painful for them, so they are currently researching different drugs that are suitable. The drug that Louie is taking is being administered in very very small doses and he has to have regular blood tests and checks on his liver function etc.

What is the medication that Louie is on? Is it Metacam liquid? I've heard that many vets do use that in cats in very small doses, although as I recall it's the kindeys they usually worry about with that one.

I'm dealing with arthritis in my oldest cat Dusty (16 1/2), we started out with Metacam injections and are now trying Tramadol. She's been on Cosaquin (glucosamine/chondriton) for several years now.

03-23-2007, 04:10 PM
What is the medication that Louie is on? Is it Metacam liquid? I've heard that many vets do use that in cats in very small doses, although as I recall it's the kindeys they usually worry about with that one.

I'm dealing with arthritis in my oldest cat Dusty (16 1/2), we started out with Metacam injections and are now trying Tramadol. She's been on Cosaquin (glucosamine/chondriton) for several years now.

Your right - it is Metacam liquid that we are currently giving Louie and we have been told that kidney fuction needs to be monitored closely. They are also keeping checks on his liver function - although from research I did on the internet, I haven't heard of liver problems with Metacam. :confused:

He is on a really small dose at the moment - one drop a day with food, which "touch wood" seems to be working. We've had some quite cold weather in the UK in the last couple of weeks and normally Louie would suffer from stiffness, but he seems to be moving about reasonably well. Which I am taking as a postive sign that it is "just" arthritis and not anything too serious.

Louie does seem in quite good spirits at the moment especially as our youngest cat Tigger (the ginger & white) is constantly trying to get his and our attention with his silly antics! :D

Sorry to hear about Dusty - was she diagnosed with Arthritis at a young age?