View Full Version : Queen Scoopalot...how are the moms and babies?

03-14-2007, 08:13 PM
You sounded run off your feet last time...just wondered how the two Moms are doing, and their little ones?

03-14-2007, 09:47 PM
Yes, I for one would also like to know how you are doing with all your rescue kitties. :)

03-15-2007, 05:04 PM
As Do The Found Cats And I Jan.we Are Sending Prayers, Best Wshes And Momma Pet Angels Over To See That The Mew Arrivals Are All Right!

03-15-2007, 07:22 PM
Sorry I haven't had time to post. I HAVE been run ragged lately. Out of the two mom cats here (Dixie who had 6) and the other girl I haven't named yet, they have a total of 6 babies. Dixie has lost 2 over the last month :( one just two days ago. I have been helping her out with feeding, as six are a lot to make milk for especially when her system is depleted. All six took to the KMR wonderfully, but sadly despite the extra help two went to the R.B. The remaining four are starting to nibble canned food now, so it will take a bit more pressure off Dixie (and me).
Mama # 2 finally popped three weeks ago tomorrow. Luckily she was over the brutal URI she had, and her kittens were born very large and very healthy..with the exception of 3 stillborns. :( :( :( I helped her thru her labor when I woke to find her having them, and tried my darndest to revive the 3 stillborns, but to no avail. The two porkers she has are the biggest 3 week olds I've ever seen, measuring close to 12" long from nose to tail tip. :eek: :eek: The tortie already earned her name "Poppy". When she came out she looked like she has two bushy little old man eyebrows! The other baby is "Peanut" (as he's NOT lol). Very robust pair of kittens, and thankfully mama's 100% over that nasty URI. I took pics, but the program isn't working at all to even view them.
I'm hearing almost daily about more & more abandoned cats (many very pregnant) and am scrambling to find time to get them and find safe havens for them. I just spent the better part of the evening trying to find an emaciated cat abandoned 2 months ago during the coldest weather. Say a few prayers that that poor cat will be found and saved before something bad happens. Arghh....I'm going back to banging my head against the walls now....

03-16-2007, 08:03 PM
Hey Jan, Good to hear from you! I can't begin to even imagine how many miles you run in an hour these days not to mention all the time, love, and care you give to all of your current feline residents. Bless you for all the good you do!

Hi Ms. Queen Scoopalot,
I can't begin to thank you for helping all my fellow kitties who are homeless with nobody who loves them or cares about them. That makes me sad, every kitty should be a PT kitty!

For your dedication, caring, and the wonderful things you do
The applause from these paws is JUST FOR YOU!
Love from your friend,